commit 7060e5aadbc0889a7e7ebec43f4dcc09b3a2f7a3 Author: Siina Mashek Date: Sun Jun 28 05:19:59 2020 +0300 Initial version control diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..095bb56 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2020 Siina Mashek + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52c825c --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# Siina's dotfiles + diff --git a/Xresources b/Xresources new file mode 100644 index 0000000..293d2fa --- /dev/null +++ b/Xresources @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +! Cutienautica Xresources layout +! - internalBorder should = font pixelsize +URxvt*font: xft:Hack:pixelsize=16 +URxvt*lineSpace: 1 +!URxvt.letterSpace: -1 +URxvt.scrollBar: false +URxvt.internalBorder: 16 +URxvt*geometry: 91x24 +URxvt.iconFile: /usr/share/icons/breeze-dark/apps/64/utilities-terminal.svg + +Xcursor.theme: breeze_cursors + +! Dracula Xresources palette +*.foreground: #F8F8F2 +*.background: #282A36 +*.borderColor: #282A36 +*.color0: #000000 +*.color8: #4D4D4D +*.color1: #FF5555 +*.color9: #FF6E67 +*.color2: #50FA7B +*.color10: #5AF78E +*.color3: #F1FA8C +*.color11: #F4F99D +*.color4: #BD93F9 +*.color12: #CAA9FA +*.color5: #FF79C6 +*.color13: #FF92D0 +*.color6: #8BE9FD +*.color14: #9AEDFE +*.color7: #BFBFBF +*.color15: #E6E6E6 + diff --git a/bashrc b/bashrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..497d5be --- /dev/null +++ b/bashrc @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +if [[ $- != *i* ]] ; then + return +fi + +export VIMINIT="source ~/.config/vim/vimrc" +export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct + +dfa() { + echo "dumbfuck alert" +} + +alias sudo=dfa diff --git a/config/dunst/dunstrc b/config/dunst/dunstrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5544866 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/dunst/dunstrc @@ -0,0 +1,257 @@ +[global] +font = Hack 11 + +# Allow a small subset of html markup: +# bold +# italic +# strikethrough +# underline +# +# For a complete reference see +# . +# If markup is not allowed, those tags will be stripped out of the +# message. +markup = yes +plain_text = no + +# The format of the message. Possible variables are: +# %a appname +# %s summary +# %b body +# %i iconname (including its path) +# %I iconname (without its path) +# %p progress value if set ([ 0%] to [100%]) or nothing +# Markup is allowed +format = "%s\n%b" + +# Sort messages by urgency. +sort = no + +# Show how many messages are currently hidden (because of geometry). +indicate_hidden = yes + +# Alignment of message text. +# Possible values are "left", "center" and "right". +alignment = center + +# The frequency with wich text that is longer than the notification +# window allows bounces back and forth. +# This option conflicts with "word_wrap". +# Set to 0 to disable. +bounce_freq = 0 + +# Show age of message if message is older than show_age_threshold +# seconds. +# Set to -1 to disable. +show_age_threshold = -1 + +# Split notifications into multiple lines if they don't fit into +# geometry. +word_wrap = yes + +# Ignore newlines '\n' in notifications. +ignore_newline = no + +# Hide duplicate's count and stack them +stack_duplicates = yes +hide_duplicates_count = yes + + +# The geometry of the window: +# [{width}]x{height}[+/-{x}+/-{y}] +# The geometry of the message window. +# The height is measured in number of notifications everything else +# in pixels. If the width is omitted but the height is given +# ("-geometry x2"), the message window expands over the whole screen +# (dmenu-like). If width is 0, the window expands to the longest +# message displayed. A positive x is measured from the left, a +# negative from the right side of the screen. Y is measured from +# the top and down respectevly. +# The width can be negative. In this case the actual width is the +# screen width minus the width defined in within the geometry option. +#geometry = "250x50-40+40" +geometry = "300x50-15-49" + +# Shrink window if it's smaller than the width. Will be ignored if +# width is 0. +shrink = no + +# The transparency of the window. Range: [0; 100]. +# This option will only work if a compositing windowmanager is +# present (e.g. xcompmgr, compiz, etc.). +transparency = 5 + +# Don't remove messages, if the user is idle (no mouse or keyboard input) +# for longer than idle_threshold seconds. +# Set to 0 to disable. +idle_threshold = 0 + +# Which monitor should the notifications be displayed on. +monitor = 0 + +# Display notification on focused monitor. Possible modes are: +# mouse: follow mouse pointer +# keyboard: follow window with keyboard focus +# none: don't follow anything +# +# "keyboard" needs a windowmanager that exports the +# _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW property. +# This should be the case for almost all modern windowmanagers. +# +# If this option is set to mouse or keyboard, the monitor option +# will be ignored. +follow = none + +# Should a notification popped up from history be sticky or timeout +# as if it would normally do. +sticky_history = yes + +# Maximum amount of notifications kept in history +history_length = 15 + +# Display indicators for URLs (U) and actions (A). +show_indicators = no + +# The height of a single line. If the height is smaller than the +# font height, it will get raised to the font height. +# This adds empty space above and under the text. +line_height = 3 + +# Draw a line of "separatpr_height" pixel height between two +# notifications. +# Set to 0 to disable. +separator_height = 2 + +# Padding between text and separator. +padding = 6 + +# Horizontal padding. +horizontal_padding = 6 + +# Define a color for the separator. +# possible values are: +# * auto: dunst tries to find a color fitting to the background; +# * foreground: use the same color as the foreground; +# * frame: use the same color as the frame; +# * anything else will be interpreted as a X color. +separator_color = frame + +# Print a notification on startup. +# This is mainly for error detection, since dbus (re-)starts