################################################################## # These variables are passed to Docker Compose to change how the # # `docker-compose.yml` file is interpreted. # ################################################################## # Default project name. Can also change this using the # docker-compose `-p, --project-name NAME` option. COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=mayan # Default profiles. COMPOSE_PROFILES=all_in_one,postgresql,rabbitmq,redis # User alternate Mayan EDMS Docker image or tag. # MAYAN_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=mayanedms/mayanedms # MAYAN_DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=s4.2 # Modify this to your database server if not using the database deployed # by the Docker Compose file. #MAYAN_DATABASE_HOST=mariadb-app # Security. Change these before the first run. # Once these are set do not change them here. If you wish to change the # passwords or usernames after the installation has completed, follow the # documentation of each component individually and then update the password # or username in this file. _PASSWORD_START_MARKER # MAYAN_DATABASE_NAME= # MAYAN_DATABASE_PASSWORD= # MAYAN_DATABASE_USER= # MAYAN_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD= # MAYAN_RABBITMQ_USER= # MAYAN_RABBITMQ_PASSWORD= # MAYAN_RABBITMQ_VHOST= # MAYAN_REDIS_PASSWORD= # MAYAN_FRONTEND_HTTP_PORT=80 MAYAN_WORKER_CUSTOM_QUEUE_LIST= # Change if you use external services. MAYAN_DOCKER_WAIT="postgresql:5432 rabbitmq:5672 redis:6379" # RabbitMQ # MAYAN_RABBITMQ_ADMIN_HTTP_PORT=15672 # Allows running an additional worker with a custom list of queues. MAYAN_WORKER_CUSTOM_QUEUE_LIST= # Traefik # Enable to use production Let's Encrypt server. # MAYAN_TRAEFIK_LETS_ENCRYPT_SERVER=https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory # Enable to launch the Let's Encrypt TLS challenge. # MAYAN_TRAEFIK_LETS_ENCRYPT_TLS_CHALLENGE=true # Enable to activate the Traefik UI. # MAYAN_TRAEFIK_API_INSECURE=true # Configure the administrative email for the domain. MAYAN_TRAEFIK_LETS_ENCRYPT_EMAIL= MAYAN_TRAEFIK_EXTERNAL_DOMAIN= # Expose the Traefik secure dashboard. MAYAN_TRAEFIK_DASHBOARD_ENABLE=false # Traefik secure dashboard username and password. # Obtained using: echo $(htpasswd -nB your_username_of_choice) # Enclose in single quotes. MAYAN_TRAEFIK_DASHBOARD_AUTHENTICATION='' # Insecure value of admin:admin # MAYAN_TRAEFIK_DASHBOARD_AUTHENTICATION='admin:$$2y$$05$$mr0lbnUpImKmjXyClgdV6OfwKgOFZKq7ldadIcQXHMwzIZI99wos6' # Expose the frontend through Traefik. MAYAN_TRAEFIK_FRONTEND_ENABLE=false # Expose the RabbitMQ administrative interface through Traefik. MAYAN_TRAEFIK_RABBITMQ_ENABLE=false # MAYAN_TRAEFIK_DASHBOARD_HTTP_PORT=8080 # MAYAN_TRAEFIK_LETSENCRYPT_VOLUME=traefik-certificates-letsencrypt # MAYAN_TRAEFIK_HTTP_PORT=80 # MAYAN_TRAEFIK_HTTPS_PORT=443 MAYAN_TRAEFIK_LETS_ENCRYPT_DNS_CHALLENGE_PROVIDER= ######################################################### # These variables are passed to the running containers. # # They are interpreted by Mayan EDMS. # ######################################################### # To use block storage. # MAYAN_DOCUMENTS_STORAGE_BACKEND="storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage" # MAYAN_DOCUMENTS_STORAGE_BACKEND_ARGUMENTS="{'access_key':'','secret_key':'','bucket_name':'mayan','endpoint_url':'http://','verify':'False'}" # 'verify':'False' for local servers with self signed SSL certificate # To add operating system packages, like additional OCR language, # packages, put then in the variable below. # MAYAN_APT_INSTALLS="tesseract-ocr-deu tesseract-ocr-nld" # To use LDAP authentication. # Create a folder named `user_settings` in the `media` folder. # Copy the file `contrib/settings/ldap_connection_settings.py` from the online # repository and place in the new `user_settings` folder. # Edit the `user_settings/ldap_connection_settings' file to work with your # LDAP server. # Example: https://django-auth-ldap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example.html # Restart the stack and test.