
193 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File

# noter 1.3.0 - "nice configs" - - mit
# a pretty nifty little logging utility!
nlog() {
local ORANGE='\033[0;33m'
local NO_COLOR='\033[0m'
local calling_function=${FUNCNAME[1]}
echo -e "${ORANGE}[noter] ${calling_function} | ${1} ${NO_COLOR}"
nlog "sourcing"
noter_dir=$(dirname "$0")
source $noter_dir/
# Override publish dir if passed as cli arg
[[ ! -z "$1" ]] && nlog "overriding publish_dir to $1" && publish_dir="$1"
if [ ! -d "notes" ]; then
nlog "Error: 'notes' folder not found!"
exit 1
checksetting() {
# Use this function to check for a setting without repetition
# Eg:
# checksetting "yourmom" "$isyourmom"
if [ "$2" = true ]; then
nlog "$1 set to $2"
echo "$1" >>"$output_file"
givefavicon() {
local file_path="$1"
if [ -f "$file_path" ]; then
local base64_data="$(base64 -w 0 "$file_path")"
echo "data:image/png;base64,$base64_data"
generate_note_html() {
# NOTE TO SELF: Figure out parsing html blocks (ie: <code>) so that we can apply styles for whole
# elements instead of doing what we're doing right now...
local note_date="$(date -d "$(basename "$1" .txt)" +"%B %d, %Y")"
for img in $(grep -oP '(?<=<img src=").*?(?=")' "$1"); do
# Check if the loading attribute already exists
if ! grep -q "src=\"$img\" loading=\"lazy\"" "$1"; then
# Add the loading attribute if it doesn't exist
sed -i "s|<img src=\"$img\"|<img src=\"$img\" loading=\"lazy\"|g" "$1"
echo "<a name='$(basename "$1" .txt)'></a>"
echo "<div class='note'>"
if [ "$2" = true ]; then
echo "<h3><a href='#$(date -d "$(basename "$1" .txt)" +"%Y")'>$(date -d "$(basename "$1" .txt)" +"%Y")</a></h3>"
echo "<h4><a href='#$(basename "$1" .txt)'>$note_date</a></h4>"
echo "$(cat "$1")</br>"
echo "</div>"
generate_top_year_bar() {
local years=$(find notes -name "*.txt" ! -empty | cut -d'/' -f2 | cut -d'-' -f1 | sort -u | tac)
local top_bar="<center><div class='top-bar'>"
local first_year=true
for year in $years; do
if [ "$first_year" = false ]; then
top_bar+=" | "
top_bar+="<a href='#$(find notes -name "$year-*.txt" ! -empty | sort -n | head -n1 | cut -d'/' -f2 | cut -d'.' -f1)'>$year</a>"
echo "$top_bar"
# this took way too long but fuck it
# im faster than Google at getting a
# feed going goddamit!
generate_rss_feed() {
nlog "generating rss feed"
local rss_file="$publish_dir/feed.xml"
local rss_pubdate=$(date -u +"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
xml_escape() {
local content="$1"
sed 's/&/\&amp;/g; s/</\&lt;/g; s/>/\&gt;/g; s/"/\&quot;/g; s/'"'"'/\&apos;/g' <<< "$content"
# im sorry for these crimes against humanity
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>
<rss version=\"2.0\">
<title>$(xml_escape "$site_title")</title>
<description>$(xml_escape "$site_description")</description>
<generator>noter</generator>" >"$rss_file"
# this works, don't touch.
for file in $(find notes -name '*.txt' -type f -print0 | sort -zr | xargs -0); do
if [ -f "$file" ] && [ -s "$file" ]; then
nlog "$file"
local note_date=$(date -d "$(basename "$file" .txt)" +"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
local note_link="$rss_link#$(basename "$file" .txt)"
local note_title=$(basename "$file" .txt)
local note_description=$(head -n 1 "$file")
# Currently we use the first line of the note as the description
# This could be improved uppon by using a selector or something to grab
# the title for example from a h1 or something as (at least I) tend to
# use those when i type posts.
echo " <item>
<title>$(xml_escape "$note_title")</title>
<description>$(xml_escape "$note_description")</description>
</item>" >>"$rss_file"
echo "</channel>
</rss>" >>"$rss_file"
nlog "rss feed generated, please remember to move it too with the site: $rss_file"
# why is this stray here, im too afraid to move it
# godspeed notecount...
notecount=$(find notes -name "*.txt" ! -empty | wc -l)
if [ ! -d "${publish_dir}" ]; then
nlog "Creating ${publish_dir}"
mkdir -p "${publish_dir}"
# Create HTML file
echo "<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<title>$notecount notes | $site_title</title>
<meta property='og:title' content='$site_title' />
<meta property='og:description' content='$site_description' />
<meta property='og:type' content='blog' />
<meta property='og:generator' content='noter' />
<!-- those who seek, shall see - but thy shall be prepared... -->
<link rel='icon' type='image/png' href='$(givefavicon "$favicon")'>
<link rel='alternate' type='application/atom+xml' title="rss" href='/feed.xml' />
<meta name='last-generated' content='$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")' />
<div class='container'>
<center>$top_menu</center>" >"$output_file"
generate_top_year_bar >>"$output_file"
# loop for every note in notes
nlog "generating page..."
for file in $(ls -r notes/*.txt); do
nlog "processing: $file"
if [ -f "$file" ] && [ -s "$file" ]; then
generate_note_html "$file" >>"$output_file"
# generate page's rss feed
[[ $rssfeed == true ]] && generate_rss_feed
# bottom navigation
nlog "applying settings"
checksetting "<div class='generated-with'>generated with <a href=''>noter</a></div>" "$showgenerator"
checksetting "<div class='back-to-top'><a href='#'>Back to Top</a></div>" "$backtotop"
checksetting "<div class='last-updated'>last Updated: $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")</div>" "$lastupdated"
echo "</div>
</html>" >>"$output_file"
nlog "Done, please see: $output_file."