package model import ( "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "" "" ) func (x *HistoricalEventAddHfEntityHonor) Html(c *Context) string { e := c.World.Entities[x.EntityId] h := e.Honor[x.HonorId] return fmt.Sprintf("%s received the title %s of %s%s", c.hf(x.Hfid), h.Name(), c.entity(x.EntityId), h.Requirement()) } func (x *HistoricalEventAddHfEntityLink) Html(c *Context) string { h := c.hf(x.Hfid) e := c.entity(x.CivId) if c.Story { return "the ascension of " + h + " to " + c.position(x.CivId, x.PositionId, x.Hfid) + " of " + e } if x.AppointerHfid != -1 { e += fmt.Sprintf(", appointed by %s", c.hf(x.AppointerHfid)) } switch x.Link { case HistoricalEventAddHfEntityLinkLink_Enemy: return h + " became an enemy of " + e case HistoricalEventAddHfEntityLinkLink_Member: return h + " became a member of " + e case HistoricalEventAddHfEntityLinkLink_Position: return h + " became " + c.position(x.CivId, x.PositionId, x.Hfid) + " of " + e case HistoricalEventAddHfEntityLinkLink_Prisoner: return h + " was imprisoned by " + e case HistoricalEventAddHfEntityLinkLink_Slave: return h + " was enslaved by " + e case HistoricalEventAddHfEntityLinkLink_Squad: return h + " became a hearthperson/solder of " + e // TODO } return h + " became SOMETHING of " + e } func (x *HistoricalEventAddHfHfLink) Html(c *Context) string { h := c.hfUnrelated(x.Hfid) t := c.hfUnrelated(x.HfidTarget) switch x.LinkType { case HistoricalEventAddHfHfLinkLinkType_Apprentice: return h + " became the master of " + t case HistoricalEventAddHfHfLinkLinkType_Deity: return h + " began worshipping " + t case HistoricalEventAddHfHfLinkLinkType_FormerMaster: return h + " ceased being the apprentice of " + t case HistoricalEventAddHfHfLinkLinkType_Lover: return h + " became romantically involved with " + t case HistoricalEventAddHfHfLinkLinkType_Master: return h + " began an apprenticeship under " + t case HistoricalEventAddHfHfLinkLinkType_PetOwner: return t + " became the owner of " + h case HistoricalEventAddHfHfLinkLinkType_Prisoner: return h + " imprisoned " + t case HistoricalEventAddHfHfLinkLinkType_Spouse: return h + " married " + t default: if x.Relationship != HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_Unknown { switch x.Relationship { case HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_ArtisticBuddy: return h + " and " + t + " became friends due to a shared interest in art" // TODO art detail and occasion case HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_AtheleticRival: return h + " and " + t + " developed an athletic rivalry" case HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_AthleteBuddy: return h + " and " + t + " became friends over a shared love of athletics" case HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_BusinessRival: return h + " and " + t + " developed a business rivalry" case HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_ChildhoodFriend: return h + " and " + t + " became childhood friends" case HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_FormerLover: return h + " and " + t + " broke up" case HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_Grudge: return h + " formed a grudge against " + t case HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_JealousObsession: return h + " became infatuated with " + t case HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_JealousRelationshipGrudge: return h + " formed a grudge against " + t + " due to the latter's romantic relationship" case HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_Lieutenant: return h + " recognized " + t + " as a capable and connected lieutenant with more autonomy to act on plots in the web of intrigue" case HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_Lover: return h + " and " + t + " became lovers" case HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_PersecutionGrudge: return h + " held a deep hatred of " + t + " due to persecution" case HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_ReligiousPersecutionGrudge: return h + " held a deep hatred of " + t + " due to religious persecution" case HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_ScholarBuddy: return h + " and " + t + " became friends due to a shared interest in UNKNOWN KNOWLEDGE after a scholarly lecture " // TODO detail and site case HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_SupernaturalGrudge: return h + " was bent toward supernatural vengeance upon " + t case HistoricalEventRelationshipRelationship_WarBuddy: return h + " and " + t + " cemented a bond friendship amidst the horror of combat" } return h + " and " + t + " became " + x.Relationship.String() + "s" // TODO Texts } return h + " LINKED TO " + t } } func (x *HistoricalEventAddHfSiteLink) Html(c *Context) string { h := c.hf(x.Histfig) e := "" if x.Civ != -1 { e = " of " + c.entity(x.Civ) } b := "" if x.Structure != -1 { b = " " + c.structure(x.SiteId, x.Structure) } s :=, "in") switch x.LinkType { case HistoricalEventAddHfSiteLinkLinkType_HomeSiteAbstractBuilding: return h + " took up residence in " + b + e + " " + s case HistoricalEventAddHfSiteLinkLinkType_Occupation: return h + " started working at " + b + e + " " + s case HistoricalEventAddHfSiteLinkLinkType_PrisonAbstractBuilding: return h + " was imprisoned in " + b + e + " " + s case HistoricalEventAddHfSiteLinkLinkType_PrisonSiteBuildingProfile: return h + " was imprisoned in " + b + e + " " + s case HistoricalEventAddHfSiteLinkLinkType_SeatOfPower: return h + " ruled from " + b + e + " " + s default: return h + " LINKED TO " + s } } func (x *HistoricalEventAgreementConcluded) Html(c *Context) string { // TODO wording r := "" switch x.Topic { case HistoricalEventAgreementConcludedTopic_Treequota: r += "a lumber agreement" } return r + " proposed by " + c.entity(x.Source) + " was concluded by " + c.entity(x.Destination) +, " at") } func (x *HistoricalEventAgreementFormed) Html(c *Context) string { // TODO no info return "UNKNWON HistoricalEventAgreementFormed" } func (x *HistoricalEventAgreementMade) Html(c *Context) string { r := "" switch x.Topic { case HistoricalEventAgreementMadeTopic_Becomelandholder: r += "the establishment of landed nobility" case HistoricalEventAgreementMadeTopic_Promotelandholder: r += "the elevation of landed nobility" case HistoricalEventAgreementMadeTopic_Treequota: r += "a lumber agreement" } return r + " proposed by " + c.entity(x.Source) + " was accepted by " + c.entity(x.Destination) +, " at") } func (x *HistoricalEventAgreementRejected) Html(c *Context) string { r := "" switch x.Topic { case HistoricalEventAgreementRejectedTopic_Becomelandholder: r += "the establishment of landed nobility" case HistoricalEventAgreementRejectedTopic_Treequota: r += "a lumber agreement" case HistoricalEventAgreementRejectedTopic_Tributeagreement: r += "a tribute agreement" case HistoricalEventAgreementRejectedTopic_Unknown10: r += "a demand of unconditional surrender" } return r + " proposed by " + c.entity(x.Source) + " was rejected by " + c.entity(x.Destination) +, " at") } func (x *HistoricalEventArtifactClaimFormed) Html(c *Context) string { a := c.artifact(x.ArtifactId) switch x.Claim { case HistoricalEventArtifactClaimFormedClaim_Heirloom: return a + " was made a family heirloom by " + c.hf(x.HistFigureId) case HistoricalEventArtifactClaimFormedClaim_Symbol: p := c.World.Entities[x.EntityId].Position(x.PositionProfileId).Name_ e := c.entity(x.EntityId) return a + " was made a symbol of the " + p + " by " + e case HistoricalEventArtifactClaimFormedClaim_Treasure: circumstance := "" if x.Circumstance != HistoricalEventArtifactClaimFormedCircumstance_Unknown { circumstance = " " + x.Circumstance.String() } if x.HistFigureId != -1 { return a + " was claimed by " + c.hf(x.HistFigureId) + circumstance } else if x.EntityId != -1 { return a + " was claimed by " + c.entity(x.EntityId) + circumstance } } return a + " was claimed" } func (x *HistoricalEventArtifactCopied) Html(c *Context) string { s := util.If(x.FromOriginal, "made a copy of the original", "aquired a copy of") return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s %s of %s, keeping it%s", c.entity(x.DestEntityId), s, c.artifact(x.ArtifactId), c.siteStructure(x.SourceSiteId, x.SourceStructureId, "from"), c.entity(x.SourceEntityId), c.siteStructure(x.DestSiteId, x.DestStructureId, "within")) } func (x *HistoricalEventArtifactCreated) Html(c *Context) string { a := c.artifact(x.ArtifactId) h := c.hf(x.HistFigureId) s := "" if x.SiteId != -1 { s =, " in ") } if !x.NameOnly { return h + " created " + a + s } e := "" if x.Circumstance != nil { switch x.Circumstance.Type_ { case HistoricalEventArtifactCreatedCircumstanceType_Defeated: e = " after defeating " + c.hf(x.Circumstance.Defeated) case HistoricalEventArtifactCreatedCircumstanceType_Favoritepossession: e = " as the item was a favorite possession" case HistoricalEventArtifactCreatedCircumstanceType_Preservebody: e = " by preserving part of the body" } } switch x.Reason { case HistoricalEventArtifactCreatedReason_SanctifyHf: return fmt.Sprintf("%s received its name%s from %s in order to sanctify %s%s", a, s, h, c.hf(x.SanctifyHf), e) default: return fmt.Sprintf("%s received its name%s from %s %s", a, s, h, e) } } func (x *HistoricalEventArtifactDestroyed) Html(c *Context) string { return c.artifact(x.ArtifactId) + " was destroyed" + util.If(x.DestroyerEnid != -1, " by "+c.entity(x.DestroyerEnid), "") +, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventArtifactFound) Html(c *Context) string { w := "" if x.SiteId != -1 { w =, "") if x.SitePropertyId != -1 { w =, x.SitePropertyId) + " in " + w } } return fmt.Sprintf("%s was found in %s by %s", c.artifact(x.ArtifactId), w, util.If(x.HistFigureId != -1, c.hf(x.HistFigureId), "an unknown creature")) } func (x *HistoricalEventArtifactGiven) Html(c *Context) string { r := "" if x.ReceiverHistFigureId != -1 { r = c.hf(x.ReceiverHistFigureId) if x.ReceiverEntityId != -1 { r += " of " + c.entity(x.ReceiverEntityId) } } else if x.ReceiverEntityId != -1 { r += c.entity(x.ReceiverEntityId) } g := "" if x.GiverHistFigureId != -1 { g = c.hf(x.GiverHistFigureId) if x.GiverEntityId != -1 { g += " of " + c.entity(x.GiverEntityId) } } else if x.GiverEntityId != -1 { g += c.entity(x.GiverEntityId) } reason := "" switch x.Reason { case HistoricalEventArtifactGivenReason_PartOfTradeNegotiation: reason = " as part of a trade negotiation" } return fmt.Sprintf("%s was offered to %s by %s%s", c.artifact(x.ArtifactId), r, g, reason) } func (x *HistoricalEventArtifactLost) Html(c *Context) string { w := "" if x.SubregionId != -1 { w = c.region(x.SubregionId) } if x.SiteId != -1 { w =, "") if x.SitePropertyId != -1 { w =, x.SitePropertyId) + " in " + w } } return fmt.Sprintf("%s was lost in %s", c.artifact(x.ArtifactId), w) } func (x *HistoricalEventArtifactPossessed) Html(c *Context) string { a := c.artifact(x.ArtifactId) h := c.hf(x.HistFigureId) w := "" if x.SubregionId != -1 { w = c.region(x.SubregionId) } if x.SiteId != -1 { w =, "") } circumstance := "" switch x.Circumstance { case HistoricalEventArtifactPossessedCircumstance_HfIsDead: circumstance = " after the death of " + c.hf(x.CircumstanceId) } switch x.Reason { case HistoricalEventArtifactPossessedReason_ArtifactIsHeirloomOfFamilyHfid: return fmt.Sprintf("%s was aquired in %s by %s as an heirloom of %s%s", a, w, h, c.hf(x.ReasonId), circumstance) case HistoricalEventArtifactPossessedReason_ArtifactIsSymbolOfEntityPosition: return fmt.Sprintf("%s was aquired in %s by %s as a symbol of authority within %s%s", a, w, h, c.entity(x.ReasonId), circumstance) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s was claimed in %s by %s%s", a, w, h, circumstance) // TODO wording } func (x *HistoricalEventArtifactRecovered) Html(c *Context) string { a := c.artifact(x.ArtifactId) h := c.hf(x.HistFigureId) w := "" if x.SubregionId != -1 { w = "in " + c.region(x.SubregionId) } if x.SiteId != -1 { w =, "in ") if x.StructureId != -1 { w = c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.StructureId, "from") } } return fmt.Sprintf("%s was recovered %s by %s", a, w, h) } func (x *HistoricalEventArtifactStored) Html(c *Context) string { if x.HistFigureId != -1 { return fmt.Sprintf("%s stored %s in %s", c.hf(x.HistFigureId), c.artifact(x.ArtifactId),, "")) } else { return fmt.Sprintf("%s was stored in %s", c.artifact(x.ArtifactId),, "")) } } func (x *HistoricalEventArtifactTransformed) Html(c *Context) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s was made from %s by %s in %s", c.artifact(x.NewArtifactId), c.artifact(x.OldArtifactId), c.hf(x.HistFigureId),, "")) // TODO wording } func (x *HistoricalEventAssumeIdentity) Html(c *Context) string { h := c.hf(x.TricksterHfid) i := c.identity(x.IdentityId) if x.TargetEnid == -1 { return fmt.Sprintf(`%s assumed the identity "%s"`, h, i) } else { return fmt.Sprintf(`%s fooled %s into believing %s was "%s"`, h, c.entity(x.TargetEnid), c.pronoun(x.TricksterHfid), i) } } func (x *HistoricalEventAttackedSite) Html(c *Context) string { atk := c.entity(x.AttackerCivId) def := c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.DefenderCivId) generals := "" if x.AttackerGeneralHfid != -1 { generals += ". " + util.Capitalize(c.hf(x.AttackerGeneralHfid)) + " led the attack" if x.DefenderGeneralHfid != -1 { generals += ", and the defenders were led by " + c.hf(x.DefenderGeneralHfid) } } mercs := "" if x.AttackerMercEnid != -1 { mercs += fmt.Sprintf(". %s were hired by the attackers", c.entity(x.AttackerMercEnid)) } if x.ASupportMercEnid != -1 { mercs += fmt.Sprintf(". %s were hired as scouts by the attackers", c.entity(x.ASupportMercEnid)) } if x.DefenderMercEnid != -1 { mercs += fmt.Sprintf(". The defenders hired %s", c.entity(x.DefenderMercEnid)) } if x.DSupportMercEnid != -1 { mercs += fmt.Sprintf(". The defenders hired %s as scouts", c.entity(x.DSupportMercEnid)) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s attacked %s at %s%s%s", atk, def,, ""), generals, mercs) } func (x *HistoricalEventBodyAbused) Html(c *Context) string { s := "the " + util.If(len(x.Bodies) > 1, "bodies", "body") + " of " + c.hfList(x.Bodies) + " " + util.If(len(x.Bodies) > 1, "were", "was") switch x.AbuseType { case HistoricalEventBodyAbusedAbuseType_Animated: s += " animated" + util.If(x.Histfig != -1, " by "+c.hf(x.Histfig), "") +, " in ") case HistoricalEventBodyAbusedAbuseType_Flayed: s += " flayed and the skin stretched over " + c.structure(x.SiteId, x.Structure) + " by " + c.entity(x.Civ) +, " in ") case HistoricalEventBodyAbusedAbuseType_Hung: s += " hung from a tree by " + c.entity(x.Civ) +, " in ") case HistoricalEventBodyAbusedAbuseType_Impaled: s += " impaled on " + articled(x.ItemMat+" "+x.ItemSubtype.String()) + " by " + c.entity(x.Civ) +, " in ") case HistoricalEventBodyAbusedAbuseType_Mutilated: s += " horribly mutilated by " + c.entity(x.Civ) +, " in ") case HistoricalEventBodyAbusedAbuseType_Piled: s += " added to a " switch x.PileType { case HistoricalEventBodyAbusedPileType_Grislymound: s += "grisly mound" case HistoricalEventBodyAbusedPileType_Grotesquepillar: s += "grotesque pillar" case HistoricalEventBodyAbusedPileType_Gruesomesculpture: s += "gruesome sculpture" } s += " by " + c.entity(x.Civ) +, " in ") } return s } func (x *HistoricalEventBuildingProfileAcquired) Html(c *Context) string { mode := " acquired " switch { case x.PurchasedUnowned: mode = " purchased " case x.RebuiltRuined: mode = " rebuilt " case x.Inherited: mode = " iinherited " } return util.If(x.AcquirerEnid != -1, c.entity(x.AcquirerEnid), c.hf(x.AcquirerHfid)) + mode +, x.BuildingProfileId) +, " in") + util.If(x.LastOwnerHfid != -1, " formerly owned by "+c.hfRelated(x.LastOwnerHfid, x.AcquirerHfid), "") } func (x *HistoricalEventCeremony) Html(c *Context) string { r := c.entity(x.CivId) + " held a ceremony in " +, "") if e, ok := c.World.Entities[x.CivId]; ok { if x.OccasionId < len(e.Occasion) { o := e.Occasion[x.OccasionId] r += " as part of " + o.Name() s := o.Schedule[x.ScheduleId] if len(s.Feature) > 0 { r += ". The event featured " + andList(util.Map(s.Feature, c.feature)) } } } return r } func (x *HistoricalEventChangeHfBodyState) Html(c *Context) string { r := c.hf(x.Hfid) switch x.BodyState { case HistoricalEventChangeHfBodyStateBodyState_EntombedAtSite: r += " was entombed" } if x.StructureId != -1 { r += " within " + c.structure(x.SiteId, x.StructureId) } r +=, " in ") return r } func (x *HistoricalEventChangeHfJob) Html(c *Context) string { w := c.location(x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in") old := articled(strcase.ToDelimited(x.OldJob, ' ')) new := articled(strcase.ToDelimited(x.NewJob, ' ')) if x.OldJob == "" && x.NewJob == "" { return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " became a UNKNOWN JOB" + w } else if x.OldJob == "standard" { return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " became " + new + w } else if x.NewJob == "standard" { return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " stopped being " + old + w } else { return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " gave up being " + old + " to become a " + new + w } } func (x *HistoricalEventChangeHfState) Html(c *Context) string { r := "" switch x.Reason { case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_BeWithMaster: r = " in order to be with the master" case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_ConvictionExile, HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_ExiledAfterConviction: r = " after being exiled following a criminal conviction" case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_FailedMood: r = " after failing to create an artifact" case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_Flight: case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_GatherInformation: r = " to gather information" case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_GreatDealOfStress: r = " after a great deal of stress" case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_LackOfSleep: r = " due to lack of sleep" case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_OnAPilgrimage: r = " on a pilgrimage" case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_Scholarship: r = " in order to pursue scholarship" case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_UnableToLeaveLocation: r = " after being unable to leave a location" } switch x.State { case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateState_Refugee: return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " fled " + c.location(x.SiteId, "to", x.SubregionId, "into") case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateState_Settled: switch x.Reason { case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_BeWithMaster, HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_Scholarship: return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " moved to study " +, "in") + r case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_Flight: return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " fled " +, "to") case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_ConvictionExile, HistoricalEventChangeHfStateReason_ExiledAfterConviction: return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " departed " +, "to") + r default: return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " settled " + c.location(x.SiteId, "in", x.SubregionId, "in") } case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateState_Visiting: return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " visited " +, "in") + r case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateState_Wandering: if x.SubregionId != -1 { return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " began wandering " + c.region(x.SubregionId) } else { return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " began wandering the wilds" } } switch x.Mood { case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateMood_Berserk: return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " went berserk " +, "in") + r case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateMood_Catatonic: return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " stopped responding to the outside world " +, "in") + r case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateMood_Fell: return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " was taken by a fell mood " +, "in") + r case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateMood_Fey: return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " was taken by a fey mood " +, "in") + r case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateMood_Insane: return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " became crazed " +, "in") + r case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateMood_Macabre: return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " began to skulk and brood " +, "in") + r case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateMood_Melancholy: return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " was striken by melancholy " +, "in") + r case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateMood_Possessed: return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " was posessed " +, "in") + r case HistoricalEventChangeHfStateMood_Secretive: return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " withdrew from society " +, "in") + r } return "UNKNWON HistoricalEventChangeHfState" } func (x *HistoricalEventChangedCreatureType) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.ChangerHfid) + " changed " + c.hfRelated(x.ChangeeHfid, x.ChangerHfid) + " from " + articled(x.OldRace) + " to " + articled(x.NewRace) } func (x *HistoricalEventCompetition) Html(c *Context) string { oName := "UNKNOWN OCCASION" sType := "competition" if e, ok := c.World.Entities[x.CivId]; ok { if x.OccasionId < len(e.Occasion) { o := e.Occasion[x.OccasionId] oName = o.Name_ if x.ScheduleId < len(o.Schedule) { s := o.Schedule[x.ScheduleId] sType = strcase.ToDelimited(s.Type_.String(), ' ') } } } return c.entity(x.CivId) + " held a " + sType +, " in") + " as part of the " + oName + ". Competing " + util.If(len(x.CompetitorHfid) > 1, "were ", "was ") + c.hfList(x.CompetitorHfid) + ". " + util.Capitalize(c.hf(x.WinnerHfid)) + " was the victor" } func (x *HistoricalEventCreateEntityPosition) Html(c *Context) string { e := c.entity(x.Civ) if x.SiteCiv != x.Civ { e = c.entity(x.SiteCiv) + " of " + e } if x.Histfig != -1 { e = c.hf(x.Histfig) + " of " + e } else { e = "members of " + e } switch x.Reason { case HistoricalEventCreateEntityPositionReason_AsAMatterOfCourse: return e + " created the position of " + x.Position + " as a matter of course" case HistoricalEventCreateEntityPositionReason_Collaboration: return e + " collaborated to create the position of " + x.Position case HistoricalEventCreateEntityPositionReason_ForceOfArgument: return e + " created the position of " + x.Position + " trough force of argument" case HistoricalEventCreateEntityPositionReason_ThreatOfViolence: return e + " compelled the creation of the position of " + x.Position + " with threats of violence" case HistoricalEventCreateEntityPositionReason_WaveOfPopularSupport: return e + " created the position of " + x.Position + ", pushed by a wave of popular support" } return e + " created the position of " + x.Position } func (x *HistoricalEventCreatedSite) Html(c *Context) string { f := util.If(x.ResidentCivId != -1, " for "+c.entity(x.ResidentCivId), "") if x.BuilderHfid != -1 { return c.hf(x.BuilderHfid) + " created " +, "") + f } return c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.CivId) + " founded " +, "") + f } func (x *HistoricalEventCreatedStructure) Html(c *Context) string { // TODO rebuild/rebuilt if x.BuilderHfid != -1 { return c.hf(x.BuilderHfid) + " thrust a spire of slade up from the underworld, naming it " + c.structure(x.SiteId, x.StructureId) + ", and established a gateway between worlds in " +, "") } return c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.CivId) + util.If(x.Rebuilt, " rebuild ", " constructed ") + c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.StructureId, "") } func (x *HistoricalEventCreatedWorldConstruction) Html(c *Context) string { return c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.CivId) + " finished the contruction of " + c.worldConstruction(x.Wcid) + " connecting " +, "") + " with " +, "") + util.If(x.MasterWcid != -1, " as part of "+c.worldConstruction(x.MasterWcid), "") } func (x *HistoricalEventCreatureDevoured) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.Eater) + " devoured " + util.If(x.Victim != -1, c.hfRelated(x.Victim, x.Eater), articled(x.Race)) + util.If(x.Entity != -1, " of "+c.entity(x.Entity), "") + c.location(x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventDanceFormCreated) Html(c *Context) string { reason := "" switch x.Reason { case HistoricalEventDanceFormCreatedReason_GlorifyHf: reason = " in order to glorify " + c.hfRelated(x.ReasonId, x.HistFigureId) } circumstance := "" switch x.Circumstance { case HistoricalEventDanceFormCreatedCircumstance_Dream: circumstance = " after a dream" case HistoricalEventDanceFormCreatedCircumstance_DreamAboutHf: circumstance = " after a dreaming about " + util.If(x.ReasonId == x.CircumstanceId, c.hfShort(x.CircumstanceId), c.hfRelated(x.CircumstanceId, x.HistFigureId)) case HistoricalEventDanceFormCreatedCircumstance_Nightmare: circumstance = " after a nightmare" case HistoricalEventDanceFormCreatedCircumstance_PrayToHf: circumstance = " after praying to " + util.If(x.ReasonId == x.CircumstanceId, c.hfShort(x.CircumstanceId), c.hfRelated(x.CircumstanceId, x.HistFigureId)) } return c.danceForm(x.FormId) + " was created by " + c.hf(x.HistFigureId) + c.location(x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in") + reason + circumstance } func (x *HistoricalEventDestroyedSite) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entity(x.AttackerCivId) + " defeated " + c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.DefenderCivId) + " and destroyed " +, "") } func (x *HistoricalEventDiplomatLost) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entity(x.Entity) + " lost a diplomant in " +, "") + ". They suspected the involvement of " + c.entity(x.Involved) } func (x *HistoricalEventEntityAllianceFormed) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entityList(x.JoiningEnid) + " swore to support " + c.entity(x.InitiatingEnid) + " in war if the latter did likewise" } func (x *HistoricalEventEntityBreachFeatureLayer) Html(c *Context) string { return c.siteCiv(x.SiteEntityId, x.CivEntityId) + " breached the Underworld at " +, "") } func (x *HistoricalEventEntityCreated) Html(c *Context) string { if x.CreatorHfid != -1 { return c.hf(x.CreatorHfid) + " formed " + c.entity(x.EntityId) + c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.StructureId, "in") } else { return c.entity(x.EntityId) + " formed" + c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.StructureId, "in") } } func (x *HistoricalEventEntityDissolved) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entity(x.EntityId) + " dissolved after " + x.Reason.String() } func (x *HistoricalEventEntityEquipmentPurchase) Html(c *Context) string { // todo check hfid return c.entity(x.EntityId) + " purchased " + equipmentLevel(x.NewEquipmentLevel) + " equipment" } func (x *HistoricalEventEntityExpelsHf) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entity(x.EntityId) + " expelled " + c.hf(x.Hfid) +, " from") } func (x *HistoricalEventEntityFledSite) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entity(x.FledCivId) + " fled " +, "") } func (x *HistoricalEventEntityIncorporated) Html(c *Context) string { // TODO site return c.entity(x.JoinerEntityId) + util.If(x.PartialIncorporation, " began operating at the direction of ", " fully incorporated into ") + c.entity(x.JoinedEntityId) + " under the leadership of " + c.hf(x.LeaderHfid) } func (x *HistoricalEventEntityLaw) Html(c *Context) string { switch x.LawAdd { case HistoricalEventEntityLawLawAdd_Harsh: return c.hf(x.HistFigureId) + " laid a series of oppressive edicts upon " + c.entity(x.EntityId) } switch x.LawRemove { case HistoricalEventEntityLawLawRemove_Harsh: return c.hf(x.HistFigureId) + " lifted numerous oppressive laws from " + c.entity(x.EntityId) } return c.hf(x.HistFigureId) + " UNKNOWN LAW upon " + c.entity(x.EntityId) } func (x *HistoricalEventEntityOverthrown) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.InstigatorHfid) + " toppled the government of " + util.If(x.OverthrownHfid != -1, c.hfRelated(x.OverthrownHfid, x.InstigatorHfid)+" of ", "") + c.entity(x.EntityId) + " and " + util.If(x.PosTakerHfid == x.InstigatorHfid, "assumed control", "placed "+c.hfRelated(x.PosTakerHfid, x.InstigatorHfid)+" in power") +, " in") + util.If(len(x.ConspiratorHfid) > 0, ". The support of "+c.hfListRelated(x.ConspiratorHfid, x.InstigatorHfid)+" was crucial to the coup", "") } func (x *HistoricalEventEntityPersecuted) Html(c *Context) string { var l []string if len(x.ExpelledHfid) > 0 { l = append(l, c.hfListRelated(x.ExpelledHfid, x.PersecutorHfid)+util.If(len(x.ExpelledHfid) > 