dunst +# automatically after a crash. +startup_notification = false + +# dmenu path. +dmenu = /usr/bin/dmenu -p dunst: + +# Browser for opening urls in context menu. +browser = /usr/bin/firefox -new-tab + +# Align icons left/right/off +icon_position = off +max_icon_size = 80 + +# Paths to default icons. +icon_path = /usr/share/icons/Paper/16x16/mimetypes/:/usr/share/icons/Paper/48x48/status/:/usr/share/icons/Paper/16x16/devices/:/usr/share/icons/Paper/48x48/notifications/:/usr/share/icons/Paper/48x48/emblems/ + +frame_width = 3 +frame_color = "#8EC07C" + +[shortcuts] + +# Shortcuts are specified as [modifier+][modifier+]...key +# Available modifiers are "ctrl", "mod1" (the alt-key), "mod2", +# "mod3" and "mod4" (windows-key). +# Xev might be helpful to find names for keys. + +# Close notification. +close = ctrl+space + +# Close all notifications. +close_all = ctrl+shift+space + +# Redisplay last message(s). +# On the US keyboard layout "grave" is normally above TAB and left +# of "1". +history = ctrl+grave + +# Context menu. +context = ctrl+shift+period + +[urgency_low] +# IMPORTANT: colors have to be defined in quotation marks. +# Otherwise the "#" and following would be interpreted as a comment. +frame_color = "#3B7C87" +foreground = "#3B7C87" +background = "#191311" +#background = "#2B313C" +timeout = 4 + +[urgency_normal] +frame_color = "#5B8234" +foreground = "#5B8234" +background = "#191311" +#background = "#2B313C" +timeout = 6 + +[urgency_critical] +frame_color = "#B7472A" +foreground = "#B7472A" +background = "#191311" +#background = "#2B313C" +timeout = 8 + + +# Every section that isn't one of the above is interpreted as a rules to +# override settings for certain messages. +# Messages can be matched by "appname", "summary", "body", "icon", "category", +# "msg_urgency" and you can override the "timeout", "urgency", "foreground", +# "background", "new_icon" and "format". +# Shell-like globbing will get expanded. +# +# SCRIPTING +# You can specify a script that gets run when the rule matches by +# setting the "script" option. +# The script will be called as follows: +# script appname summary body icon urgency +# where urgency can be "LOW", "NORMAL" or "CRITICAL". +# +# NOTE: if you don't want a notification to be displayed, set the format +# to "". +# NOTE: It might be helpful to run dunst -print in a terminal in order +# to find fitting options for rules. + +#[espeak] +# summary = "*" +# script = + +#[script-test] +# summary = "*script*" +# script = + +#[ignore] +# # This notification will not be displayed +# summary = "foobar" +# format = "" + +#[signed_on] +# appname = Pidgin +# summary = "*signed on*" +# urgency = low +# +#[signed_off] +# appname = Pidgin +# summary = *signed off* +# urgency = low +# +#[says] +# appname = Pidgin +# summary = *says* +# urgency = critical +# +#[twitter] +# appname = Pidgin +# summary = ** +# urgency = normal +# +# vim: ft=cfg diff --git a/config/neofetch/config.conf b/config/neofetch/config.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..58a8bf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/neofetch/config.conf @@ -0,0 +1,761 @@ +# See this wiki page for more info: +# +print_info() { + info title + info underline + + info "OS" distro + info "Host" model + info "Kernel" kernel + info "Uptime" uptime + info "Packages" packages + info "Shell" shell + info "Resolution" resolution + info "DE" de + info "WM" wm + info "WM Theme" wm_theme + info "Theme" theme + info "Icons" icons + info "Terminal" term + info "Terminal Font" term_font + info "CPU" cpu + info "CPU Usage" cpu_usage + info "GPU" gpu + info "GPU Driver" gpu_driver # Linux/macOS only + info "Memory" memory + + # info "Disk" disk + # info "Battery" battery + # info "Font" font + # info "Song" song + # [[ $player ]] && prin "Music Player" "$player" + # info "Local IP" local_ip + # info "Public IP" public_ip + # info "Users" users + # info "Locale" locale # This only works on glibc systems. + + info cols +} + + +# Kernel + + +# Shorten the output of the kernel function. +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --kernel_shorthand +# Supports: Everything except *BSDs (except PacBSD and PC-BSD) +# +# Example: +# on: '4.8.9-1-ARCH' +# off: 'Linux 4.8.9-1-ARCH' +kernel_shorthand="on" + + +# Distro + + +# Shorten the output of the distro function +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off', 'tiny' +# Flag: --distro_shorthand +# Supports: Everything except Windows and Haiku +distro_shorthand="off" + +# Show/Hide OS Architecture. +# Show 'x86_64', 'x86' and etc in 'Distro:' output. +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --os_arch +# +# Example: +# on: 'Arch Linux x86_64' +# off: 'Arch Linux' +os_arch="on" + + +# Uptime + + +# Shorten the output of the uptime function +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off', 'tiny' +# Flag: --uptime_shorthand +# +# Example: +# on: '2 days, 10 hours, 3 mins' +# off: '2 days, 10 hours, 3 minutes' +# tiny: '2d 10h 3m' +uptime_shorthand="on" + + +# Memory + + +# Show memory pecentage in output. +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --memory_percent +# +# Example: +# on: '1801MiB / 7881MiB (22%)' +# off: '1801MiB / 7881MiB' +memory_percent="off" + + +# Packages + + +# Show/Hide Package Manager names. +# +# Default: 'tiny' +# Values: 'on', 'tiny' 'off' +# Flag: --package_managers +# +# Example: +# on: '998 (pacman), 8 (flatpak), 4 (snap)' +# tiny: '908 (pacman, flatpak, snap)' +# off: '908' +package_managers="on" + + +# Shell + + +# Show the path to $SHELL +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --shell_path +# +# Example: +# on: '/bin/bash' +# off: 'bash' +shell_path="off" + +# Show $SHELL version +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --shell_version +# +# Example: +# on: 'bash 4.4.5' +# off: 'bash' +shell_version="on" + + +# CPU + + +# CPU speed type +# +# Default: 'bios_limit' +# Values: 'scaling_cur_freq', 'scaling_min_freq', 'scaling_max_freq', 'bios_limit'. +# Flag: --speed_type +# Supports: Linux with 'cpufreq' +# NOTE: