This commit is contained in:
Robert Janetzko 2022-04-22 10:34:42 +00:00
parent 26cedf3339
commit 0f30dccbae
2 changed files with 93 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -142,10 +142,7 @@ func (x *HistoricalEventArtifactClaimFormed) Html() string {
} }
func (x *HistoricalEventArtifactCopied) Html() string { func (x *HistoricalEventArtifactCopied) Html() string {
s := "aquired a copy of" s := util.If(x.FromOriginal, "made a copy of the original", "aquired a copy of")
if x.FromOriginal {
s = "made a copy of the original"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s from %s%s of %s, keeping it within %s%s", return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s from %s%s of %s, keeping it within %s%s",
entity(x.DestEntityId), s, artifact(x.ArtifactId), structure(x.SourceSiteId, x.SourceStructureId), site(x.SourceSiteId, " in "), entity(x.DestEntityId), s, artifact(x.ArtifactId), structure(x.SourceSiteId, x.SourceStructureId), site(x.SourceSiteId, " in "),
entity(x.SourceEntityId), structure(x.DestSiteId, x.DestStructureId), site(x.DestSiteId, " in ")) entity(x.SourceEntityId), structure(x.DestSiteId, x.DestStructureId), site(x.DestSiteId, " in "))
@ -284,10 +281,7 @@ func (x *HistoricalEventAssumeIdentity) Html() string {
func (x *HistoricalEventAttackedSite) Html() string { func (x *HistoricalEventAttackedSite) Html() string {
atk := entity(x.AttackerCivId) atk := entity(x.AttackerCivId)
def := entity(x.DefenderCivId) def := siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.DefenderCivId)
if x.SiteCivId != x.DefenderCivId {
def = entity(x.SiteCivId) + " of " + def
generals := "" generals := ""
if x.AttackerGeneralHfid != -1 { if x.AttackerGeneralHfid != -1 {
generals += ". " + util.Capitalize(hf(x.AttackerGeneralHfid)) + " led the attack" generals += ". " + util.Capitalize(hf(x.AttackerGeneralHfid)) + " led the attack"
@ -397,9 +391,7 @@ func (x *HistoricalEventChangeHfState) Html() string {
switch x.Reason { switch x.Reason {
case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_BeWithMaster: case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_BeWithMaster:
r = " in order to be with the master" r = " in order to be with the master"
case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_ConvictionExile: case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_ConvictionExile, HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_ExiledAfterConviction:
r = " after being exiled following a criminal conviction"
case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_ExiledAfterConviction:
r = " after being exiled following a criminal conviction" r = " after being exiled following a criminal conviction"
case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_FailedMood: case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_FailedMood:
r = " after failing to create an artifact" r = " after failing to create an artifact"
@ -442,7 +434,7 @@ func (x *HistoricalEventChangeHfState) Html() string {
} }
} }
switch x.Mood { // todo catatonic switch x.Mood { // TODO catatonic
case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateMood_Berserk: case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateMood_Berserk:
return hf(x.Hfid) + " went berserk " + site(x.SiteId, "in") + r return hf(x.Hfid) + " went berserk " + site(x.SiteId, "in") + r
case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateMood_Fell: case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateMood_Fell:
@ -464,24 +456,90 @@ func (x *HistoricalEventChangeHfState) Html() string {
} }
func (x *HistoricalEventChangedCreatureType) Html() string { func (x *HistoricalEventChangedCreatureType) Html() string {
return "UNKNWON HistoricalEventChangedCreatureType" return hf(x.ChangerHfid) + " changed " + hf(x.ChangeeHfid) + " from " + articled(x.OldRace) + " to " + articled(x.NewRace)
} }
func (x *HistoricalEventCompetition) Html() string { return "UNKNWON HistoricalEventCompetition" }
func (x *HistoricalEventCompetition) Html() string {
e := world.Entities[x.CivId]
o := e.Occasion[x.OccasionId]
s := o.Schedule[x.ScheduleId]
return entity(x.CivId) + " held a " + strcase.ToDelimited(s.Type.String(), ' ') + site(x.SiteId, " in") + " as part of the " + o.Name() +
". Competing " + util.If(len(x.CompetitorHfid) > 1, "were ", "was ") + hfList(x.CompetitorHfid) + ". " +
util.Capitalize(hf(x.WinnerHfid)) + " was the victor"
func (x *HistoricalEventCreateEntityPosition) Html() string { func (x *HistoricalEventCreateEntityPosition) Html() string {
return "UNKNWON HistoricalEventCreateEntityPosition" c := entity(x.Civ)
if x.SiteCiv != x.Civ {
c = entity(x.SiteCiv) + " of " + c
} }
func (x *HistoricalEventCreatedSite) Html() string { return "UNKNWON HistoricalEventCreatedSite" } if x.Histfig != -1 {