1, " were", " was")+" expelled") } if len(x.PropertyConfiscatedFromHfid) > 0 { l = append(l, "most property was confiscated") } if x.DestroyedStructureId != -1 { l = append(l, c.structure(x.SiteId, x.DestroyedStructureId)+" was destroyed"+util.If(x.ShrineAmountDestroyed > 0, " along with several smaller sacred sites", "")) } else if x.ShrineAmountDestroyed > 0 { l = append(l, "some sacred sites were desecrated") } return c.hf(x.PersecutorHfid) + " of " + c.entity(x.PersecutorEnid) + " persecuted " + c.entity(x.TargetEnid) + " in " +, "") + util.If(len(l) > 0, ". "+util.Capitalize(andList(l)), "") } func (x *HistoricalEventEntityPrimaryCriminals) Html(c *Context) string { // TODO structure return c.entity(x.EntityId) + " became the primary criminal organization in " +, "") } func (x *HistoricalEventEntityRampagedInSite) Html(c *Context) string { return "the forces of " + c.entity(x.RampageCivId) + " rampaged throughout " +, "") } func (x *HistoricalEventEntityRelocate) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entity(x.EntityId) + " moved" + c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.StructureId, "to") } func (x *HistoricalEventEntitySearchedSite) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entity(x.SearcherCivId) + " searched " +, "") + util.If(x.Result == HistoricalEventEntitySearchedSiteResult_FoundNothing, " and found nothing", "") } func (x *HistoricalEventFailedFrameAttempt) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.FramerHfid) + " attempted to frame " + c.hfRelated(x.TargetHfid, x.FramerHfid) + " for " + x.Crime.String() + util.If(x.PlotterHfid != -1, " at the behest of "+c.hfRelated(x.PlotterHfid, x.FramerHfid), "") + " by fooling " + c.hfRelated(x.FooledHfid, x.FramerHfid) + " and " + c.entity(x.ConvicterEnid) + " with fabricated evidence, but nothing came of it" } func (x *HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruption) Html(c *Context) string { action := "" switch x.Action { case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionAction_BribeOfficial: action = "have law enforcement look the other way" case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionAction_BringIntoNetwork: action = "have someone to act on plots and schemes" case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionAction_CorruptInPlace: action = "have an agent" case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionAction_InduceToEmbezzle: action = "secure embezzled funds" } method := "" switch x.Method { case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionMethod_BlackmailOverEmbezzlement: method = "made a blackmail threat, due to embezzlement using the position " + c.position(x.RelevantEntityId, x.RelevantPositionProfileId, x.CorruptorHfid) + " of " + c.entity(x.RelevantEntityId) case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionMethod_Bribe: method = "offered a bribe" case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionMethod_Flatter: method = "made flattering remarks" case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionMethod_Intimidate: method = "made a threat" case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionMethod_OfferImmortality: method = "offered immortality" case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionMethod_Precedence: method = "pulled rank as " + c.position(x.RelevantEntityId, x.RelevantPositionProfileId, x.CorruptorHfid) + " of " + c.entity(x.RelevantEntityId) case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionMethod_ReligiousSympathy: method = "played for sympathy" + util.If(x.RelevantIdForMethod != -1, " by appealing to shared worship of "+c.hfRelated(x.RelevantIdForMethod, x.CorruptorHfid), "") case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionMethod_RevengeOnGrudge: method = "offered revenge upon the persecutor " + c.hfRelated(x.RelevantIdForMethod, x.CorruptorHfid) } fail := "The plan failed" switch x.TopValue { case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionTopValue_Law: fail = c.hf(x.TargetHfid) + " valued the law and refused" case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionTopValue_Power: } switch x.TopFacet { case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionTopFacet_Ambition: case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionTopFacet_AnxietyPropensity: case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionTopFacet_Confidence: case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionTopFacet_EnvyPropensity: case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionTopFacet_Fearlessness: fail += ", despite being afraid" case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionTopFacet_Greed: case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionTopFacet_Hope: case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionTopFacet_Pride: case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionTopFacet_StressVulnerability: case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionTopFacet_Swayable: fail += ", despite being swayed by the emotional appeal" // TODO relationship values case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionTopFacet_Vanity: case HistoricalEventFailedIntrigueCorruptionTopFacet_Vengeful: } return c.hf(x.CorruptorHfid) + " attempted to corrupt " + c.hfRelated(x.TargetHfid, x.CorruptorHfid) + " in order to " + action + c.location(x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in") + ". " + util.Capitalize(util.If(x.LureHfid != -1, c.hfRelated(x.LureHfid, x.CorruptorHfid)+" lured "+c.hfShort(x.TargetHfid)+" to a meeting with "+c.hfShort(x.CorruptorHfid)+", where the latter", c.hfShort(x.CorruptorHfid)+" met with "+c.hfShort(x.TargetHfid))) + util.If(x.FailedJudgmentTest, ", while completely misreading the situation,", "") + " " + method + ". " + fail } func (x *HistoricalEventFieldBattle) Html(c *Context) string { atk := c.entity(x.AttackerCivId) def := c.entity(x.DefenderCivId) generals := "" if x.AttackerGeneralHfid != -1 { generals += ". " + util.Capitalize(c.hf(x.AttackerGeneralHfid)) + " led the attack" if x.DefenderGeneralHfid != -1 { generals += ", and the defenders were led by " + c.hf(x.DefenderGeneralHfid) } } mercs := "" if x.AttackerMercEnid != -1 { mercs += fmt.Sprintf(". %s were hired by the attackers", c.entity(x.AttackerMercEnid)) } if x.ASupportMercEnid != -1 { mercs += fmt.Sprintf(". %s were hired as scouts by the attackers", c.entity(x.ASupportMercEnid)) } if x.DefenderMercEnid != -1 { mercs += fmt.Sprintf(". The defenders hired %s", c.entity(x.DefenderMercEnid)) } if x.DSupportMercEnid != -1 { mercs += fmt.Sprintf(". The defenders hired %s as scouts", c.entity(x.DSupportMercEnid)) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s attacked %s at %s%s%s", atk, def, c.region(x.SubregionId), generals, mercs) } func (x *HistoricalEventFirstContact) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entity(x.ContactorEnid) + " made contact with " + c.entity(x.ContactedEnid) +, " at") } func (x *HistoricalEventGamble) Html(c *Context) string { outcome := "" switch d := x.NewAccount - x.OldAccount; { case d <= -5000: outcome = "lost a fortune" case d <= -1000: outcome = "did poorly" case d <= 1000: outcome = "did well" case d <= 5000: outcome = "made a fortune" } return c.hf(x.GamblerHfid) + " " + outcome + " gambling" + c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.StructureId, " in") + util.If(x.OldAccount >= 0 && x.NewAccount < 0, " and went into debt", "") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfAbducted) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.TargetHfid) + " was abducted " + c.location(x.SiteId, "from", x.SubregionId, "from") + " by " + c.hfRelated(x.SnatcherHfid, x.TargetHfid) } func (x *HistoricalEventHfAttackedSite) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.AttackerHfid) + " attacked " + c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.DefenderCivId) +, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfConfronted) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " aroused " + x.Situation.String() + c.location(x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in") + " after " + andList(util.Map(x.Reason, func(r HistoricalEventHfConfrontedReason) string { switch r { case HistoricalEventHfConfrontedReason_Ageless: return " appearing not to age" case HistoricalEventHfConfrontedReason_Murder: return "a murder" } return "" })) } func (x *HistoricalEventHfConvicted) Html(c *Context) string { // TODO no_prison_available, interrogator_hfid r := util.If(x.ConfessedAfterApbArrestEnid != -1, "after being recognized and arrested, ", "") switch { case x.SurveiledCoconspirator: r += "due to ongoing surveillance on a coconspiratior, " + c.hfRelated(x.CoconspiratorHfid, x.ConvictedHfid) + ", as the plot unfolded, " case x.SurveiledContact: r += "due to ongoing surveillance on the contact " + c.hfRelated(x.ContactHfid, x.ConvictedHfid) + " as the plot unfolded, " case x.SurveiledConvicted: r += "due to ongoing surveillance as the plot unfolded, " case x.SurveiledTarget: r += "due to ongoing surveillance on the target " + c.hfRelated(x.TargetHfid, x.ConvictedHfid) + " as the plot unfolded, " } r += c.hf(x.ConvictedHfid) + util.If(x.ConfessedAfterApbArrestEnid != -1, " confessed and", "") + " was " + util.If(x.WrongfulConviction, "wrongfully ", "") + "convicted " + util.If(x.ConvictIsContact, "as a go-between in a conspiracy to commit ", "of ") + x.Crime.String() + " by " + c.entity(x.ConvicterEnid) if x.FooledHfid != -1 { r += " after " + c.hfRelated(x.FramerHfid, x.ConvictedHfid) + " fooled " + c.hfRelated(x.FooledHfid, x.ConvictedHfid) + " with fabricated evidence" + util.If(x.PlotterHfid != -1, " at the behest of "+c.hfRelated(x.PlotterHfid, x.ConvictedHfid), "") } if x.CorruptConvicterHfid != -1 { r += " and the corrupt " + c.hfRelated(x.CorruptConvicterHfid, x.ConvictedHfid) + " through the machinations of " + c.hfRelated(x.PlotterHfid, x.ConvictedHfid) } var penaltiy []string penaltiy = append(penaltiy, r) if x.Beating { penaltiy = append(penaltiy, "beaten") } if x.Hammerstrokes > 0 { penaltiy = append(penaltiy, fmt.Sprintf("sentenced to %d hammerstrokes", x.Hammerstrokes)) } if x.DeathPenalty { penaltiy = append(penaltiy, "sentenced to death") } if x.Exiled { penaltiy = append(penaltiy, "exiled") } if x.PrisonMonths > 0 { m := x.PrisonMonths % 12 y := x.PrisonMonths / 12 t := "" if m != 0 && y != 0 { t = fmt.Sprintf("%d %s and %d %s", y, util.If(y > 1, "years", "year"), m, util.If(m > 1, "months", "month")) } else if y != 0 { t = fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", y, util.If(y > 1, "years", "year")) } else { t = fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", m, util.If(m > 1, "months", "month")) } penaltiy = append(penaltiy, "imprisoned for a term of "+t) } r = andList(penaltiy) if x.HeldFirmInInterrogation { r += ". " + c.hfShort(x.ConvictedHfid) + " revealed nothing during interrogation" } else if len(x.ImplicatedHfid) > 0 { r += ". " + c.hfShort(x.ConvictedHfid) + " implicated " + c.hfList(x.ImplicatedHfid) + " during interrogation" + util.If(x.DidNotRevealAllInInterrogation, " but did not reveal eaverything", "") } return r } func (x *HistoricalEventHfDestroyedSite) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.AttackerHfid) + " routed " + c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.DefenderCivId) + " and destroyed " +, "") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfDied) Html(c *Context) string { hf := c.hf(x.Hfid) loc := c.location(x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in") slayer := "" if x.SlayerHfid != -1 { slayer = " by " + c.hfRelated(x.SlayerHfid, x.Hfid) } if x.SlayerItemId != -1 { slayer += " with " + c.artifact(x.SlayerItemId) } switch x.Cause { case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Behead, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_ExecBeheaded: return hf + " was beheaded" + slayer + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Bleed, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Blood: return hf + " bled to death, slain by " + slayer + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_BloodDrained, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_DrainBlood: return hf + " was drained of blood by " + slayer + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_BurnAlive, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_ExecBurnedAlive: return hf + " was burned alive" + slayer + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_BuryAlive, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_ExecBuriedAlive: return hf + " was buried alive" + slayer + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Cavein: case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Chasm: return hf + " fell into a deep chasm" + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Collision, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Obstacle: return hf + " died after colliding with an obstacle, slain by " + slayer + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Crucify, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_ExecCrucified: return hf + " was crucified" + slayer + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Crushed: case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_CrushedBridge, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Drawbridge: return hf + " was crushed by a drawbridge" + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Drown: return hf + " drowned" + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_DrownAlt, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_ExecDrowned: return hf + " was drowned" + slayer + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_EncaseIce, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_FreezingWater: return hf + " was encased in ice" + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_ExecGeneric, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_ExecutionGeneric: return hf + " was executed" + slayer + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_FallingObject: case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_FeedToBeasts, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_ExecFedToBeasts: return hf + " was fed to beasts" + slayer + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_FlyingObject: case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_HackToPieces, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_ExecHackedToPieces: return hf + " was hacked to pieces" + slayer + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Heat: case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Hunger: return hf + " starved" + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Infection: return hf + " succumbed to infection" + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Melt: return hf + " melted" + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Murder, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Murdered: return hf + " was murdered" + slayer + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_OldAge: return hf + " died of old age" + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_PutToRest, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Memorialize: return hf + " was put to rest" + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Quit: case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Quitdead: case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Scare: case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_ScaredToDeath: case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Shot: return hf + " was shot and killed" + slayer + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Slaughter, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Slaughtered: return hf + " was slaughtered by " + slayer + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Spike: case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Spikes: case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Struck, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_StruckDown: return hf + " was struck down" + slayer + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Suffocate, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Air: return hf + " suffocated, slain by " + slayer + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_SuicideDrowned, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_DrownAltTwo: if f, ok := c.World.HistoricalFigures[x.Hfid]; ok { return hf + " drowned " + util.If(f.Female(), "herself ", "himself ") + loc } return hf + " drowned themselves " + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_SuicideLeaping, HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_LeaptFromHeight: return hf + " leapt from a great height" + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Thirst: return hf + " died of thirst" + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Trap: return hf + " was killed by a trap" + loc case HistoricalEventHfDiedCause_Vanish: } return hf + " died: " + x.Cause.String() + slayer + loc } func (x *HistoricalEventHfDisturbedStructure) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.HistFigId) + " disturbed " + c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.StructureId, "") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfDoesInteraction) Html(c *Context) string { // TODO ignore source i := strings.Index(x.InteractionAction, " ") if i > 0 { return c.hf(x.DoerHfid) + " " + x.InteractionAction[:i+1] + c.hfRelated(x.TargetHfid, x.DoerHfid) + x.InteractionAction[i:] + util.If(x.Site != -1,, " in"), "") } else { return c.hf(x.DoerHfid) + " UNKNOWN INTERACTION " + c.hfRelated(x.TargetHfid, x.DoerHfid) + util.If(x.Site != -1,, " in"), "") } } func (x *HistoricalEventHfEnslaved) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.SellerHfid) + " sold " + c.hfRelated(x.EnslavedHfid, x.SellerHfid) + " to " + c.entity(x.PayerEntityId) +, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfEquipmentPurchase) Html(c *Context) string { // TODO site, structure, region return c.hf(x.GroupHfid) + " purchased " + equipmentLevel(x.Quality) + " equipment" } func (x *HistoricalEventHfFreed) Html(c *Context) string { return util.If(x.FreeingHfid != -1, c.hf(x.FreeingHfid), "the forces") + " of " + c.entity(x.FreeingCivId) + " freed " + c.hfList(x.RescuedHfid) +, " from") + " and " + c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.HoldingCivId) } func (x *HistoricalEventHfGainsSecretGoal) Html(c *Context) string { switch x.SecretGoal { case HistoricalEventHfGainsSecretGoalSecretGoal_Immortality: return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " became obsessed with " + c.posessivePronoun(x.Hfid) + " own mortality and sought to extend " + c.posessivePronoun(x.Hfid) + " life by any means" } return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " UNKNOWN SECRET GOAL" } func (x *HistoricalEventHfInterrogated) Html(c *Context) string { // TODO wanted_and_recognized, held_firm_in_interrogation, implicated_hfid return c.hf(x.TargetHfid) + " was recognized and arrested by " + c.entity(x.ArrestingEnid) + ". Despite the interrogation by " + c.hfRelated(x.InterrogatorHfid, x.TargetHfid) + ", " + c.hfShort(x.TargetHfid) + " refused to reveal anything and was released" } func (x *HistoricalEventHfLearnsSecret) Html(c *Context) string { if x.ArtifactId != -1 { return c.hf(x.StudentHfid) + " learned " + x.SecretText.String() + " from " + c.artifact(x.ArtifactId) } else { return c.hf(x.TeacherHfid) + " taught " + c.hfRelated(x.StudentHfid, x.TeacherHfid) + " " + x.SecretText.String() } } func (x *HistoricalEventHfNewPet) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.GroupHfid) + " tamed " + articled(x.Pets) + c.location(x.SiteId, " of", x.SubregionId, " of") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfPerformedHorribleExperiments) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.GroupHfid) + " performed horrible experiments " +, x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfPrayedInsideStructure) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.HistFigId) + " prayed " + c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.StructureId, "inside") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfPreach) Html(c *Context) string { // relevant site topic := "" switch x.Topic { case HistoricalEventHfPreachTopic_Entity1ShouldLoveEntityTwo: topic = ", urging love to be shown to " case HistoricalEventHfPreachTopic_SetEntity1AgainstEntityTwo: topic = ", inveighing against " } return c.hf(x.SpeakerHfid) + " preached to " + c.entity(x.Entity1) + topic + c.entity(x.Entity2) +, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfProfanedStructure) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.HistFigId) + " profaned " + c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.StructureId, "") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfRansomed) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.RansomerHfid) + " ransomed " + c.hfRelated(x.RansomedHfid, x.RansomerHfid) + " to " + util.If(x.PayerHfid != -1, c.hfRelated(x.PayerHfid, x.RansomerHfid), c.entity(x.PayerEntityId)) + ". " + c.hfShort(x.RansomedHfid) + " was sent " +, "to") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfReachSummit) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hfList(x.GroupHfid) + util.If(len(x.GroupHfid) > 1, " were", " was") + " the first to reach the summit of " + c.mountain(x.MountainPeakId) + " which rises above " + c.region(x.SubregionId) } func (x *HistoricalEventHfRecruitedUnitTypeForEntity) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " recruited " + x.UnitType.String() + "s into " + c.entity(x.EntityId) + c.location(x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfRelationshipDenied) Html(c *Context) string { r := c.hf(x.SeekerHfid) switch x.Relationship { case HistoricalEventHfRelationshipDeniedRelationship_Apprentice: r += " was denied an apprenticeship under " default: r += " was denied an UNKNOWN RELATIONSHIP with " } r += c.hf(x.TargetHfid) switch x.Reason { case HistoricalEventHfRelationshipDeniedReason_Jealousy: r += " due to " + util.If(x.ReasonId != x.TargetHfid, c.hfRelated(x.ReasonId, x.SeekerHfid), "the latter") + "'s jealousy" case HistoricalEventHfRelationshipDeniedReason_PrefersWorkingAlone: r += " as " + util.If(x.ReasonId != x.TargetHfid, c.hfRelated(x.ReasonId, x.SeekerHfid), "the latter") + " prefers to work alone" } return r } func (x *HistoricalEventHfReunion) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.Group1Hfid) + " was reunited with " + c.hfListRelated(x.Group2Hfid, x.Group1Hfid) + c.location(x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfRevived) Html(c *Context) string { r := c.hf(x.Hfid) if x.ActorHfid != -1 { if x.Disturbance { r += " was disturbed from eternal rest by " + c.hfRelated(x.ActorHfid, x.Hfid) } else { r += " was brought back from the dead by " + c.hfRelated(x.ActorHfid, x.Hfid) } } else { r += " came back from the dead" } return r + util.If(x.RaisedBefore, " once more, this time", "") + " as " + articled(util.If(x.Ghost == HistoricalEventHfRevivedGhost_Unknown, "undead", x.Ghost.String())) + c.location(x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfSimpleBattleEvent) Html(c *Context) string { group1 := c.hf(x.Group1Hfid) group2 := c.hfRelated(x.Group2Hfid, x.Group1Hfid) loc := c.location(x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in") switch x.Subtype { case HistoricalEventHfSimpleBattleEventSubtype_Ambushed: return group1 + " ambushed " + group2 + loc case HistoricalEventHfSimpleBattleEventSubtype_Attacked: return group1 + " attacked " + group2 + loc case HistoricalEventHfSimpleBattleEventSubtype_Confront: return group1 + " confronted " + group2 + loc case HistoricalEventHfSimpleBattleEventSubtype_Corner: return group1 + " cornered " + group2 + loc case HistoricalEventHfSimpleBattleEventSubtype_GotIntoABrawl: return group1 + " got into a brawl with " + group2 + loc case HistoricalEventHfSimpleBattleEventSubtype_HappenUpon: return group1 + " happened upon " + group2 + loc case HistoricalEventHfSimpleBattleEventSubtype_Scuffle: return group1 + " fought with " + group2 + loc + ". While defeated the latter escaped unscathed." case HistoricalEventHfSimpleBattleEventSubtype_Subdued: return group1 + " fought with and subdued " + group2 + loc case HistoricalEventHfSimpleBattleEventSubtype_Surprised: return group1 + " surprised " + group2 + loc case HistoricalEventHfSimpleBattleEventSubtype_TwoLostAfterGivingWounds: return group2 + " was forced to retreat from " + group1 + " despite the latters' wounds " + loc case HistoricalEventHfSimpleBattleEventSubtype_TwoLostAfterMutualWounds: return group2 + " eventually prevailed and " + group1 + " was forced to make a hasty escape" + loc case HistoricalEventHfSimpleBattleEventSubtype_TwoLostAfterReceivingWounds: return group2 + " managed to escape from " + group1 + "'s onslaught" + loc } return group1 + " attacked " + group2 + loc } func (x *HistoricalEventHfTravel) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hfList(x.GroupHfid) + util.If(x.Return, " returned", " made a journey") + c.location(x.SiteId, " to", x.SubregionId, " to") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfViewedArtifact) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.HistFigId) + " viewed " + c.artifact(x.ArtifactId) + c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.StructureId, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfWounded) Html(c *Context) string { r := c.hf(x.WoundeeHfid) bp := "UNKNOWN BODYPART" // TODO bodyparts switch x.InjuryType { case HistoricalEventHfWoundedInjuryType_Rip: r += "'s " + bp + util.If(x.PartLost == HistoricalEventHfWoundedPartLost_True, " was torn out ", " was ripped ") case HistoricalEventHfWoundedInjuryType_Slash: r += "'s " + bp + util.If(x.PartLost == HistoricalEventHfWoundedPartLost_True, " was slashed off ", " was slashed ") case HistoricalEventHfWoundedInjuryType_Smash: r += "'s " + bp + util.If(x.PartLost == HistoricalEventHfWoundedPartLost_True, " was smashed off ", " was smashed ") case HistoricalEventHfWoundedInjuryType_Stab: r += "'s " + bp + util.If(x.PartLost == HistoricalEventHfWoundedPartLost_True, " was stabbed off ", " was stabbed") default: r += " was wounded" } return r + " by " + c.hfRelated(x.WounderHfid, x.WoundeeHfid) + c.location(x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in") + util.If(x.WasTorture, " as a means of torture", "") } func (x *HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationship) Html(c *Context) string { if x.Circumstance == HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipCircumstance_IsEntitySubordinate { return c.hf(x.CorruptorHfid) + " subordinated " + c.hfRelated(x.TargetHfid, x.CorruptorHfid) + " as a member of " + c.entity(x.CircumstanceId) + " toward the fullfillment of plots and schemes" + c.location(x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in") } action := "" switch x.Action { case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipAction_BringIntoNetwork: action = "have someone to act on plots and schemes" case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipAction_CorruptInPlace: action = "have an agent" } method := "" switch x.Method { case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipMethod_BlackmailOverEmbezzlement: method = "made a blackmail threat, due to embezzlement using the position " + c.position(x.RelevantEntityId, x.RelevantPositionProfileId, x.CorruptorHfid) + " of " + c.entity(x.RelevantEntityId) case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipMethod_Bribe: method = "offered a bribe" case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipMethod_Flatter: method = "made flattering remarks" case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipMethod_Intimidate: method = "made a threat" case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipMethod_OfferImmortality: method = "offered immortality" case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipMethod_Precedence: method = "pulled rank as " + c.position(x.RelevantEntityId, x.RelevantPositionProfileId, x.CorruptorHfid) + " of " + c.entity(x.RelevantEntityId) case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipMethod_ReligiousSympathy: method = "played for sympathy" + util.If(x.RelevantIdForMethod != -1, " by appealing to shared worship of "+c.hfRelated(x.RelevantIdForMethod, x.CorruptorHfid), "") case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipMethod_RevengeOnGrudge: method = "offered revenge upon the persecutor " + c.hfRelated(x.RelevantIdForMethod, x.CorruptorHfid) } success := "The plan worked" switch x.TopValue { case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipTopValue_Law: // success = c.hf(x.TargetHfid) + " valued the law and refused" case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipTopValue_Power: } switch x.TopFacet { case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipTopFacet_Ambition: case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipTopFacet_AnxietyPropensity: case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipTopFacet_Confidence: case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipTopFacet_EnvyPropensity: case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipTopFacet_Fearlessness: // success += ", despite being afraid" case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipTopFacet_Greed: case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipTopFacet_Hope: case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipTopFacet_Pride: case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipTopFacet_StressVulnerability: case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipTopFacet_Swayable: // success += ", despite being swayed by the emotional appeal" // TODO relationship values case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipTopFacet_Vanity: case HistoricalEventHfsFormedIntrigueRelationshipTopFacet_Vengeful: } return c.hf(x.CorruptorHfid) + " corrupted " + c.hfRelated(x.TargetHfid, x.CorruptorHfid) + " in order to " + action + c.location(x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in") + ". " + util.Capitalize(util.If(x.LureHfid != -1, c.hfRelated(x.LureHfid, x.CorruptorHfid)+" lured "+c.hfShort(x.TargetHfid)+" to a meeting with "+c.hfShort(x.CorruptorHfid)+", where the latter", c.hfShort(x.CorruptorHfid)+" met with "+c.hfShort(x.TargetHfid))) + " and " + method + ". " + success } func (x *HistoricalEventHfsFormedReputationRelationship) Html(c *Context) string { hf1 := c.hf(x.Hfid1) + util.If(x.IdentityId1 != -1, " as "+c.fullIdentity(x.IdentityId1), "") hf2 := c.hfRelated(x.Hfid2, x.Hfid1) + util.If(x.IdentityId2 != -1, " as "+c.fullIdentity(x.IdentityId2), "") loc := c.location(x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in") switch x.HfRep2Of1 { case HistoricalEventHfsFormedReputationRelationshipHfRep2Of1_Friendly: return hf1 + " and " + hf2 + ", formed a false friendship where each used the other for information" + loc case HistoricalEventHfsFormedReputationRelationshipHfRep2Of1_InformationSource: return hf1 + ", formed a false friendship with " + hf2 + " in order to extract information" + loc } return hf1 + " and " + hf2 + ", formed an UNKNOWN RELATIONSHIP" + loc } func (x *HistoricalEventHolyCityDeclaration) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entity(x.ReligionId) + " declared " +, "") + " to be a holy site" } func (x *HistoricalEventInsurrectionStarted) Html(c *Context) string { e := util.If(x.TargetCivId != -1, c.entity(x.TargetCivId), "the local government") switch x.Outcome { case HistoricalEventInsurrectionStartedOutcome_LeadershipOverthrown: return "the insurrection " +, "in") + " concluded with " + e + " overthrown" case HistoricalEventInsurrectionStartedOutcome_PopulationGone: return "an insurrection " +, "in") + " against " + e + " ended with the disappearance of the rebelling population" default: return "an insurrection against " + e + " began " +, "in") } } func (x *HistoricalEventItemStolen) Html(c *Context) string { i := util.If(x.Item != -1, c.artifact(x.Item), articled(x.Mat+" "+x.ItemType)) circumstance := "" if x.Circumstance != nil { switch x.Circumstance.Type_ { case HistoricalEventItemStolenCircumstanceType_Defeated: circumstance = " after defeating " + c.hfRelated(x.Circumstance.Defeated, x.Histfig) case HistoricalEventItemStolenCircumstanceType_Histeventcollection: // TODO during ... case HistoricalEventItemStolenCircumstanceType_Murdered: circumstance = " after murdering " + c.hfRelated(x.Circumstance.Defeated, x.Histfig) } } switch x.TheftMethod { case HistoricalEventItemStolenTheftMethod_Confiscated: return i + " was confiscated by " + c.hf(x.Histfig) + circumstance + util.If(x.Site != -1,, " in"), "") case HistoricalEventItemStolenTheftMethod_Looted: return i + " was looted " + util.If(x.Site != -1,, " from"), "") + " by " + c.hf(x.Histfig) + circumstance case HistoricalEventItemStolenTheftMethod_Recovered: return i + " was recovered by " + c.hf(x.Histfig) + circumstance + util.If(x.Site != -1,, " in"), "") } return i + " was stolen " + c.siteStructure(x.Site, x.Structure, "from") + " by " + c.hf(x.Histfig) + circumstance + util.If(x.StashSite != -1, " and brought ", "to"), "") } func (x *HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscovered) Html(c *Context) string { knowledge := x.Knowledge.String() switch x.Knowledge { case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_Unknown: knowledge = "unknown knowledge" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyDatesOfLunarAndSolarEclipses: knowledge = "the dates of lunar and solar eclipses" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyDaylightVariationWithSolarYear: knowledge = "the variation of daylight with the season" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyGeocentricModel: knowledge = "the theory that the sun moves around the world" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyHeightOfTidesVsMoonAndSun: knowledge = "the height of the tides, the moon and the sun" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyHeliocentricModel: knowledge = "the theory that the world moves around the sun" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyMethodEmpiricalObservation: knowledge = "methods of empirical observation in astronomy" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyMethodPathModels: knowledge = "the method of forming precise models for the paths of astronomical objects" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyPathOfTheMoon: knowledge = "the path of the moon" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyPhasesOfTheMoon: knowledge = "the phases of the moon" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyPrecessionOfEquinoxes: knowledge = "the precession of equinoxes over great periods of time" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyRelationshipBetweenLunarSolarYear: knowledge = "the relationship between the lunar and solar year" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyStarCatalogues100: knowledge = "the compilation of information about stars" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyStarCatalogues1000: knowledge = "the precise compilation of information about stars" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyStarCharts: knowledge = "the creation of star charts" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyStarColorClassification: knowledge = "the classification of stars according to color" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyStarMagnitudeClassification: knowledge = "the classification of stars according to brightness" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomySummerWinterMoon: knowledge = "the rise of the moon according to the season" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomySummerWinterSun: knowledge = "the rise of the sun according to the season" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_AstronomyTidesAndTheMoon: knowledge = "the relationship between the moon and the tides" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryChemicalsAdhesives: knowledge = "the preparation and use of adhesive materials" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryChemicalsAquaRegia: knowledge = "the preparation of aqua regia" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryChemicalsNitricAcid: knowledge = "the preparation of spirit of niter" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryChemicalsSulfuricAcid: knowledge = "the preparation of oil of vitriol" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryClassificationAlkaliAndAcids: knowledge = "the classification of alkali and acids" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryClassificationCombustibles: knowledge = "the classification of combustible materials" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryClassificationElementalTheory: knowledge = "the classification of materials based on which elemental materials might form them" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryClassificationOres: knowledge = "the classification of ores" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryClassificationScratchTest: knowledge = "a method to classify the hardness of materials by scratching them against each other" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryLaboratoryAlembic: knowledge = "the construction and use of the alembic" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryLaboratoryBlastFurnace: knowledge = "the construction and use of the blast furnace" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryLaboratoryCrucible: knowledge = "the construction and use of the crucible" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryLaboratoryGlassAmpoule: knowledge = "the construction and use of the ampoule" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryLaboratoryGlassBeaker: knowledge = "the construction and use of the beaker" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryLaboratoryGlassFlask: knowledge = "the construction and use of the flask" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryLaboratoryGlassFunnel: knowledge = "the construction and use of the funnel" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryLaboratoryGlassRetort: knowledge = "the construction and use of the retort" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryLaboratoryGlassVial: knowledge = "the construction and use of the vial" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryLaboratoryLabOvens: knowledge = "the construction and use of laboratory ovens" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryLaboratorySystematicExperiments: knowledge = "methods for performing experiments systematically in the laboratory" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryLaboratoryTheoryOfDistillation: knowledge = "the theory and methods involved in distillation" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryLaboratoryTheoryOfEvaporation: knowledge = "the theory and methods involved in evaporation" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryLaboratoryTheoryOfLiquidLiquidExtraction: knowledge = "the theory and methods involved in the extraction of a constituent liquid from one solution to another" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_ChemistryMetallurgyAlloys: knowledge = "the mixing of metals to produce alloys" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringAstronomyArmillarySphere: knowledge = "the construction and use of armillary spheres" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringAstronomyAstrolabe: knowledge = "the construction and use of the astrolabe" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringAstronomyDioptra: knowledge = "the construction and use of the dioptra" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringConstructionWoodLamination: knowledge = "the use of lamination" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringDesignModelsAndTemplates: knowledge = "the use of models and templates in engineering" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringFluidArchimedesPrinciple: knowledge = "the law of fluid displacement" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringFluidForcePump: knowledge = "the construction and use of the force pump" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringFluidTheoryOfSiphon: knowledge = "the action of the siphon" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringFluidValves: knowledge = "the construction and use of valves" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringHorologyConicalWaterClock: knowledge = "the use of conical shapes in water-based clocks to improve their accuracy" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringHorologyHourglass: knowledge = "the construction and use of the hourglass" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringHorologyShadowClock: knowledge = "the use of shadows to tell direction and time" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringHorologyWaterClock: knowledge = "the use of water-based devices to tell time" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringHorologyWaterClockReservoir: knowledge = "the use of reservoirs in water-based clocks to improve their accuracy" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineBalanceWheel: knowledge = "the construction and use of the balance wheel" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineBellows: knowledge = "the construction and use of the bellows" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineCamshaft: knowledge = "the construction and use of the camshaft" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineChainDrive: knowledge = "the construction and use of chain drives" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineChariotOdometer: knowledge = "the construction and use of the chariot odometer" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineCombinationLock: knowledge = "the construction and use of the combination lock" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineCrank: knowledge = "the construction and use of the crank" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineCrankshaft: knowledge = "the construction and use of the crankshaft" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineDifferentialGear: knowledge = "the construction and use of the differential gear" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineDoubleActingPistonBellows: knowledge = "the construction and use of the double-acting piston bellows" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineLever: knowledge = "the construction and use of the lever" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineMechanicalCompass: knowledge = "the construction and use of the mechanical compass" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachinePadlock: knowledge = "the construction and use of the padlock" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachinePiston: knowledge = "the construction and use of the piston" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachinePulley: knowledge = "the construction and use of the pulley" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineScrew: knowledge = "the construction and use of the screw" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineStraightBeamBalance: knowledge = "the construction and use of the straight-beam balance" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineTheoryOfGears: knowledge = "the reasons why gears are effective" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineTheoryOfLever: knowledge = "the reasons why the lever is effective" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineTheoryOfPulley: knowledge = "the reasons why pulleys are