Any file in '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq' can be used as a value. +speed_type="bios_limit" + +# CPU speed shorthand +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off'. +# Flag: --speed_shorthand +# NOTE: This flag is not supported in systems with CPU speed less than 1 GHz +# +# Example: +# on: 'i7-6500U (4) @ 3.1GHz' +# off: 'i7-6500U (4) @ 3.100GHz' +speed_shorthand="off" + +# Enable/Disable CPU brand in output. +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --cpu_brand +# +# Example: +# on: 'Intel i7-6500U' +# off: 'i7-6500U (4)' +cpu_brand="on" + +# CPU Speed +# Hide/Show CPU speed. +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --cpu_speed +# +# Example: +# on: 'Intel i7-6500U (4) @ 3.1GHz' +# off: 'Intel i7-6500U (4)' +cpu_speed="on" + +# CPU Cores +# Display CPU cores in output +# +# Default: 'logical' +# Values: 'logical', 'physical', 'off' +# Flag: --cpu_cores +# Support: 'physical' doesn't work on BSD. +# +# Example: +# logical: 'Intel i7-6500U (4) @ 3.1GHz' (All virtual cores) +# physical: 'Intel i7-6500U (2) @ 3.1GHz' (All physical cores) +# off: 'Intel i7-6500U @ 3.1GHz' +cpu_cores="logical" + +# CPU Temperature +# Hide/Show CPU temperature. +# Note the temperature is added to the regular CPU function. +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'C', 'F', 'off' +# Flag: --cpu_temp +# Supports: Linux, BSD +# NOTE: For FreeBSD and NetBSD-based systems, you'll need to enable +# coretemp kernel module. This only supports newer Intel processors. +# +# Example: +# C: 'Intel i7-6500U (4) @ 3.1GHz [27.2°C]' +# F: 'Intel i7-6500U (4) @ 3.1GHz [82.0°F]' +# off: 'Intel i7-6500U (4) @ 3.1GHz' +cpu_temp="C" + + +# GPU + + +# Enable/Disable GPU Brand +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --gpu_brand +# +# Example: +# on: 'AMD HD 7950' +# off: 'HD 7950' +gpu_brand="on" + +# Which GPU to display +# +# Default: 'all' +# Values: 'all', 'dedicated', 'integrated' +# Flag: --gpu_type +# Supports: Linux +# +# Example: +# all: +# GPU1: AMD HD 7950 +# GPU2: Intel Integrated Graphics +# +# dedicated: +# GPU1: AMD HD 7950 +# +# integrated: +# GPU1: Intel Integrated Graphics +gpu_type="all" + + +# Resolution + + +# Display refresh rate next to each monitor +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --refresh_rate +# Supports: Doesn't work on Windows. +# +# Example: +# on: '1920x1080 @ 60Hz' +# off: '1920x1080' +refresh_rate="on" + + +# Gtk Theme / Icons / Font + + +# Shorten output of GTK Theme / Icons / Font +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --gtk_shorthand +# +# Example: +# on: 'Numix, Adwaita' +# off: 'Numix [GTK2], Adwaita [GTK3]' +gtk_shorthand="on" + + +# Enable/Disable gtk2 Theme / Icons / Font +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --gtk2 +# +# Example: +# on: 'Numix [GTK2], Adwaita [GTK3]' +# off: 'Adwaita [GTK3]' +gtk2="on" + +# Enable/Disable gtk3 Theme / Icons / Font +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --gtk3 +# +# Example: +# on: 'Numix [GTK2], Adwaita [GTK3]' +# off: 'Numix [GTK2]' +gtk3="on" + + +# IP Address + + +# Website to ping for the public IP +# +# Default: '' +# Values: 'url' +# Flag: --ip_host +public_ip_host="" + +# Public IP timeout. +# +# Default: '2' +# Values: 'int' +# Flag: --ip_timeout +public_ip_timeout=2 + + +# Disk + + +# Which disks to display. +# The values can be any /dev/sdXX, mount point or directory. +# NOTE: By default we only show the disk info for '/'. +# +# Default: '/' +# Values: '/', '/dev/sdXX', '/path/to/drive'. +# Flag: --disk_show +# +# Example: +# disk_show=('/' '/dev/sdb1'): +# 'Disk (/): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# 'Disk (/mnt/Videos): 823G / 893G (93%)' +# +# disk_show=('/'): +# 'Disk (/): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# +disk_show=('/') + +# Disk subtitle. +# What to append to the Disk subtitle. +# +# Default: 'mount' +# Values: 'mount', 'name', 'dir' +# Flag: --disk_subtitle +# +# Example: +# name: 'Disk (/dev/sda1): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# 'Disk (/dev/sdb2): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# +# mount: 'Disk (/): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# 'Disk (/mnt/Local Disk): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# 'Disk (/mnt/Videos): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# +# dir: 'Disk (/): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# 'Disk (Local Disk): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# 'Disk (Videos): 74G / 118G (66%)' +disk_subtitle="mount" + + +# Song + + +# Manually specify a music player. +# +# Default: 'auto' +# Values: 'auto', 'player-name' +# Flag: --music_player +# +# Available values for 'player-name': +# +# amarok +# audacious +# banshee +# bluemindo +# clementine +# cmus +# deadbeef +# deepin-music +# dragon +# elisa +# exaile +# gnome-music +# gmusicbrowser +# guayadeque +# iTunes +# juk +# lollypop +# mocp +# mopidy +# mpd +# netease-cloud-music +# pogo +# pragha +# qmmp +# quodlibet +# rhythmbox +# sayonara +# smplayer +# spotify +# tomahawk +# vlc +# xmms2d +# yarock +music_player="auto" + +# Format to display song information. +# +# Default: '%artist% - %album% - %title%' +# Values: '%artist%', '%album%', '%title%' +# Flag: --song_format +# +# Example: +# default: 'Song: Jet - Get Born - Sgt Major' +song_format="%artist% - %album% - %title%" + +# Print the Artist, Album and Title on separate lines +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --song_shorthand +# +# Example: +# on: 'Artist: The Fratellis' +# 'Album: Costello Music' +# 'Song: Chelsea Dagger' +# +# off: 'Song: The Fratellis - Costello Music - Chelsea Dagger' +song_shorthand="off" + +# 'mpc' arguments (specify a host, password etc). +# +# Default: '' +# Example: mpc_args=(-h HOST -P PASSWORD) +mpc_args=() + + +# Text Colors + + +# Text Colors +# +# Default: 'distro' +# Values: 'distro', 'num' 'num' 'num' 'num' 'num' 'num' +# Flag: --colors +# +# Each number represents a different part of the text in +# this order: 'title', '@', 