### # Print the final gitstatus prompt to stdout # Arguments: $1 -i, if it's an inline prompt => add a whitespace at the end, if # not empty # # # Original: https://github.com/xylous/gitstatus ### function gitstatus() { is_in_git_repository || return 1 parse_git_status local modified="${STATUS[1]}" local staged="${STATUS[2]}" local deleted="${STATUS[3]}" local untracked="${STATUS[4]}" unset STATUS git_grab_current_branch local branch="$REPLY" git_grab_remote_branch local remote="$REPLY" [[ ! -z "$remote" ]] \ && git_local_remote_diffs "$branch" "$remote" \ && local commit_diffs="$REPLY" git_determine_color $modified $staged $deleted $untracked local color="$REPLY" (( modified > 0 )) \ && modified="!$modified " (( staged > 0 )) \ && staged="+$staged " (( deleted > 0 )) \ && deleted="-$deleted " (( untracked > 0 )) \ && untracked="?$untracked " local output="$color" output+=" $branch " output+="$commit_diffs" output+="$modified" output+="$staged" output+="$deleted" output+="$untracked" local true_output="$(sed 's/[ \t]*$//' <<<"$output")" # remove trailing whitespace if [[ "$1" == "-i" ]]; then true_output+=" " fi true_output+=$'%F{default}' echo "${true_output}" unset REPLY } ### # Check if we're in a git repository # Arguments: none # Returns: 0 if in a git repo, 1 otherwise ### function is_in_git_repository() { git rev-parse --git-dir &>/dev/null || return 1 } ### # Return current branch we're on # Arguments: none ### function git_grab_current_branch() { typeset -g REPLY="$(git branch --show-current)" } ### # Return remote branch that the local one is tracking # Arguemnts: none ### function git_grab_remote_branch() { local symbolic_ref="$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD)" typeset -g REPLY="$(git for-each-ref --format='%(upstream:short)' "$symbolic_ref")" } ### # Find how many things have changed since last git commit # Arguments: none ### function parse_git_status() { git status --porcelain=v1 | while IFS= read -r status_line; do case "$status_line" in ' M '*) ((modified++)) ;; 'A '*|'M '*) ((staged++)) ;; ' D '*) ((deleted++)) ;; '?? '*) ((untracked++)) ;; 'MM '*) ((staged++)) ((modified++)) ;; esac done typeset -g STATUS=("$modified" "$staged" "$deleted" "$untracked") return 0 } ### # Look at how many commits a local branch is ahead/behind of remote branch # Arguments: $1 local branch # $2 remote branch ### function git_local_remote_diffs() { local local_branch="$1" local remote_branch="$2" local differences="$(git rev-list --left-right --count $local_branch...$remote_branch)" local commits_ahead=$(echo -n "$differences" | awk '{print $1}') local commits_behind=$(echo -n "$differences" | awk '{print $2}') local ahead="" behind="" local result="" (( $commits_ahead > 0 )) \ && ahead="↑$commits_ahead" (( $commits_behind > 0 )) \ && behind="↓$commits_behind" if [[ ! -z "${ahead}" ]]; then result="${ahead} " fi if [[ ! -z "${behind}" ]]; then result="${behind} " fi typeset -g REPLY="${result}" } ### # If there is anything that changed from the past commit, return yellow. # Otherwise, green. # Arguments: list of how many things changed ### function git_determine_color() { local green=$'%F{yellow}' local yellow=$'%F{green}' for i in "$@"; do if (( $i > 0 )); then typeset -g REPLY="$green" return 0 fi done typeset -g REPLY="$yellow" return 0 }