2022-05-11 07:45:17 +00:00

223 lines
6.1 KiB

var sitesLayer = L.layerGroup();
var constructionsLayer = L.layerGroup();
var landmassesLayer = L.layerGroup();
var regionsLayer = L.layerGroup();
var mountainsLayer = L.layerGroup();
var evilnessLayer = L.layerGroup();
var map ='map', {
maxZoom: 6,
minZoom: 0,
crs: L.CRS.Simple,
layers: [sitesLayer, constructionsLayer, mountainsLayer, evilnessLayer]
map.getBoundsZoom = function (bounds, inside, padding) { // (LatLngBounds[, Boolean, Point]) -> Number
bounds = L.latLngBounds(bounds);
var zoom = this.getMinZoom() - (inside ? 1 : 0),
maxZoom = this.getMaxZoom(),
size = this.getSize(),
nw = bounds.getNorthWest(),
se = bounds.getSouthEast(),
zoomNotFound = true,
padding = L.point(padding || [0, 0]);
var incement = 0.02;
do {
zoom += incement;
boundsSize = this.project(se, zoom).subtract(this.project(nw, zoom)).add(padding).floor();
zoomNotFound = !inside ? size.contains(boundsSize) : boundsSize.x < size.x || boundsSize.y < size.y;
} while (zoomNotFound && zoom <= maxZoom);
if (zoomNotFound && inside) {
return null;
return inside ? zoom : zoom - incement;
var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds([0, 0], [worldWidth,
map.options.minZoom = map.getZoom();
var imageUrl = './map'
var imageBounds = [[0, 0],
[worldWidth, worldHeight]];
var overlayMaps = {
"Sites": sitesLayer,
"World Constructions": constructionsLayer,
"Mountain Peaks": mountainsLayer,
"Landmasses": landmassesLayer,
"Regions": regionsLayer,
"Evilness": evilnessLayer,
var imageLayer = L.imageOverlay(imageUrl, imageBounds, { opacity: 0.5 });
// var opacitySlider = new L.Control.opacitySlider();
// map.addControl(opacitySlider);
// opacitySlider.setOpacityLayer(imageLayer);
var minx = 1000, miny = 1000, maxx = 0, maxy = 0;
function zoomTo(y, x, zoom) {
x = worldWidth - x - 1;
map.setView([x, y], zoom);
function zoom() {
var sw = L.latLng(minx, miny), ne = L.latLng(maxx + 1, maxy + 1);
var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(sw, ne);
console.log(sw, ne, bounds);
var siteOffset = 0.1;
var structureOffset = 0.35;
var battleOffset = 0.2;
var mountainOffset = -0.2;
function coordO(y, x, yo, xo) {
var c = coord(y, x);
return [c[0] + yo, c[1] + xo]
function square(y, x, o) {
return [coordO(y, x, o, o), coordO(y, x, 1 - o, o), coordO(y, x, 1 - o, 1 - o), coordO(y, x, o, 1 - o)];
function attachTooltip(layer, tip) {
layer.bindTooltip(tip, { direction: 'top' }).bindPopup(tip);
function urlToolTip(type, id) {
return function (layer) {
return $.ajax({
url: "./popover/" + type + "/" + id,
async: false
var myIcon = L.divIcon({ className: 'fa-solid fa-mountain fa-xl' });
function addSite(id, y1, x1, y2, x2, color, glyph) {
/* resize tiny sites like lairs */
var MIN_SIZE = .3;
if (y2 - y1 < MIN_SIZE) {
y1 = (y1 + y2) / 2 - MIN_SIZE / 2;
y2 = y1 + MIN_SIZE;
if (x2 - x1 < MIN_SIZE) {
x1 = (x1 + x2) / 2 - MIN_SIZE / 2;
x2 = x1 + MIN_SIZE;
var polygon = L.polygon(
[coord(y1, x1), coord(y2, x1), coord(y2, x2), coord(y1, x2)], {
color: color,
opacity: 1, fillOpacity: 0.7,
weight: 3
/* TODO: use glyph of the site instead of a polygon? */
// var marker = L.marker(coord(y1, x1), { icon: myIcon }).addTo(sitesLayer);
// attachTooltip(marker, urlToolTip("site", id));
attachTooltip(polygon, urlToolTip("site", id));
function addWc(id, y, x, color) {
var polygon = L.polygon(square(y, x, structureOffset), {
color: color,
opacity: 1, fillOpacity: 0.7,
weight: 3
attachTooltip(polygon, urlToolTip("worldconstruction", id));
function addLandmass(id, y1, x1, y2, x2, color) {
x1--; y2++;
var polygon = L.polygon(
[coord(y1, x1), coord(y2, x1), coord(y2, x2), coord(y1, x2)], {
color: color,
opacity: 0.5, fillOpacity: 0.3,
weight: 1
attachTooltip(polygon, urlToolTip("landmass", id));
function addMountain(id, y, x, color) {
x = worldWidth - x - 1;
var polygon = L.polygon(
[[x + mountainOffset / 2, y + mountainOffset], [x + mountainOffset / 2, y + 1 - mountainOffset], [x + 1 - mountainOffset, y + 0.5]], {
color: color,
opacity: 1, fillOpacity: 0.7,
weight: 3
attachTooltip(polygon, urlToolTip("mountain", id));
minx = Math.min(x, minx);
miny = Math.min(y, miny);
maxx = Math.max(x, maxx);
maxy = Math.max(y, maxy);
function coord(y, x) {
x = worldWidth - x - 1;
minx = Math.min(x, minx);
miny = Math.min(y, miny);
maxx = Math.max(x, maxx);
maxy = Math.max(y, maxy);
return [x, y];
function addBattle(id, y, x) {
x = worldWidth - x - 1;
var polygon = L.polygon(
[[x + 0.5, y + battleOffset],
[x + battleOffset, y + 0.5],
[x + 0.5, y + 1 - battleOffset],
[x + 1 - battleOffset, y + 0.5]], {
color: '#f00',
opacity: 1, fillOpacity: 0.7,
weight: 3
attachTooltip(polygon, urlToolTip("collection", id));
minx = Math.min(x, minx);
miny = Math.min(y, miny);
maxx = Math.max(x, maxx);
maxy = Math.max(y, maxy);
function addRegion(id, coords, fillColor) {
var polygon = L.polygon(coords, { color: '#fff', opacity: 1, fillOpacity: 0, weight: 1 }).addTo(regionsLayer);
attachTooltip(polygon, urlToolTip('region', id));
polygon.on('mouseover', function (e) { this.setStyle({ weight: 10 }); });
polygon.on('mouseout', function (e) { this.setStyle({ weight: 3 }); });
if (fillColor != "transparent") {
var evilPolygon = L.polygon(polygon.getLatLngs(), { color: 'transparent', opacity: 1, fillColor: fillColor, fillOpacity: .3, interactive: false });