vo=gpu profile=gpu-hq gpu-api=vulkan vulkan-async-compute=yes vulkan-async-transfer=yes vulkan-queue-count=1 dither-depth=auto hwdec-codecs=all hwdec=vaapi alang=jpn slang=eng sub-auto=exact deinterlace=off target-prim=auto target-trc=auto gamma-auto vf=format=colorlevels=full:colormatrix=auto video-output-levels=full dither-depth=auto temporal-dither=yes dither=error-diffusion deband=yes deband-iterations=4 deband-threshold=48 deband-range=16 deband-grain=48 dither-depth=auto scale-antiring=0.7 dscale-antiring=0.7 cscale-antiring=0.7 fbo-format=rgba16hf glsl-shaders-clr glsl-shaders="~/.config/mpv/shaders/FSRCNNX_x2_8-0-4-1.glsl" scale=ewa_lanczos glsl-shaders-append="~/.config/mpv/shaders/SSimDownscaler.glsl" dscale=mitchell linear-downscaling=no glsl-shaders-append="~/.config/mpv/shaders/KrigBilateral.glsl" cscale=mitchell # ignored with gpu-next sigmoid-upscaling=yes [full-hd30] # 1080p @ 24-30fps (NextGen TV/ATSC 3.0, progressive Blu-ray) profile-desc=full-hd30 profile-cond=((width ==1920 and height ==1080) and not p["video-frame-info/interlaced"] and p["estimated-vf-fps"]<31) # apply all luma and chroma upscaling and downscaling settings # apply motion interpolation # no deinterlacer required because progressive [full-hd-interlaced] # 1080i @ 24-30fps (HDTV, interlaced Blu-rays) profile-desc=full-hd-interlaced profile-cond=((width ==1920 and height ==1080) and p["video-frame-info/interlaced"] and p["estimated-vf-fps"]<31) # apply all luma and chroma upscaling and downscaling settings # apply motion interpolation vf=bwdif # apply FFMPEG's bwdif deinterlacer [hd] # 720p @ 60 fps (HDTV, Blu-ray - progressive) profile-desc=hd profile-cond=(width ==1280 and height ==720) # apply all luma and chroma upscaling and downscaling settings interpolation=no # no motion interpolation required because 60fps is hardware ceiling # no deinterlacer required because progressive [sdtv-ntsc] # 640x480, 704x480, 720x480 @ 30fps (NTSC DVD - interlaced) profile-desc=sdtv-ntsc profile-cond=((width ==640 and height ==480) or (width ==704 and height ==480) or (width ==720 and height ==480)) # apply all luma and chroma upscaling and downscaling settings # apply motion interpolation vf=bwdif # apply FFMPEG's bwdif deinterlacer [sdtv-pal] # 352x576, 480x576, 544x576, 720x576 @ 30fps (PAL broadcast or DVD - interlaced) profile-desc=sdtv-pal profile-cond=((width ==352 and height ==576) or (width ==480 and height ==576) or (width ==544 and height ==576) or (width ==720 and height ==576)) # apply all luma and chroma upscaling and downscaling settings # apply motion interpolation vf=bwdif # apply FFMPEG's bwdif deinterlacer [default]