'underline', 'subtitle', 'colon', 'info' +# +# Example: +# colors=(distro) - Text is colored based on Distro colors. +# colors=(4 6 1 8 8 6) - Text is colored in the order above. +colors=(distro) + + +# Text Options + + +# Toggle bold text +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --bold +bold="on" + +# Enable/Disable Underline +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --underline +underline_enabled="on" + +# Underline character +# +# Default: '-' +# Values: 'string' +# Flag: --underline_char +underline_char="-" + + +# Info Separator +# Replace the default separator with the specified string. +# +# Default: ':' +# Flag: --separator +# +# Example: +# separator="->": 'Shell-> bash' +# separator=" =": 'WM = dwm' +separator=":" + + +# Color Blocks + + +# Color block range +# The range of colors to print. +# +# Default: '0', '7' +# Values: 'num' +# Flag: --block_range +# +# Example: +# +# Display colors 0-7 in the blocks. (8 colors) +# neofetch --block_range 0 7 +# +# Display colors 0-15 in the blocks. (16 colors) +# neofetch --block_range 0 15 +block_range=(0 7) + +# Toggle color blocks +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --color_blocks +color_blocks="on" + +# Color block width in spaces +# +# Default: '3' +# Values: 'num' +# Flag: --block_width +block_width=3 + +# Color block height in lines +# +# Default: '1' +# Values: 'num' +# Flag: --block_height +block_height=1 + + +# Progress Bars + + +# Bar characters +# +# Default: '-', '=' +# Values: 'string', 'string' +# Flag: --bar_char +# +# Example: +# neofetch --bar_char 'elapsed' 'total' +# neofetch --bar_char '-' '=' +bar_char_elapsed="-" +bar_char_total="=" + +# Toggle Bar border +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --bar_border +bar_border="on" + +# Progress bar length in spaces +# Number of chars long to make the progress bars. +# +# Default: '15' +# Values: 'num' +# Flag: --bar_length +bar_length=15 + +# Progress bar colors +# When set to distro, uses your distro's logo colors. +# +# Default: 'distro', 'distro' +# Values: 'distro', 'num' +# Flag: --bar_colors +# +# Example: +# neofetch --bar_colors 3 4 +# neofetch --bar_colors distro 5 +bar_color_elapsed="distro" +bar_color_total="distro" + + +# Info display +# Display a bar with the info. +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'bar', 'infobar', 'barinfo', 'off' +# Flags: --cpu_display +# --memory_display +# --battery_display +# --disk_display +# +# Example: +# bar: '[---=======]' +# infobar: 'info [---=======]' +# barinfo: '[---=======] info' +# off: 'info' +cpu_display="off" +memory_display="off" +battery_display="off" +disk_display="off" + + +# Backend Settings + + +# Image backend. +# +# Default: 'ascii' +# Values: 'ascii', 'caca', 'chafa', 'jp2a', 'iterm2', 'off', +# 'termpix', 'pixterm', 'tycat', 'w3m', 'kitty' +# Flag: --backend +image_backend="ascii" + +# Image Source +# +# Which image or ascii file to display. +# +# Default: 'auto' +# Values: 'auto', 'ascii', 'wallpaper', '/path/to/img', '/path/to/ascii', '/path/to/dir/' +# 'command output (neofetch --ascii "$(fortune | cowsay -W 30)")' +# Flag: --source +# +# NOTE: 'auto' will pick the best image source for whatever image backend is used. +# In ascii mode, distro ascii art will be used and in an image mode, your +# wallpaper will be used. +image_source="auto" + + +# Ascii Options + + +# Ascii distro +# Which distro's ascii art to display. +# +# Default: 'auto' +# Values: 'auto', 'distro_name' +# Flag: --ascii_distro +# +# NOTE: Arch and Ubuntu have 'old' logo variants. +# Change this to 'arch_old' or 'ubuntu_old' to use the old logos. +# NOTE: Ubuntu has flavor variants. +# Change this to 'Lubuntu', 'Xubuntu', 'Ubuntu-GNOME' or 'Ubuntu-Budgie' to use the flavors. +# NOTE: Arch, Crux and Gentoo have a smaller logo variant. +# Change this to 'arch_small', 'crux_small' or 'gentoo_small' to use the small logos. +ascii_distro="auto" + +# Ascii Colors +# +# Default: 'distro' +# Values: 'distro', 'num' 'num' 'num' 'num' 'num' 'num' +# Flag: --ascii_colors +# +# Example: +# ascii_colors=(distro) - Ascii is colored based on Distro colors. +# ascii_colors=(4 6 1 8 8 6) - Ascii is colored using these colors. +ascii_colors=(distro) + +# Bold ascii logo +# Whether or not to bold the ascii logo. +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --ascii_bold +ascii_bold="on" + + +# Image Options + + +# Image loop +# Setting this to on will make neofetch redraw the image constantly until +# Ctrl+C is pressed. This fixes display issues in some terminal emulators. +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --loop +image_loop="off" + +# Thumbnail directory +# +# Default: '~/.cache/thumbnails/neofetch' +# Values: 'dir' +thumbnail_dir="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-${HOME}/.cache}/thumbnails/neofetch" + +# Crop mode +# +# Default: 'normal' +# Values: 'normal', 'fit', 'fill' +# Flag: --crop_mode +# +# See this wiki page to learn about the fit and fill options. +# +crop_mode="normal" + +# Crop offset +# Note: Only affects 'normal' crop mode. +# +# Default: 'center' +# Values: 'northwest', 'north', 'northeast', 'west', 'center' +# 'east', 'southwest', 'south', 'southeast' +# Flag: --crop_offset +crop_offset="center" + +# Image size +# The image is half the terminal width by default. +# +# Default: 'auto' +# Values: 'auto', '00px', '00%', 'none' +# Flags: --image_size +# --size +image_size="auto" + +# Gap between image and text +# +# Default: '3' +# Values: 'num', '-num' +# Flag: --gap +gap=3 + +# Image offsets +# Only works with the w3m backend. +# +# Default: '0' +# Values: 'px' +# Flags: --xoffset +# --yoffset +yoffset=0 +xoffset=0 + +# Image background color +# Only works with the w3m backend. +# +# Default: '' +# Values: 'color', 'blue' +# Flag: --bg_color +background_color= + + +# Misc Options + +# Stdout mode +# Turn off all colors and disables image backend (ASCII/Image). +# Useful for piping into another command. +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +stdout="off" diff --git a/config/openbox/autostart b/config/openbox/autostart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d05254 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/openbox/autostart @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Set screen orientations +${HOME}/.config/openbox/ + +# Set background +${HOME}/.config/openbox/ + +# Start compositor +xcompmgr & + +# Start panel +tint2 -c ${HOME}/.config/tint2/main & +tint2 -c ${HOME}/.config/tint2/secondary & + +# Start systray applications +pnmixer & diff --git a/config/openbox/rc.xml b/config/openbox/rc.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4d566e --- /dev/null +++ b/config/openbox/rc.xml @@ -0,0 +1,810 @@ + + + + + 10 + 20 + + + yes + + no + + yes + + no + + 200 + + no + + + + Smart + +
