#!/bin/sh # # Siina's bootleg screenshot capturer for use with global keybinds # # Requires: # - maim: takes the screenshot # - convert: from imagemagick, used to crop single-monitor scrot # - mpv: plays audio file upon completion # - boop.sh: uploads screenshot to boop.icu # # Example global keybinds: # # TYPE CMD KEYBIND # # Fullscreen scrot.sh Print # Main monitor scrot.sh --main Meta+Ctrl+Print # Active window/Selct scrot.sh -s Meta+Print # # TODO: Autodetect mpv and boop.sh to make them optional # TODO: Figure out how to capture a specific monitor, not just main screendir="$HOME/Nextcloud/Screenshots/" sound="${HOME}/src/local-bin/sounds/shutter.ogg" filename="$(date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S').png" resolution="1920x1080" args="-m 9 -u" cd $screendir if [[ ${1} == "--main" ]]; then args="${args} -g 1920x1080+0+0" else args="${args} ${1}" fi maim $args $filename mpv $sound $HOME/.local/bin/boop.sh "$screendir$filename"