Adding kitty

This commit is contained in:
Siina Mashek 2024-02-09 13:45:24 +02:00
parent edc4983878
commit 521df6c313
2 changed files with 94 additions and 0 deletions

config/kitty/kitty.conf Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
enable_audio_bell no
font_size 10
font_family JetBrains Mono Thin
bold_font JetBrains Mono
italic_font JetBrains Mono
bold_italic_font JetBrains Mono
cursor_shape underline
scrollback_lines 10000
scrollback_pager_history_size 20000
include ./theme.conf

config/kitty/theme.conf Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
# vim:ft=kitty
## name: Catppuccin Kitty Frappe
## author: Catppuccin Org
## license: MIT
## upstream:
## blurb: Soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited!
# The basic colors
foreground #C6D0F5
#background #303446
background #1E2030
selection_foreground #303446
selection_background #F2D5CF
# Cursor colors
cursor #F2D5CF
cursor_text_color #303446
# URL underline color when hovering with mouse
url_color #F2D5CF
# Kitty window border colors
active_border_color #BABBF1
inactive_border_color #737994
bell_border_color #E5C890
# OS Window titlebar colors
wayland_titlebar_color #303446
macos_titlebar_color #303446
# Tab bar colors
active_tab_foreground #232634
active_tab_background #CA9EE6
inactive_tab_foreground #C6D0F5
inactive_tab_background #292C3C
tab_bar_background #232634
# Colors for marks (marked text in the terminal)
mark1_foreground #303446
mark1_background #BABBF1
mark2_foreground #303446
mark2_background #CA9EE6
mark3_foreground #303446
mark3_background #85C1DC
# The 16 terminal colors
# black
color0 #51576D
color8 #626880
# red
color1 #E78284
color9 #E78284
# green
color2 #A6D189
color10 #A6D189
# yellow
color3 #E5C890
color11 #E5C890
# blue
color4 #8CAAEE
color12 #8CAAEE
# magenta
color5 #F4B8E4
color13 #F4B8E4
# cyan
color6 #81C8BE
color14 #81C8BE
# white
color7 #B5BFE2
color15 #A5ADCE