+ + Primary + + 1 + +
+ + Siina-dracula + NLIMC + + yes + yes + + Noto Sans + 9 + + Normal + + Normal + + + + Noto Sans + 9 + + Bold + + Normal + + + + sans + 9 + + normal + + normal + + + + sans + 9 + + normal + + normal + + + + sans + 9 + + bold + + normal + + + + sans + 9 + + bold + + normal + + + + + + 4 + 1 + + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + + 250 + + + + yes + Nonpixel + + Center + + + + 10 + + 10 + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + TopLeft + + 0 + 0 + yes + Above + + Vertical + + no + 300 + + 300 + + Middle + + + + C-g + + + + left + no + + + + + right + no + + + + + up + no + + + + + down + no + + + + + left + no + + + + + right + no + + + + + up + no + + + + + down + no + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + client-menu + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + yes + yes + + + + + + + + + + + right + + + + + left + + + + + up + + + + + down + + + + + + + true + Konqueror + + kfmclient openProfile filemanagement + + + + + rofi -show + + + + + rofi -show calc + + + + + + + 1 + + 500 + + 400 + + false + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + previous + + + + + next + + + + + previous + + + + + next + + + + + previous + + + + + next + + + + + + + + + + + + + no + + + + + + + + + + + yes + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + client-menu + + + + + + + top + + + + + + + left + + + + + + + right + + + + + + + bottom + + + + + + + client-menu + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + client-menu + + + + + + + client-menu + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + vertical + + + + + horizontal + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + previous + + + + + next + + + + + previous + + + + + next + + + + + previous + + + + + next + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + client-list-combined-menu + + + + + root-menu + + + + + + + previous + + + + + next + + + + + previous + + + + + next + + + + + + + + menu.xml + 200 + + no + + 100 + + 400 + + yes + + yes + + + + + +
diff --git a/config/openbox/ b/config/openbox/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..0398a76 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/openbox/ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#!/bin/sh +xrandr --output DisplayPort-0 --off --output DisplayPort-1 --off --output HDMI-A-0 --off --output HDMI-A-1 --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal --output DVI-D-0 --mode 1280x1024 --pos 1920x202 --rotate normal diff --git a/config/openbox/ b/config/openbox/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..8978b92 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/openbox/ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#!/bin/sh +feh --bg-fill /media/storage/Nextcloud/Pictures/persona-aigis.jpg --bg-fit /media/storage/Nextcloud/Pictures/persona-futaba.jpg diff --git a/config/rofi/config.rasi b/config/rofi/config.rasi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b37cd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/rofi/config.rasi @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +configuration { + modi: "drun,calc,ssh"; + theme: "Arc-Dark"; + font: "hack 10"; +} diff --git a/config/tint2/main b/config/tint2/main new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8273ba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/tint2/main @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +#------------------------------------- +# Gradients +#------------------------------------- +# Backgrounds +# Background 1: Panel +rounded = 0 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #000000 80 +border_color = #555555 80 +background_color_hover = #000000 80 +border_color_hover = #555555 80 +background_color_pressed = #000000 80 +border_color_pressed = #555555 80 + +# Background 2: Default task, Iconified task +rounded = 0 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #777777 0 +border_color = #777777 10 +background_color_hover = #777777 4 +border_color_hover = #cccccc 30 +background_color_pressed = #333333 4 +border_color_pressed = #777777 30 + +# Background 3: Active task +rounded = 0 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #555555 10 +border_color = #ffffff 60 +background_color_hover = #cccccc 10 +border_color_hover = #ffffff 60 +background_color_pressed = #555555 10 +border_color_pressed = #ffffff 60 + +# Background 4: Urgent task +rounded = 5 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #aa4400 100 +border_color = #aa7733 100 +background_color_hover = #aa4400 100 +border_color_hover = #aa7733 100 +background_color_pressed = #aa4400 100 +border_color_pressed = #aa7733 100 + +# Background 5: Tooltip +rounded = 2 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #ffffaa 100 +border_color = #999999 100 +background_color_hover = #ffffaa 100 +border_color_hover = #999999 100 +background_color_pressed = #ffffaa 100 +border_color_pressed = #999999 100 + +# Background 6: Inactive desktop name +rounded = 2 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #777777 0 +border_color = #777777 30 +background_color_hover = #777777 4 +border_color_hover = #cccccc 30 +background_color_pressed = #777777 0 +border_color_pressed = #777777 30 + +# Background 7: Active desktop name +rounded = 2 