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2023-12-21 11:27:01 +02:00
# Start audio
exec gentoo-pipewire-launcher restart &
2023-12-21 11:03:16 +02:00
# Assign workspaces to monitors
workspace 1 output DP-3
workspace 2 output DP-3
workspace 3 output HDMI-A-1
workspace 4 output HDMI-A-1
# Run in bg/tray
exec keepassxc
exec nextcloud
exec tmux new -ds profanity profanity
2023-12-21 11:03:16 +02:00
workspace 1
exec alacritty
workspace 2
exec /usr/bin/steam
workspace 3
exec discord
exec firefox-bin
workspace 4
exec telegram-desktop
# Needs to be forced due to launcher loading
assign [title="Steam"] 2
assign [title="Discord"] 3
# Focus back to main workspace
workspace 1