effective" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineTheoryOfScrew: knowledge = "the reasons why screws are effective" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineTheoryOfWedge: knowledge = "the reasons why the wedge is effective" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineTheoryOfWheelAndAxle: knowledge = "the reasons why the wheel-and-axle construction is effective" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineTripHammer: knowledge = "the construction and use of the trip-hammer" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineTumblerLock: knowledge = "the construction and use of the tumbler lock" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineVergeEscapement: knowledge = "the construction and use of the verge escapement" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineWardedLock: knowledge = "the construction and use of the warded lock" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineWaterWheel: knowledge = "the construction and use of the water wheel" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineWaterPoweredSawmill: knowledge = "the construction and use of the water-powered sawmill" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringMachineWindlass: knowledge = "the construction and use of the windlass" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringOpticsCameraObscura: knowledge = "the construction and use of the camera obscura" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringOpticsCrystalLens: knowledge = "the construction and use of the crystal lens" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringOpticsGlassLens: knowledge = "the construction and use of the glass lens" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringOpticsTheoryOfColor: knowledge = "the theory of light and color" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_EngineeringOpticsWaterFilledSpheres: knowledge = "the construction and use of water-filled spheres as lenses" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_GeographyCartographyBasic: knowledge = "the process involved in creating maps" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_GeographyCartographyEconomic: knowledge = "the placement of economic information on maps" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_GeographyCartographyGeological: knowledge = "the placement of geological information on maps" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_GeographyFormAtlas: knowledge = "the collection of maps and other information together into a single text" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_GeographyMethodEconomicDataCollection: knowledge = "the process of economic data collection" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_GeographySurveyingBasic: knowledge = "the process of surveying land" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_GeographySurveyingStaff: knowledge = "the construction and use of the surveying staff" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_GeographyTheoryDeltaFormation: knowledge = "the process of the formation of deltas at the mouths of rivers" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_GeographyTheoryOriginOfRainfallFromEvapCondense: knowledge = "the origin of rainfall through evaporation and condensation" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_GeographyTheoryWaterCycle: knowledge = "a world-wide cycle involving precipitation, oceans, rivers, and other forms of water" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_GeographyTheoryWindPatterns: knowledge = "the forces that govern wind patterns" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistoryFormAlternateHistory: knowledge = "the exploration of how history would be different if some key past events had transpired differently" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistoryFormAutobiographicalAdventure: knowledge = "the method of writing a biography of oneself, particularly as it concerns a military campaign or adventure" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistoryFormBiographicalDictionaries: knowledge = "the compilation of brief biographies into one large collection" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistoryFormBiography: knowledge = "the method of writing the history of a single individual" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistoryFormComparativeBiography: knowledge = "the method of compiling several biographies to compare and contrast the subjects' character and to gain insight into history" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistoryFormCulturalComparison: knowledge = "the method of comparing and contrasting different cultures" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistoryFormCulturalHistory: knowledge = "the method of accurately and comprehensively describing cultures and civilizations" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistoryFormEncyclopedia: knowledge = "the compilation of many summaries into a single text" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistoryFormGenealogy: knowledge = "the compilation of family lineages and methods of displaying them artfully" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistoryFormTreatiseOnTechEvolution: knowledge = "the method of examining artifacts to determine how methods have changed over time" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistorySourcingBasicArchaeology: knowledge = "the method of collecting and evaluating artifacts to learn about history and culture" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistorySourcingBasicReliability: knowledge = "the idea of source reliability" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistorySourcingPersonalInterviews: knowledge = "using personal interviews as sources" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistorySourcingRoleOfCulturalDifferences: knowledge = "the role of cultural differences in source reliability and interpretation" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistorySourcingRoleOfStateBiasAndPropaganda: knowledge = "the role of state bias and propaganda in sources" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistorySourcingRoleOfSystemicBias: knowledge = "the role of systemic bias in sources" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistoryTheoryHistoricalCausation: knowledge = "discourse on the causes of historical events" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistoryTheoryHistoricalCycles: knowledge = "the notion of historical, governmental and social cycles" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistoryTheorySocialCohesion: knowledge = "the notion of bonds between members of a community" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_HistoryTheorySocialConflict: knowledge = "the notion of conflict between members of a community" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsAlgebraBalancingAndCompletion: knowledge = "the techniques of balancing and completion for solving equations" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsAlgebraDivergenceOfHarmonicSeries: knowledge = "the divergence of the harmonic series" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsAlgebraFiniteSummationFormulas: knowledge = "simple formulas for certain arbitrarily large sums" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsAlgebraPascalsTriangle: knowledge = "a triangular configuration of numbers relating to the successive powers of any sum" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsAlgebraQuadraticByCompletingSquare: knowledge = "the solving of quadratic equations by completion of the square" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsAlgebraQuadraticFormula: knowledge = "a formula which solves quadratic equations" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsAlgebraSolvingHigherOrderPolynomials: knowledge = "methods for solving certain equations involving powers higher than the quadratic" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsAlgebraSolvingLinearSystems: knowledge = "methods of solving systems of equations" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryAngleSumDifferenceTrigIdentities: knowledge = "trigonometric identities relating to the sums and differences of angles" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryAreaOfCircle: knowledge = "the relationship between the area of a circle and its radius, involving the ratio of the circumference of the circle to its diameter" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryAreaOfTriangleFromSideLengths: knowledge = "the computation of the area of a triangle from its three side lengths alone" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryBasicObjects: knowledge = "geometric objects: points, lines, circles, triangles, and so on" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryExistenceOfIncommensurableRatios: knowledge = "the existence of incommensurable ratios" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryGeometricMeanTheorem: knowledge = "the relationship between the length of the altitude of a right triangle and the lengths of the segments into which it divides the hypotenuse" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryInscribedTriangleOnDiameterIsRight: knowledge = "the angles of triangles inscribed in a circle with one edge on the diameter" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryIsoscelesBaseAnglesEqual: knowledge = "the equality of the base angle of isosceles triangles" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryLawOfSines: knowledge = "the relatonship between the half chords of lengths and the diameter of the triangle’s circumscribed circle" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryPiTo4Digits: knowledge = "an approximate value of the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, using the circumference of polygons and the method of exhaustion" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryPiTo6Digits: knowledge = "an approximate value of the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, using the area of polygons and the method of exhaustion" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryPropertiesOfChords: knowledge = "the properties of chords" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryPythagoreanTheorem: knowledge = "the relationship between the lengths of the hypotenuse of a right triangle and the other two sides" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryPythagoreanTriples3Digit: knowledge = "examples of triples of large whole numbers which, when taken together, are the lengths of the sides of a right triangle" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryPythagoreanTriples4Digit: knowledge = "examples of triples of very large whole numbers which, when taken together, are the lengths of the sides of a right triangle" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryPythagoreanTriplesSmall: knowledge = "examples of triples of large whole numbers which, when taken together, are the lengths of the sides of a right triangle" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometrySimilarAndCongruentTriangles: knowledge = "the properties of similar and congruent triangles" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometrySurfaceAreaOfSphere: knowledge = "the computation of the surface area of a sphere" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryTableOfChordValues: knowledge = "a table of chord lengths indexed by angle" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryVolumeOfCone: knowledge = "the computation of the volume of a cone" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsGeometryVolumeOfPyramid: knowledge = "the computation of the volume of different pyramids" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsMethodAxiomaticReasoning: knowledge = "axiomatic reasoning" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsMethodExhaustion: knowledge = "an approximation of the ratio of a circumference of a circle to its diameter, using the area of polygons and the method of exhaustion" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsMethodProofByContradiction: knowledge = "the method of proof by contradiction" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsNotationEarlySymbolsForOperations: knowledge = "the idea of using symbolic notation for addition" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsNotationLargeNumbers: knowledge = "notation for very large numbers" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsNotationNegativeNumbers: knowledge = "notation for negative quantities" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsNotationPositional: knowledge = "positional notation" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsNotationSyncopatedAlgebra: knowledge = "a notation for abbreviating the unknown and other elements of an equation in a systematic and useful fashion" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsNotationZero: knowledge = "a symbol for nothingness" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsNumbersAlgorithmForComputingGcd: knowledge = "an algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor of two numbers" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsNumbersChineseRemainderAlgorithm: knowledge = "an algorithm for computing a number which has given remainders when divided by several given primes" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsNumbersDivisionAlgorithm: knowledge = "an algorithm for dividing one number into another, possibly yielding a remainder" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsNumbersInfinitePrimes: knowledge = "a proof that there are infinitely many prime numbers" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsNumbersRootTwoIrrational: knowledge = "a proof that the length of a diagonal of a square is incommensurable with its edge" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsNumbersRootTwoTo5Digits: knowledge = "an approximation for the length of the diagonal of a square" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsNumbersSieveAlgorithmForPrimes: knowledge = "an algorithm for calculating prime numbers" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MathematicsNumbersUniquePrimeFactorization: knowledge = "the unique decomposition of a number into products of its prime divisors" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodAnesthesia: knowledge = "anesthesia" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodAutopsy: knowledge = "the method of autopsy" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodCauterization: