2020-12-22 05:00:20 +02:00

67 lines
2.8 KiB

Chat colours to match Sensual Dark colour theme in KDE Plasma
/* I'm using this to keep track of colours throughout */
Palette {
event-positive: #00aa7f;
event-neutral: #4e51ac;
event-negative: #ff007f;
highlight-background: #4e9fac;
text: #d3dae3;
text-inactive: #a6acba;
link: #4e9fac;
link-visited: #4e51ac;
marker-line: #00aa7f;
ChatLine#notice { foreground: #4e51ac; }
ChatLine#action { foreground: #00aa7f; font-style: italic; }
ChatLine#nick { foreground: #4e51ac; }
ChatLine#mode { foreground: #00aa7f; }
ChatLine#join { foreground: #00aa7f; }
ChatLine#part { foreground: #4e51ac; }
ChatLine#quit { foreground: #4e51ac; }
ChatLine#kick { foreground: #4e51ac; }
ChatLine#kill { foreground: #4e51ac; }
ChatLine#server { foreground: #4e51ac; }
ChatLine#info { foreground: #4e51ac; }
ChatLine#error { foreground: #4e51ac; }
ChatLine#daychange { foreground: #4e51ac; }
ChatLine#topic { foreground: #4e51ac; }
ChatListItem { foreground: palette(text); }
ChatListItem[state="inactive"] { foreground: #a6acba; }
ChatListItem[state="channel-event"] { foreground: #4e51ac; }
ChatListItem[state="unread-message"] { foreground: #00aa7f; }
ChatListItem[state="highlighted"] { foreground: #4e9fac; }
ChatListItem[type="network", state="unread-message"] { foreground: #4e51ac; }
ChatListItem[type="network", state="highlighted"] { foreground: #4e9fac; }
ChatListItem[type="query", state="unread-message"] { foreground: #00aa7f; }
NickListItem[type="category"] { foreground: palette(text); }
NickListItem[type="user"] { foreground: palette(text); }
NickListItem[type="user", state="away"] { foreground: #a6acba; }
ChatLine[label="highlight"] { foreground: palette(text); background: #4e51ac; }
ChatLine::sender[label="highlight"] { foreground: palette(text); background: #4e51ac; }
ChatLine::timestamp[label="highlight"] { foreground: palette(text); background: #4e51ac; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="self"] { foreground: #ffaa7f; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="0"] { foreground: #e90d7f; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="1"] { foreground: #8e55e9; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="2"] { foreground: #b30e0e; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="3"] { foreground: #17b339; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="4"] { foreground: #58afb3; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="5"] { foreground: #9d54b3; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="6"] { foreground: #b39775; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="7"] { foreground: #3176b3; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="8"] { foreground: #e90d7f; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="9"] { foreground: #8e55e9; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="a"] { foreground: #b30e0e; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="b"] { foreground: #17b339; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="c"] { foreground: #58afb3; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="d"] { foreground: #9d54b3; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="e"] { foreground: #b39775; }
ChatLine::sender#plain[sender="f"] { foreground: #3176b3; }