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #555555 10 +border_color = #ffffff 60 +background_color_hover = #555555 10 +border_color_hover = #ffffff 60 +background_color_pressed = #555555 10 +border_color_pressed = #ffffff 60 + +#------------------------------------- +# Panel +panel_items = LTSBC +panel_size = 100% 36 +panel_margin = 0 0 +panel_padding = 2 2 2 +panel_background_id = 1 +wm_menu = 1 +panel_dock = 0 +panel_position = center left vertical +panel_layer = normal +panel_monitor = 1 +panel_shrink = 0 +autohide = 0 +autohide_show_timeout = 0 +autohide_hide_timeout = 0.5 +autohide_height = 2 +strut_policy = follow_size +panel_window_name = tint2 +disable_transparency = 0 +mouse_effects = 1 +font_shadow = 0 +mouse_hover_icon_asb = 100 0 10 +mouse_pressed_icon_asb = 100 0 0 + +#------------------------------------- +# Taskbar +taskbar_mode = single_desktop +taskbar_hide_if_empty = 0 +taskbar_padding = 0 0 2 +taskbar_background_id = 0 +taskbar_active_background_id = 0 +taskbar_name = 1 +taskbar_hide_inactive_tasks = 0 +taskbar_hide_different_monitor = 1 +taskbar_hide_different_desktop = 0 +taskbar_always_show_all_desktop_tasks = 0 +taskbar_name_padding = 6 3 +taskbar_name_background_id = 6 +taskbar_name_active_background_id = 7 +taskbar_name_font = noto sans 9 +taskbar_name_font_color = #dddddd 100 +taskbar_name_active_font_color = #dddddd 100 +taskbar_distribute_size = 1 +taskbar_sort_order = none +task_align = left + +#------------------------------------- +# Task +task_text = 0 +task_icon = 1 +task_centered = 0 +urgent_nb_of_blink = 100000 +task_maximum_size = 36 36 +task_padding = 4 3 4 +task_font = sans 8 +task_tooltip = 1 +task_font_color = #eeeeee 100 +task_icon_asb = 100 0 0 +task_background_id = 2 +task_active_background_id = 3 +task_urgent_background_id = 4 +task_iconified_background_id = 2 +mouse_left = toggle_iconify +mouse_middle = none +mouse_right = close +mouse_scroll_up = prev_task +mouse_scroll_down = next_task + +#------------------------------------- +# System tray (notification area) +systray_padding = 0 0 2 +systray_background_id = 0 +systray_sort = ascending +systray_icon_size = 22 +systray_icon_asb = 100 0 0 +systray_monitor = 1 +systray_name_filter = + +#------------------------------------- +# Launcher +launcher_padding = 0 0 2 +launcher_background_id = 0 +launcher_icon_background_id = 0 +launcher_icon_size = 22 +launcher_icon_asb = 100 0 0 +launcher_icon_theme_override = 0 +startup_notifications = 1 +launcher_tooltip = 1 +launcher_item_app = tint2conf.desktop +launcher_item_app = firefox.desktop +launcher_item_app = iceweasel.desktop +launcher_item_app = chromium-browser.desktop +launcher_item_app = google-chrome.desktop +launcher_item_app = x-terminal-emulator.desktop + +#------------------------------------- +# Clock +time1_format = %H.%M +#time2_format = %A %d %B +time1_font = noto sans bold 8 +time1_timezone = +time2_timezone = +time2_font = sans 9 +clock_font_color = #eeeeee 100 +clock_padding = 1 0 +clock_background_id = 0 +clock_tooltip = +clock_tooltip_timezone = +clock_lclick_command = zenity --calendar --text "" +clock_rclick_command = orage +clock_mclick_command = +clock_uwheel_command = +clock_dwheel_command = + +#------------------------------------- +# Battery +battery_tooltip = 1 +battery_low_status = 10 +battery_low_cmd = xmessage 'tint2: Battery low!' +battery_full_cmd = +bat1_font = sans 8 +bat2_font = sans 6 +battery_font_color = #eeeeee 100 +bat1_format = +bat2_format = +battery_padding = 1 0 +battery_background_id = 0 +battery_hide = 101 +battery_lclick_command = +battery_rclick_command = +battery_mclick_command = +battery_uwheel_command = +battery_dwheel_command = +ac_connected_cmd = +ac_disconnected_cmd = + +#------------------------------------- +# Tooltip +tooltip_show_timeout = 0.5 +tooltip_hide_timeout = 0.1 +tooltip_padding = 2 2 +tooltip_background_id = 5 +tooltip_font_color = #222222 100 +tooltip_font = sans 9 + + diff --git a/config/tint2/secondary b/config/tint2/secondary new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4c7bdd --- /dev/null +++ b/config/tint2/secondary @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +#------------------------------------- +# Gradients +#------------------------------------- +# Backgrounds +# Background 1: Panel +rounded = 0 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #000000 80 +border_color = #555555 80 +background_color_hover = #000000 80 +border_color_hover = #555555 80 +background_color_pressed = #000000 80 +border_color_pressed = #555555 80 + +# Background 2: Default task, Iconified task +rounded = 0 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #777777 0 +border_color = #777777 10 +background_color_hover = #777777 4 +border_color_hover = #cccccc 30 +background_color_pressed = #333333 4 +border_color_pressed = #777777 30 + +# Background 3: Active task +rounded = 0 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #555555 10 +border_color = #ffffff 60 +background_color_hover = #cccccc 10 +border_color_hover = #ffffff 60 +background_color_pressed = #555555 10 +border_color_pressed = #ffffff 60 + +# Background 4: Urgent task +rounded = 5 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #aa4400 100 +border_color = #aa7733 100 +background_color_hover = #aa4400 100 +border_color_hover = #aa7733 100 +background_color_pressed = #aa4400 100 +border_color_pressed = #aa7733 100 + +# Background 5: Tooltip +rounded = 2 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #ffffaa 100 +border_color = #999999 100 +background_color_hover = #ffffaa 100 +border_color_hover = #999999 100 +background_color_pressed = #ffffaa 100 +border_color_pressed = #999999 100 + +# Background 6: Inactive desktop name +rounded = 2 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #777777 0 +border_color = #777777 30 +background_color_hover = #777777 4 +border_color_hover = #cccccc 30 +background_color_pressed = #777777 0 +border_color_pressed = #777777 30 + +# Background 7: Active desktop name +rounded = 2 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #555555 10 +border_color = #ffffff 60 +background_color_hover = #555555 10 +border_color_hover = #ffffff 60 +background_color_pressed = #555555 10 +border_color_pressed = #ffffff 60 + +#------------------------------------- +# Panel +panel_items = LTBC +panel_size = 100% 36 +panel_margin = 0 0 +panel_padding = 2 2 2 +panel_background_id = 1 +wm_menu = 1 +panel_dock = 0 +panel_position = bottom center horizontal +panel_layer = normal +panel_monitor = 2 +panel_shrink = 0 +autohide = 0 +autohide_show_timeout = 0 +autohide_hide_timeout = 0.5 +autohide_height = 2 +strut_policy = follow_size +panel_window_name = tint2 +disable_transparency = 0 +mouse_effects = 1 +font_shadow = 0 +mouse_hover_icon_asb = 100 0 10 +mouse_pressed_icon_asb = 100 0 0 + +#------------------------------------- +# Taskbar +taskbar_mode = single_desktop +taskbar_hide_if_empty = 0 +taskbar_padding = 0 0 2 +taskbar_background_id = 0 +taskbar_active_background_id = 0 +taskbar_name = 1 +taskbar_hide_inactive_tasks = 0 +taskbar_hide_different_monitor = 1 +taskbar_hide_different_desktop = 0 +taskbar_always_show_all_desktop_tasks = 0 +taskbar_name_padding = 6 3 +taskbar_name_background_id = 6 +taskbar_name_active_background_id = 7 +taskbar_name_font = noto sans 9 +taskbar_name_font_color = #dddddd 100 +taskbar_name_active_font_color = #dddddd 100 +taskbar_distribute_size = 1 +taskbar_sort_order = none +task_align = left + +#------------------------------------- +# Task +task_text = 0 +task_icon = 1 +task_centered = 0 +urgent_nb_of_blink = 100000 +task_maximum_size = 36 36 +task_padding = 4 3 4 +task_font = sans 8 +task_tooltip = 1 +task_font_color = #eeeeee 100 +task_icon_asb = 100 0 0 +task_background_id = 2 +task_active_background_id = 3 +task_urgent_background_id = 4 +task_iconified_background_id = 2 +mouse_left = toggle_iconify +mouse_middle = none +mouse_right = close +mouse_scroll_up = prev_task +mouse_scroll_down = next_task + +#------------------------------------- +# System tray (notification area) +systray_padding = 0 0 2 +systray_background_id = 0 +systray_sort = ascending +systray_icon_size = 22 +systray_icon_asb = 100 0 0 +systray_monitor = 1 +systray_name_filter = + +#------------------------------------- +# Launcher +launcher_padding = 0 0 2 +launcher_background_id = 0 +launcher_icon_background_id = 0 +launcher_icon_size = 22 +launcher_icon_asb = 100 0 0 +launcher_icon_theme_override = 0 +startup_notifications = 1 +launcher_tooltip = 1 +launcher_item_app = tint2conf.desktop +launcher_item_app = firefox.desktop +launcher_item_app = iceweasel.desktop +launcher_item_app = chromium-browser.desktop +launcher_item_app = google-chrome.desktop +launcher_item_app = x-terminal-emulator.desktop + +#------------------------------------- +# Clock +time1_format = %H.%M +#time2_format = %A %d %B +time1_font = noto sans bold 8 +time1_timezone = +time2_timezone = +time2_font = sans 9 +clock_font_color = #eeeeee 100 +clock_padding = 1 0 +clock_background_id = 0 +clock_tooltip = +clock_tooltip_timezone = +clock_lclick_command = zenity --calendar --text "" +clock_rclick_command = orage +clock_mclick_command = +clock_uwheel_command = +clock_dwheel_command = + +#------------------------------------- +# Battery +battery_tooltip = 1 +battery_low_status = 10 +battery_low_cmd = xmessage 'tint2: Battery low!' +battery_full_cmd = +bat1_font = sans 8 +bat2_font = sans 6 +battery_font_color = #eeeeee 100 +bat1_format = +bat2_format = +battery_padding = 1 0 +battery_background_id = 0 +battery_hide = 101 +battery_lclick_command = +battery_rclick_command = +battery_mclick_command = +battery_uwheel_command = +battery_dwheel_command = +ac_connected_cmd = +ac_disconnected_cmd = + +#------------------------------------- +# Tooltip +tooltip_show_timeout = 0.5 +tooltip_hide_timeout = 0.1 +tooltip_padding = 2 2 +tooltip_background_id = 5 +tooltip_font_color = #222222 100 +tooltip_font = sans 9 + + diff --git a/config/tint2/src/main.patch b/config/tint2/src/main.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5eebf1 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/tint2/src/main.patch @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- panel.base 2020-06-28 04:45:47.320690596 +0300 ++++ ../main 2020-06-28 04:42:10.186693111 +0300 +@@ -81,16 +81,16 @@ + + #------------------------------------- + # Panel +-panel_items = LTBC ++panel_items = LTSBC + panel_size = 100% 36 + panel_margin = 0 0 + panel_padding = 2 2 2 + panel_background_id = 1 + wm_menu = 1 + panel_dock = 0 +-panel_position = ++panel_position = center left vertical + panel_layer = normal +-panel_monitor = 2 ++panel_monitor = 1 + panel_shrink = 0 + autohide = 0 + autohide_show_timeout = 0 +@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ + task_icon = 1 + task_centered = 0 + urgent_nb_of_blink = 100000 +-task_maximum_size = ++task_maximum_size = 36 36 + task_padding = 4 3 4 + task_font = sans 8 + task_tooltip = 1 diff --git a/config/tint2/src/panel.base b/config/tint2/src/panel.base new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c298111 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/tint2/src/panel.base @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +#------------------------------------- +# Gradients +#------------------------------------- +# Backgrounds +# Background 1: Panel +rounded = 0 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #000000 80 +border_color = #555555 80 +background_color_hover = #000000 80 +border_color_hover = #555555 80 +background_color_pressed = #000000 80 +border_color_pressed = #555555 80 + +# Background 2: Default task, Iconified task +rounded = 0 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #777777 0 +border_color = #777777 10 +background_color_hover = #777777 4 +border_color_hover = #cccccc 30 +background_color_pressed = #333333 4 +border_color_pressed = #777777 30 + +# Background 3: Active task +rounded = 0 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #555555 10 +border_color = #ffffff 60 +background_color_hover = #cccccc 10 +border_color_hover = #ffffff 60 +background_color_pressed = #555555 