knowledge = "cauterization" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodFractureImmobilization: knowledge = "the method of fracture immobilization" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodFractureTreatment: knowledge = "the treatment of fractures" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodHerniaSurgery: knowledge = "hernia surgery" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodLithotomySurgery: knowledge = "the lithotomy surgery" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodPhysicalExamination: knowledge = "the method of physical examination in diagnosing illness" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodSpecializedWards: knowledge = "the use of specialized wards in hospitals" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodSurgeryDraining: knowledge = "the surgical method of draining" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodSurgeryExcision: knowledge = "the surgical method of excision" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodSurgeryIncision: knowledge = "the surgical method of incision" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodSurgeryLigature: knowledge = "the surgical method of ligature" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodSurgeryProbing: knowledge = "the surgical method of probing" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodSurgeryScraping: knowledge = "the surgical method of scraping" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodSurgerySuturing: knowledge = "the surgical method of suturing" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodTracheotomySurgery: knowledge = "the tracheotomy surgery" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineMethodTreatmentOfTraumaticInjuries: knowledge = "the treatment of traumatic injuries" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryAcuteAndChronicConditions: knowledge = "the distinction between acute and chronic conditions" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryAnatomicalStudies: knowledge = "anatomical studies for medical edification" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryBloodVessels: knowledge = "the distinction between veins and arteries" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryClassificationOfBodilyFluids: knowledge = "the classification of bodily fluids" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryClassificationOfMentalIllnesses: knowledge = "the classification of mental illness" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryClassificationOfMuscles: knowledge = "the classification of muscles" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryComparativeAnatomy: knowledge = "comparative anatomical studies for the use in medicine" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryConvalescence: knowledge = "the theory of convalescence" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryDiseaseAndFouledWater: knowledge = "the connection between disease and fouled water" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryDiseaseClassification: knowledge = "the classification of disease" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryEndemicDisease: knowledge = "the theory of endemic disease" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryEpidemicDisease: knowledge = "the theory of epidemic disease" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryExacerbation: knowledge = "the notion of the exacerbation of a patient's condition" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryEyeAnatomy: knowledge = "the anatomy of the eye" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryFractureClassification: knowledge = "the classification of fractures" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryMotorVsSensoryNerves: knowledge = "the distinction between motor and sensory nerves" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryNervousSystemFunction: knowledge = "the function of the nervous system" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryParoxysm: knowledge = "the notion of paroxysm" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryPrognosis: knowledge = "determining the likely outcome of a disease given a patient's current status" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryPulmonaryCirculation: knowledge = "pulmonary circulation" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryPulmonaryMedicine: knowledge = "pulmonary medicine" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheorySpecializedSurgicalInstruments: knowledge = "the use of specialized surgical instruments" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheorySurgicalModels: knowledge = "the use of practice models in surgery" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryTheVoice: knowledge = "the source of the voice" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryToxicology: knowledge = "the classification of toxic substances" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineTheoryTreatmentOfMentalIllnesses: knowledge = "the treatment of mental illnesses" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineToolAnimalRemedies: knowledge = "remedies prepared from animals" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineToolAnimalsAsSurgicalModels: knowledge = "the use of animals as surgical models" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineToolBandages: knowledge = "the method of bandaging wounds" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineToolDedicatedHospitals: knowledge = "the preparation and use of dedicated hospitals" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineToolForceps: knowledge = "the construction and use of forceps" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineToolHerbalRemedies: knowledge = "herbal remedies" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineToolMineralRemedies: knowledge = "mineral remedies" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineToolMudBagsAsSurgicalModels: knowledge = "the use of mud bags as surgical models" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineToolPlantsAsSurgicalModels: knowledge = "the use of plants as surgical models" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineToolScalpel: knowledge = "the construction and use of the scalpel" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineToolSurgicalNeedles: knowledge = "the construction and use of surgical needles" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_MedicineToolSurgicalScissors: knowledge = "the construction and use of surgical scissors" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_NaturalistMethodDissection: knowledge = "the dissection of creatures" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_NaturalistObservationAnatomy: knowledge = "the anatomical study of creatures" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_NaturalistObservationDiseases: knowledge = "the diseases of creatures" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_NaturalistObservationEmbriologicalDevelopment: knowledge = "the embryological development of creatures" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_NaturalistObservationForagingBehaviorAndDiet: knowledge = "the foraging behavior and diet of creatures" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_NaturalistObservationMigrationPatterns: knowledge = "the migratory patterns of creatures" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_NaturalistObservationReproductiveBehavior: knowledge = "the reproductive behavior of creatures" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_NaturalistObservationSocialBehavior: knowledge = "the social behavior of creatures" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_NaturalistTheoryClassificationByPhysicalFeatures: knowledge = "the classification of creatures by their physical features" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_NaturalistTheoryClimaticAdaptation: knowledge = "the way that creatures are suited to the climates in which they live" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_NaturalistTheoryComparativeAnatomy: knowledge = "the comparison of the anatomy of creatures" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_NaturalistTheoryFoodChain: knowledge = "the links between the diets of different creatures" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_NaturalistTheoryStruggleForExistence: knowledge = "the struggle for survival among creatures" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyAestheticsNatureOfBeauty: knowledge = "discourse on the nature of beauty" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyAestheticsValueOfArt: knowledge = "discourse on the value of art" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyEpistemologyBelief: knowledge = "discourse on the nature of belief" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyEpistemologyJustification: knowledge = "discourse on the nature of justification" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyEpistemologyPerception: knowledge = "discourse on the nature of perception" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyEpistemologyTruth: knowledge = "discourse on the nature of truth" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyEthicsAppliedInterpersonalConduct: knowledge = "discourse on ethics as applied to interpersonal conduct" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyEthicsAppliedMedical: knowledge = "discourse on medical ethics" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyEthicsAppliedMilitary: knowledge = "discourse on ethics as applied to war" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyEthicsIndividualValue: knowledge = "discourse on the meaning of individual happiness" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyEthicsStateConsequentialism: knowledge = "discourse on ethics as applied to the benefit of the state" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyLogicAnalogicalInference: knowledge = "analogical inference" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyLogicDeductiveReasoning: knowledge = "deductive reasoning" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyLogicDialecticReasoning: knowledge = "dialectic reasoning" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyLogicDirectInference: knowledge = "direct inference" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyLogicFormalReasoning: knowledge = "formal reasoning" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyLogicHypotheticalSyllogisms: knowledge = "hypothetical syllogisms" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyLogicInductiveReasoning: knowledge = "inductive reasoning" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyLogicSyllogisticLogic: knowledge = "syllogistic logic" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyMetaphysicsCausation: knowledge = "the nature of causation" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyMetaphysicsEvents: knowledge = "discourse on the nature of events" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyMetaphysicsExistence: knowledge = "the nature of existence" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyMetaphysicsMindBody: knowledge = "discourse on the nature of mind and body" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyMetaphysicsObjectsAndProperties: knowledge = "the relationship between objects and their properties" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyMetaphysicsProcesses: knowledge = "the nature of processes" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyMetaphysicsTime: knowledge = "discourse on the nature of time" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophyMetaphysicsWholesAndParts: knowledge = "the relationship between wholes and parts" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophySpecializedEducation: knowledge = "education, its forms and recommendations" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophySpecializedLanguageDictionary: knowledge = "dictionaries" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophySpecializedLanguageEtymology: knowledge = "the notion of etymology" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophySpecializedLanguageGrammar: knowledge = "grammar" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophySpecializedLaw: knowledge = "discourse on law" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophySpecializedPoliticsDiplomacy: knowledge = "discourse on diplomacy" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophySpecializedPoliticsEconomicPolicy: knowledge = "discourse on economic policy" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophySpecializedPoliticsGovernmentForms: knowledge = "discourse on government" case HistoricalEventKnowledgeDiscoveredKnowledge_PhilosophySpecializedPoliticsSocialWelfare: knowledge = "discourse on social welfare" } return c.hf(x.Hfid) + util.If(x.First, " was the very first to discover ", " independently discovered ") + knowledge } func (x *HistoricalEventMasterpieceArchConstructed) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " constructed a masterful " + util.If(x.BuildingSubtype != HistoricalEventMasterpieceArchConstructedBuildingSubtype_Unknown, x.BuildingSubtype.String(), x.BuildingType.String()) + " for " + c.entity(x.EntityId) +, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventMasterpieceDye) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " masterfully dyed a " + x.Mat.String() + " " + x.ItemType.String() + " with " + x.DyeMat + " for " + c.entity(x.EntityId) +, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventMasterpieceEngraving) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " created a masterful " + "engraving" + " for " + c.entity(x.EntityId) +, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventMasterpieceFood) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " prepared a masterful " + x.ItemSubtype.String() + " for " + c.entity(x.EntityId) +, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventMasterpieceItem) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " created a masterful " + x.Mat + " " + util.If(x.ItemSubtype != "", x.ItemSubtype, x.ItemType) + " for " + c.entity(x.EntityId) +, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventMasterpieceItemImprovement) Html(c *Context) string { i := "" switch x.ImprovementType { case HistoricalEventMasterpieceItemImprovementImprovementType_ArtImage: i = "a masterful image in " + x.ImpMat case HistoricalEventMasterpieceItemImprovementImprovementType_Bands: i = "masterful bands in " + x.ImpMat case HistoricalEventMasterpieceItemImprovementImprovementType_Covered: i = "a masterful covering in " + x.ImpMat case HistoricalEventMasterpieceItemImprovementImprovementType_Itemspecific: // TODO check subtypes i = "a masterful handle in " + x.ImpMat case HistoricalEventMasterpieceItemImprovementImprovementType_RingsHanging: i = "masterful rings in " + x.ImpMat case HistoricalEventMasterpieceItemImprovementImprovementType_Spikes: i = "masterful spikes in " + x.ImpMat } return c.hf(x.Hfid) + " added " + i + " to " + articled(x.Mat+" "+util.If(x.ItemSubtype != "", x.ItemSubtype, x.ItemType)) + " for " + c.entity(x.EntityId) +, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventMasterpieceLost) Html(c *Context) string { if e, ok := c.World.HistoricalEvents[x.CreationEvent]; ok { switch y := e.Details.