func (x *HistoricalEventCreatedStructure) Html() string { c = hf(x.Histfig) + " of " + c
return "UNKNWON HistoricalEventCreatedStructure" } else {
c = "members of " + c
} }
switch x.Reason {
case HistoricalEventCreateEntityPositionReason_AsAMatterOfCourse:
return c + " created the position of " + x.Position + " as a matter of course"
case HistoricalEventCreateEntityPositionReason_Collaboration:
return c + " collaborated to create the position of " + x.Position
case HistoricalEventCreateEntityPositionReason_ForceOfArgument:
return c + " created the position of " + x.Position + " trough force of argument"
case HistoricalEventCreateEntityPositionReason_ThreatOfViolence:
return c + " compelled the creation of the position of " + x.Position + " with threats of violence"
case HistoricalEventCreateEntityPositionReason_WaveOfPopularSupport:
return c + " created the position of " + x.Position + ", pushed by a wave of popular support"
return c + " created the position of " + x.Position
func (x *HistoricalEventCreatedSite) Html() string {
f := util.If(x.ResidentCivId != -1, " for "+entity(x.ResidentCivId), "")
if x.BuilderHfid != -1 {
return hf(x.BuilderHfid) + " created " + site(x.SiteId, "") + f
return siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.CivId) + " founded " + site(x.SiteId, "") + f
func (x *HistoricalEventCreatedStructure) Html() string { // TODO rebuild/rebuilt; Structure/StructureId
if x.BuilderHfid != -1 {
return hf(x.BuilderHfid) + " thrust a spire of slade up from the underworld, naming it " + structure(x.SiteId, x.StructureId) +
", and established a gateway between worlds in " + site(x.SiteId, "")
return siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.CivId) + util.If(x.Rebuilt, " rebuild ", " constructed ") + structure(x.SiteId, x.StructureId) + site(x.SiteId, " in")
func (x *HistoricalEventCreatedWorldConstruction) Html() string { func (x *HistoricalEventCreatedWorldConstruction) Html() string {
return "UNKNWON HistoricalEventCreatedWorldConstruction" return siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.CivId) + " finished the contruction of " + worldConstruction(x.Wcid) +
" connecting " + site(x.SiteId1, "") + " with " + site(x.SiteId2, "") +
util.If(x.MasterWcid != -1, " as part of "+worldConstruction(x.MasterWcid), "")
} }
func (x *HistoricalEventCreatureDevoured) Html() string { func (x *HistoricalEventCreatureDevoured) Html() string {
return "UNKNWON HistoricalEventCreatureDevoured" return hf(x.Eater) + " devoured " + util.If(x.Victim != -1, hf(x.Victim), articled(x.Race)) +
util.If(x.Entity != -1, " of "+entity(x.Entity), "") +
location(x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in")
} }
func (x *HistoricalEventDanceFormCreated) Html() string { func (x *HistoricalEventDanceFormCreated) Html() string {
return "UNKNWON HistoricalEventDanceFormCreated" reason := ""
switch x.Reason {
case HistoricalEventDanceFormCreatedReason_GlorifyHf:
reason = " in order to glorify " + hf(x.ReasonId)
circumstance := ""
switch x.Circumstance {
case HistoricalEventDanceFormCreatedCircumstance_Dream:
circumstance = " after a dream"
case HistoricalEventDanceFormCreatedCircumstance_DreamAboutHf:
circumstance = " after a dreaming about " + hf(x.CircumstanceId)
case HistoricalEventDanceFormCreatedCircumstance_Nightmare:
circumstance = " after a nightmare"
case HistoricalEventDanceFormCreatedCircumstance_PrayToHf:
circumstance = " after praying to " + hf(x.CircumstanceId)
return danceForm(x.FormId) + " was created by " + hf(x.HistFigureId) + site(x.SiteId, " in") + reason + circumstance
} }
func (x *HistoricalEventDestroyedSite) Html() string { return "UNKNWON HistoricalEventDestroyedSite" } func (x *HistoricalEventDestroyedSite) Html() string { return "UNKNWON HistoricalEventDestroyedSite" }
func (x *HistoricalEventDiplomatLost) Html() string { return "UNKNWON HistoricalEventDiplomatLost" } func (x *HistoricalEventDiplomatLost) Html() string { return "UNKNWON HistoricalEventDiplomatLost" }

View File

@ -85,6 +85,13 @@ func entity(id int) string {
} }
func siteCiv(siteCivId, civId int) string {
if siteCivId == civId {
return entity(civId)
return util.If(siteCivId != -1, entity(siteCivId), "") + util.If(civId != -1 && siteCivId != -1, " of ", "") + util.If(civId != -1, entity(civId), "")
func hf(id int) string { func hf(id int) string {
if x, ok := world.HistoricalFigures[id]; ok { if x, ok := world.HistoricalFigures[id]; ok {
return fmt.Sprintf(`the %s <a class="hf" href="/hf/%d">%s</a>`, x.Race, x.Id(), util.Title(x.Name())) return fmt.Sprintf(`the %s <a class="hf" href="/hf/%d">%s</a>`, x.Race, x.Id(), util.Title(x.Name()))
@ -200,3 +207,10 @@ func poeticForm(id int) string {
} }
} }
func worldConstruction(id int) string {
if x, ok := world.WorldConstructions[id]; ok {
return fmt.Sprintf(`<a class="artform" href="/wc/%d">%s</a>`, id, util.Title(x.Name()))