10 +border_color_pressed = #ffffff 60 + +# Background 4: Urgent task +rounded = 5 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #aa4400 100 +border_color = #aa7733 100 +background_color_hover = #aa4400 100 +border_color_hover = #aa7733 100 +background_color_pressed = #aa4400 100 +border_color_pressed = #aa7733 100 + +# Background 5: Tooltip +rounded = 2 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #ffffaa 100 +border_color = #999999 100 +background_color_hover = #ffffaa 100 +border_color_hover = #999999 100 +background_color_pressed = #ffffaa 100 +border_color_pressed = #999999 100 + +# Background 6: Inactive desktop name +rounded = 2 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #777777 0 +border_color = #777777 30 +background_color_hover = #777777 4 +border_color_hover = #cccccc 30 +background_color_pressed = #777777 0 +border_color_pressed = #777777 30 + +# Background 7: Active desktop name +rounded = 2 +border_width = 1 +border_sides = TBLR +background_color = #555555 10 +border_color = #ffffff 60 +background_color_hover = #555555 10 +border_color_hover = #ffffff 60 +background_color_pressed = #555555 10 +border_color_pressed = #ffffff 60 + +#------------------------------------- +# Panel +panel_items = LTBC +panel_size = 100% 36 +panel_margin = 0 0 +panel_padding = 2 2 2 +panel_background_id = 1 +wm_menu = 1 +panel_dock = 0 +panel_position = +panel_layer = normal +panel_monitor = 2 +panel_shrink = 0 +autohide = 0 +autohide_show_timeout = 0 +autohide_hide_timeout = 0.5 +autohide_height = 2 +strut_policy = follow_size +panel_window_name = tint2 +disable_transparency = 0 +mouse_effects = 1 +font_shadow = 0 +mouse_hover_icon_asb = 100 0 10 +mouse_pressed_icon_asb = 100 0 0 + +#------------------------------------- +# Taskbar +taskbar_mode = single_desktop +taskbar_hide_if_empty = 0 +taskbar_padding = 0 0 2 +taskbar_background_id = 0 +taskbar_active_background_id = 0 +taskbar_name = 1 +taskbar_hide_inactive_tasks = 0 +taskbar_hide_different_monitor = 1 +taskbar_hide_different_desktop = 0 +taskbar_always_show_all_desktop_tasks = 0 +taskbar_name_padding = 6 3 +taskbar_name_background_id = 6 +taskbar_name_active_background_id = 7 +taskbar_name_font = noto sans 9 +taskbar_name_font_color = #dddddd 100 +taskbar_name_active_font_color = #dddddd 100 +taskbar_distribute_size = 1 +taskbar_sort_order = none +task_align = left + +#------------------------------------- +# Task +task_text = 0 +task_icon = 1 +task_centered = 0 +urgent_nb_of_blink = 100000 +task_maximum_size = +task_padding = 4 3 4 +task_font = sans 8 +task_tooltip = 1 +task_font_color = #eeeeee 100 +task_icon_asb = 100 0 0 +task_background_id = 2 +task_active_background_id = 3 +task_urgent_background_id = 4 +task_iconified_background_id = 2 +mouse_left = toggle_iconify +mouse_middle = none +mouse_right = close +mouse_scroll_up = prev_task +mouse_scroll_down = next_task + +#------------------------------------- +# System tray (notification area) +systray_padding = 0 0 2 +systray_background_id = 0 +systray_sort = ascending +systray_icon_size = 22 +systray_icon_asb = 100 0 0 +systray_monitor = 1 +systray_name_filter = + +#------------------------------------- +# Launcher +launcher_padding = 0 0 2 +launcher_background_id = 0 +launcher_icon_background_id = 0 +launcher_icon_size = 22 +launcher_icon_asb = 100 0 0 +launcher_icon_theme_override = 0 +startup_notifications = 1 +launcher_tooltip = 1 +launcher_item_app = tint2conf.desktop +launcher_item_app = firefox.desktop +launcher_item_app = iceweasel.desktop +launcher_item_app = chromium-browser.desktop +launcher_item_app = google-chrome.desktop +launcher_item_app = x-terminal-emulator.desktop + +#------------------------------------- +# Clock +time1_format = %H.%M +#time2_format = %A %d %B +time1_font = noto sans bold 8 +time1_timezone = +time2_timezone = +time2_font = sans 9 +clock_font_color = #eeeeee 100 +clock_padding = 1 0 +clock_background_id = 0 +clock_tooltip = +clock_tooltip_timezone = +clock_lclick_command = zenity --calendar --text "" +clock_rclick_command = orage +clock_mclick_command = +clock_uwheel_command = +clock_dwheel_command = + +#------------------------------------- +# Battery +battery_tooltip = 1 +battery_low_status = 10 +battery_low_cmd = xmessage 'tint2: Battery low!' +battery_full_cmd = +bat1_font = sans 8 +bat2_font = sans 6 +battery_font_color = #eeeeee 100 +bat1_format = +bat2_format = +battery_padding = 1 0 +battery_background_id = 0 +battery_hide = 101 +battery_lclick_command = +battery_rclick_command = +battery_mclick_command = +battery_uwheel_command = +battery_dwheel_command = +ac_connected_cmd = +ac_disconnected_cmd = + +#------------------------------------- +# Tooltip +tooltip_show_timeout = 0.5 +tooltip_hide_timeout = 0.1 +tooltip_padding = 2 2 +tooltip_background_id = 5 +tooltip_font_color = #222222 100 +tooltip_font = sans 9 + + diff --git a/config/tint2/src/secondary.patch b/config/tint2/src/secondary.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb45b08 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/tint2/src/secondary.patch @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- panel.base 2020-06-28 04:45:47.320690596 +0300 ++++ ../secondary 2020-06-28 04:42:15.195693053 +0300 +@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ + panel_background_id = 1 + wm_menu = 1 + panel_dock = 0 +-panel_position = ++panel_position = bottom center horizontal + panel_layer = normal + panel_monitor = 2 + panel_shrink = 0 +@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ + task_icon = 1 + task_centered = 0 + urgent_nb_of_blink = 100000 +-task_maximum_size = ++task_maximum_size = 36 36 + task_padding = 4 3 4 + task_font = sans 8 + task_tooltip = 1 diff --git a/config/tint2/ b/config/tint2/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a24cce9 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/tint2/ @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#!/bin/sh +cp src/panel.base main +cp src/panel.base secondary + +patch -u main src/main.patch +patch -u secondary src/secondary.patch