(type) { case *HistoricalEventMasterpieceArchConstructed: return "the " + util.If(y.BuildingSubtype != HistoricalEventMasterpieceArchConstructedBuildingSubtype_Unknown, y.BuildingSubtype.String(), y.BuildingType.String()) + " masterfully constructed by " + c.hf(y.Hfid) + " for " + c.entity(y.EntityId) +, " at") + " in " + Time(e.Year, e.Seconds72) + " was destroyed" + util.If(x.Histfig != -1, " by "+c.hfRelated(x.Histfig, y.Hfid), "") + " by " + x.Method +, " at") case *HistoricalEventMasterpieceEngraving: return "a masterful engraving created by " + c.hf(y.Hfid) + " for " + c.entity(y.EntityId) +, " at") + " in " + Time(e.Year, e.Seconds72) + " was destroyed" + util.If(x.Histfig != -1, " by "+c.hfRelated(x.Histfig, y.Hfid), "") + " by " + x.Method +, " at") case *HistoricalEventMasterpieceItem: return "the masterful " + y.Mat + " " + util.If(y.ItemSubtype != "", y.ItemSubtype, y.ItemType) + " created by " + c.hf(y.Hfid) + " for " + c.entity(y.EntityId) +, " at") + " in " + Time(e.Year, e.Seconds72) + " was destroyed" + util.If(x.Histfig != -1, " by "+c.hfRelated(x.Histfig, y.Hfid), "") + " by " + x.Method +, " at") default: return c.hf(x.Histfig) + " destroyed a masterful item" +, " in") + " -- " + fmt.Sprintf("%T", e.Details) } } return c.hf(x.Histfig) + " destroyed a masterful item" +, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventMerchant) Html(c *Context) string { return "merchants from " + c.entity(x.TraderEntityId) + " visited " + c.entity(x.DepotEntityId) +, " at") + util.If(x.Hardship, " and suffered great hardship", "") + util.If(x.LostValue, ". They reported irregularities with their goods", "") } func (x *HistoricalEventModifiedBuilding) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.ModifierHfid) + " had " + articled(x.Modification.String()) + " added " + c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.StructureId, "to") } func (x *HistoricalEventMusicalFormCreated) Html(c *Context) string { reason := "" switch x.Reason { case HistoricalEventMusicalFormCreatedReason_GlorifyHf: reason = " in order to glorify " + c.hfRelated(x.ReasonId, x.HistFigureId) } circumstance := "" switch x.Circumstance { case HistoricalEventMusicalFormCreatedCircumstance_Dream: circumstance = " after a dream" case HistoricalEventMusicalFormCreatedCircumstance_DreamAboutHf: circumstance = " after a dreaming about " + util.If(x.ReasonId == x.CircumstanceId, c.hfShort(x.CircumstanceId), c.hfRelated(x.CircumstanceId, x.HistFigureId)) case HistoricalEventMusicalFormCreatedCircumstance_Nightmare: circumstance = " after a nightmare" case HistoricalEventMusicalFormCreatedCircumstance_PrayToHf: circumstance = " after praying to " + util.If(x.ReasonId == x.CircumstanceId, c.hfShort(x.CircumstanceId), c.hfRelated(x.CircumstanceId, x.HistFigureId)) } return c.musicalForm(x.FormId) + " was created by " + c.hf(x.HistFigureId) +, " in") + reason + circumstance } func (x *HistoricalEventNewSiteLeader) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entity(x.AttackerCivId) + " defeated " + c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.DefenderCivId) + " and placed " + c.hf(x.NewLeaderHfid) + " in charge of" +, "") + ". The new government was called " + c.entity(x.NewSiteCivId) } func (x *HistoricalEventPeaceAccepted) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entity(x.Destination) + " accepted an offer of peace from " + c.entity(x.Source) } func (x *HistoricalEventPeaceRejected) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entity(x.Destination) + " rejected an offer of peace from " + c.entity(x.Source) } func (x *HistoricalEventPerformance) Html(c *Context) string { r := c.entity(x.CivId) + " held " oName := "UNKNOWN OCCASION" sType := "a performance" if e, ok := c.World.Entities[x.CivId]; ok { if x.OccasionId < len(e.Occasion) { o := e.Occasion[x.OccasionId] oName = o.Name_ if x.ScheduleId < len(o.Schedule) { s := o.Schedule[x.ScheduleId] sType = c.schedule(s) } } } r += sType r += " as part of " + oName r +=, " in") return r } func (x *HistoricalEventPlunderedSite) Html(c *Context) string { // TODO no_defeat_mention, took_items, took_livestock, was_raid return c.entity(x.AttackerCivId) + " defeated " + c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.DefenderCivId) + " and pillaged " +, "") } func (x *HistoricalEventPoeticFormCreated) Html(c *Context) string { circumstance := "" switch x.Circumstance { case HistoricalEventPoeticFormCreatedCircumstance_Dream: circumstance = " after a dream" case HistoricalEventPoeticFormCreatedCircumstance_Nightmare: circumstance = " after a nightmare" } return c.poeticForm(x.FormId) + " was created by " + c.hf(x.HistFigureId) +, " in") + circumstance } func (x *HistoricalEventProcession) Html(c *Context) string { r := c.entity(x.CivId) + " held a procession in " +, "") if e, ok := c.World.Entities[x.CivId]; ok { if x.OccasionId < len(e.Occasion) { o := e.Occasion[x.OccasionId] r += " as part of " + o.Name() s := o.Schedule[x.ScheduleId] if s.Reference != -1 { r += ". It started at " + c.structure(x.SiteId, s.Reference) if s.Reference2 != -1 && s.Reference2 != s.Reference { r += " and ended at " + c.structure(x.SiteId, s.Reference2) } else { r += " and returned there after following its route" } } if len(s.Feature) > 0 { r += ". The event featured " + andList(util.Map(s.Feature, c.feature)) } r += string(util.Json(s)) } } return r } func (x *HistoricalEventRazedStructure) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entity(x.CivId) + " razed " + c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.StructureId, "") } func (x *HistoricalEventReclaimSite) Html(c *Context) string { if x.Unretire { return c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.CivId) + " were taken by a mood to act against their judgment " +, "at") } return c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.CivId) + " launched an expedition to reclaim " +, "") } func (x *HistoricalEventRegionpopIncorporatedIntoEntity) Html(c *Context) string { // TODO Race return strconv.Itoa(x.PopNumberMoved) + " of " + strconv.Itoa(x.PopRace) + " from " + c.region(x.PopSrid) + " joined with " + c.entity(x.JoinEntityId) +, " at") } func (x *HistoricalEventRemoveHfEntityLink) Html(c *Context) string { hf := c.hf(x.Hfid) civ := c.entity(x.CivId) switch x.Link { case HistoricalEventRemoveHfEntityLinkLink_Member: return hf + " left " + civ case HistoricalEventRemoveHfEntityLinkLink_Position: return hf + " ceased to be the " + c.position(x.CivId, x.PositionId, x.Hfid) + " of " + civ case HistoricalEventRemoveHfEntityLinkLink_Prisoner: return hf + " escaped from the prisons of " + civ case HistoricalEventRemoveHfEntityLinkLink_Slave: return hf + " escaped from the slavery of " + civ } return hf + " left " + civ } func (x *HistoricalEventRemoveHfHfLink) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hfUnrelated(x.Hfid) + " divorced " + c.hfUnrelated(x.HfidTarget) } func (x *HistoricalEventRemoveHfSiteLink) Html(c *Context) string { switch x.LinkType { case HistoricalEventRemoveHfSiteLinkLinkType_HomeSiteAbstractBuilding: return c.hf(x.Histfig) + " moved out " + c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.Structure, "of") case HistoricalEventRemoveHfSiteLinkLinkType_Occupation: return c.hf(x.Histfig) + " stopped working " + c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.Structure, "at") case HistoricalEventRemoveHfSiteLinkLinkType_SeatOfPower: return c.hf(x.Histfig) + " stopped ruling " + c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.Structure, "from") } return c.hf(x.Histfig) + " stopped working " + c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.Structure, "at") } func (x *HistoricalEventReplacedStructure) Html(c *Context) string { return c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.CivId) + " replaced " + c.siteStructure(x.SiteId, x.OldAbId, "") + " with " + c.structure(x.SiteId, x.NewAbId) } func (x *HistoricalEventSiteDied) Html(c *Context) string { return c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.CivId) + " abandonned the settlement of " +, "") } func (x *HistoricalEventSiteDispute) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entity(x.EntityId1) + " of " +, "") + " and " + c.entity(x.EntityId2) + " of " +, "") + " became embroiled in a dispute over " + x.Dispute.String() } func (x *HistoricalEventSiteRetired) Html(c *Context) string { return c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.CivId) + " at the settlement " +, "of") + " regained their senses after " + util.If(x.First, "an initial", "another") + " period of questionable judgment" } func (x *HistoricalEventSiteSurrendered) Html(c *Context) string { return c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.DefenderCivId) + " surrendered " +, "") + " to " + c.entity(x.AttackerCivId) } func (x *HistoricalEventSiteTakenOver) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entity(x.AttackerCivId) + " defeated " + c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.DefenderCivId) + " and took over " +, "") + ". The new government was called " + c.entity(x.NewSiteCivId) } func (x *HistoricalEventSiteTributeForced) Html(c *Context) string { return c.entity(x.AttackerCivId) + " secured tribute from " + c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.DefenderCivId) + util.If(x.SiteId != -1, ", to be delivered", " from"), "") + util.If(x.Season != HistoricalEventSiteTributeForcedSeason_Unknown, " every "+x.Season.String(), "") } func (x *HistoricalEventSneakIntoSite) Html(c *Context) string { return util.If(x.AttackerCivId != -1, c.entity(x.AttackerCivId), "an unknown civilization") + " slipped " +, "into") + util.If(x.SiteCivId != -1 || x.DefenderCivId != -1, ", undetected by "+c.siteCiv(x.SiteCivId, x.DefenderCivId), "") } func (x *HistoricalEventSpottedLeavingSite) Html(c *Context) string { return c.hf(x.SpotterHfid) + " of " + c.entity(x.SiteCivId) + " spotted the forces of " + util.If(x.LeaverCivId != -1, c.entity(x.LeaverCivId), "an unknown civilization") + " slipping out of " +, "") } func (x *HistoricalEventSquadVsSquad) Html(c *Context) string { // TODO a_leader_hfid return c.hfList(x.AHfid) + " clashed with " + util.If(len(x.DHfid) > 0, c.hfList(x.DHfid), fmt.Sprintf("%d race_%d", x.DNumber, x.DRace)) +, " in") + util.If(x.DSlain > 0, fmt.Sprintf(", slaying %d", x.DSlain), "") } func plan(diff int) string { // TODO not exact switch { case diff > 100: return "unrolled a brilliant tactical plan" case diff > 30: return "put forth a sound plan" case diff > 0: return "used good tactics" case diff > -20: return "made a poor plan" case diff > -60: return "blundered terribly" default: return "made an outright foolish plan" } } func (x *HistoricalEventTacticalSituation) Html(c *Context) string { r := "" if x.ATacticianHfid == -1 && x.DTacticianHfid == -1 { r = "the forces shifted" } else if x.ATacticianHfid != -1 && x.DTacticianHfid == -1 { r += c.hf(x.ATacticianHfid) + " " + plan(x.ATacticsRoll-x.DTacticsRoll) } else if x.ATacticianHfid == -1 && x.DTacticianHfid != -1 { r += c.hf(x.DTacticianHfid) + " " + plan(x.DTacticsRoll-x.ATacticsRoll) } else { if x.ATacticsRoll < x.DTacticsRoll { r = c.hf(x.DTacticianHfid) + "'s tactical planning was superior to " + c.hf(x.ATacticianHfid) + "'s" } else { r = c.hf(x.ATacticianHfid) + " outmatched " + c.hf(x.DTacticianHfid) + " with a cunning plan" } } switch x.Situation { case HistoricalEventTacticalSituationSituation_AFavored: // TODO wording case HistoricalEventTacticalSituationSituation_ASlightlyFavored: r += ", " + util.If(x.DTacticsRoll > x.ATacticsRoll, "but", "and") + " the attackers had a slight positional advantage" case HistoricalEventTacticalSituationSituation_AStronglyFavored: r += ", " + util.If(x.DTacticsRoll > x.ATacticsRoll, "but", "and") + " the attackers had a strong positional advantage" case HistoricalEventTacticalSituationSituation_DSlightlyFavored: r += ", " + util.If(x.ATacticsRoll > x.DTacticsRoll, "but", "and") + " the defenders had a slight positional advantage" case HistoricalEventTacticalSituationSituation_DStronglyFavored: r += ", " + util.If(x.ATacticsRoll > x.DTacticsRoll, "but", "and") + " the defenders had a strong positional advantage" case HistoricalEventTacticalSituationSituation_NeitherFavored: r += ", but neither side had a positional advantage" } return r +, " in") } func (x *HistoricalEventTrade) Html(c *Context) string { outcome := "" switch d := x.AccountShift; { case d > 1000: outcome = " did well" case d < -1000: outcome = " did poorly" default: outcome = " broke even" } return c.hf(x.TraderHfid) + util.If(x.TraderEntityId != -1, " of "+c.entity(x.TraderEntityId), "") + outcome + " trading" +, " from") +, " to") } func (x *HistoricalEventWrittenContentComposed) Html(c *Context) string { reason := "" switch x.Reason { case HistoricalEventWrittenContentComposedReason_GlorifyHf: reason = " in order to glorify " + c.hfRelated(x.ReasonId, x.HistFigureId) } circumstance := "" switch x.Circumstance { case HistoricalEventWrittenContentComposedCircumstance_Dream: circumstance = " after a dream" case HistoricalEventWrittenContentComposedCircumstance_DreamAboutHf: circumstance = " after a dreaming about " + util.If(x.ReasonId == x.CircumstanceId, c.hfShort(x.CircumstanceId), c.hfRelated(x.CircumstanceId, x.HistFigureId)) case HistoricalEventWrittenContentComposedCircumstance_Nightmare: circumstance = " after a nightmare" case HistoricalEventWrittenContentComposedCircumstance_PrayToHf: circumstance = " after praying to " + util.If(x.ReasonId == x.CircumstanceId, c.hfShort(x.CircumstanceId), c.hfRelated(x.CircumstanceId, x.HistFigureId)) } return c.writtenContent(x.WcId) + " was authored by " + c.hf(x.HistFigureId) + c.location(x.SiteId, " in", x.SubregionId, " in") + reason + circumstance }