package model import ( "fmt" "" "" ) type Context struct { World *DfWorld HfId int Story bool } func NewContext(w *DfWorld, ref any) *Context { c := &Context{World: w} switch r := ref.(type) { case *WrittenContent: c.HfId = r.AuthorHfid default: fmt.Printf("unknown type for context %T\n", ref) } return c } func (c *Context) hf(id int) string { if c.HfId != -1 { if c.HfId == id { return c.hfShort(id) } else { return c.hfRelated(id, c.HfId) } } if x, ok := c.World.HistoricalFigures[id]; ok { return fmt.Sprintf(`the %s %s`, x.Race+util.If(x.Deity, " deity", "")+util.If(x.Force, " force", ""), x.Id(), util.Title(x.Name())) } return "UNKNOWN HISTORICAL FIGURE" } func (c *Context) hfShort(id int) string { if x, ok := c.World.HistoricalFigures[id]; ok { return fmt.Sprintf(`%s`, x.Id(), util.Title(x.FirstName())) } return "UNKNOWN HISTORICAL FIGURE" } func (c *Context) hfRelated(id, to int) string { if c.HfId != -1 && to != c.HfId { if c.HfId == id { return c.hfShort(id) } else { return c.hfRelated(id, c.HfId) } } if x, ok := c.World.HistoricalFigures[id]; ok { if t, ok := c.World.HistoricalFigures[to]; ok { if y, ok := util.Find(t.HfLink, func(l *HfLink) bool { return l.Hfid == id }); ok { return fmt.Sprintf(`%s %s %s`, t.PossesivePronoun(), y.LinkType, x.Id(), util.Title(x.Name())) } } return fmt.Sprintf(`the %s %s`, x.Race+util.If(x.Deity, " deity", "")+util.If(x.Force, " force", ""), x.Id(), util.Title(x.Name())) } return "UNKNOWN HISTORICAL FIGURE" } func (c *Context) hfList(ids []int) string { return andList(util.Map(ids, func(id int) string { return c.hf(id) })) } func (c *Context) hfListRelated(ids []int, to int) string { return andList(util.Map(ids, func(id int) string { return c.hfRelated(id, to) })) } func (c *Context) artifact(id int) string { if x, ok := c.World.Artifacts[id]; ok { return fmt.Sprintf(` %s`, x.Id(), x.Icon(), util.Title(x.Name())) } return "UNKNOWN ARTIFACT" } func (c *Context) entity(id int) string { if x, ok := c.World.Entities[id]; ok { return fmt.Sprintf(` %s`, x.Id(), x.Icon(), util.Title(x.Name())) } return "UNKNOWN ENTITY" } func (c *Context) entityList(ids []int) string { return andList(util.Map(ids, func(id int) string { return c.entity(id) })) } func (c *Context) position(entityId, positionId, hfId int) string { if e, ok := c.World.Entities[entityId]; ok { if h, ok := c.World.HistoricalFigures[hfId]; ok { return e.Position(positionId).GenderName(h) } } return "UNKNOWN POSITION" } func (c *Context) siteCiv(siteCivId, civId int) string { if siteCivId == civId { return c.entity(civId) } return util.If(siteCivId != -1, c.entity(siteCivId), "") + util.If(civId != -1 && siteCivId != -1, " of ", "") + util.If(civId != -1, c.entity(civId), "") } func (c *Context) siteStructure(siteId, structureId int, prefix string) string { if siteId == -1 { return "" } return " " + prefix + " " + util.If(structureId != -1, c.structure(siteId, structureId)+" in ", "") +, "") } func (c *Context) site(id int, prefix string) string { if x, ok := c.World.Sites[id]; ok { return fmt.Sprintf(`%s  %s`, prefix, x.Id(), x.Icon(), util.Title(x.Name())) } return "UNKNOWN SITE" } func (c *Context) structure(siteId, structureId int) string { if x, ok := c.World.Sites[siteId]; ok { if y, ok := x.Structures[structureId]; ok { return fmt.Sprintf(` %s`, siteId, structureId, y.Icon(), util.Title(y.Name())) } } return "UNKNOWN STRUCTURE" } func (c *Context) property(siteId, propertyId int) string { if x, ok := c.World.Sites[siteId]; ok { if y, ok := x.SiteProperties[propertyId]; ok { if y.StructureId != -1 { return c.structure(siteId, y.StructureId) } return articled(y.Type_.String()) } } return "UNKNOWN PROPERTY" } func (c *Context) region(id int) string { if x, ok := c.World.Regions[id]; ok { return fmt.Sprintf(`%s`, x.Id(), util.Title(x.Name())) } return "UNKNOWN REGION" } func (c *Context) location(siteId int, sitePrefix string, regionId int, regionPrefix string) string { if siteId != -1 { return, sitePrefix) } if regionId != -1 { return regionPrefix + " " + c.region(regionId) } return "" } func (c *Context) place(structureId, siteId int, sitePrefix string, regionId int, regionPrefix string) string { if siteId != -1 { return c.siteStructure(siteId, structureId, sitePrefix) } if regionId != -1 { return regionPrefix + " " + c.region(regionId) } return "" } func (c *Context) mountain(id int) string { if x, ok := c.World.MountainPeaks[id]; ok { return fmt.Sprintf(`%s`, x.Id(), util.Title(x.Name())) } return "UNKNOWN MOUNTAIN" } func (c *Context) identity(id int) string { if x, ok := c.World.Identities[id]; ok { return fmt.Sprintf(`%s`, x.Id(), util.Title(x.Name())) } return "UNKNOWN IDENTITY" } func (c *Context) fullIdentity(id int) string { if x, ok := c.World.Identities[id]; ok { return fmt.Sprintf(`"the %s %s of %s"`, x.Profession.String(), x.Id(), util.Title(x.Name()), c.entity(x.EntityId)) } return "UNKNOWN IDENTITY" } func (c *Context) danceForm(id int) string { if x, ok := c.World.DanceForms[id]; ok { return fmt.Sprintf(` %s`, id, util.Title(x.Name())) } return "UNKNOWN DANCE FORM" } func (c *Context) musicalForm(id int) string { if x, ok := c.World.MusicalForms[id]; ok { return fmt.Sprintf(` %s`, id, util.Title(x.Name())) } return "UNKNOWN MUSICAL FORM" } func (c *Context) poeticForm(id int) string { if x, ok := c.World.PoeticForms[id]; ok { return fmt.Sprintf(` %s`, id, util.Title(x.Name())) } return "UNKNOWN POETIC FORM" } func (c *Context) worldConstruction(id int) string { if x, ok := c.World.WorldConstructions[id]; ok { return fmt.Sprintf(` %s`, id, x.Icon(), util.Title(x.Name())) } return "UNKNOWN WORLD CONSTRUCTION" } func (c *Context) writtenContent(id int) string { if x, ok := c.World.WrittenContents[id]; ok { return fmt.Sprintf(`%s`, id, util.Title(x.Name())) } return "UNKNOWN WORLD CONSTRUCTION" } func (c *Context) feature(x *Feature) string { switch x.Type_ { case FeatureType_DancePerformance: return "a perfomance of " + c.danceForm(x.Reference) case FeatureType_Images: if x.Reference != -1 { return "images of " + c.hf(x.Reference) } return "images" case FeatureType_MusicalPerformance: return "a perfomance of " + c.musicalForm(x.Reference) case FeatureType_PoetryRecital: return "a recital of " + c.poeticForm(x.Reference) case FeatureType_Storytelling: if x.Reference != -1 { if e, ok := c.World.HistoricalEvents[x.Reference]; ok { return "a telling of the story of " + e.Details.Html(&Context{World: c.World, Story: true}) + " in " + Time(e.Year, e.Seconds72) } } return "a story recital" default: return strcase.ToDelimited(x.Type_.String(), ' ') } } func (c *Context) schedule(x *Schedule) string { switch x.Type_ { case ScheduleType_DancePerformance: return "a perfomance of " + c.danceForm(x.Reference) case ScheduleType_MusicalPerformance: return "a perfomance of " + c.musicalForm(x.Reference) case ScheduleType_PoetryRecital: return "a recital of " + c.poeticForm(x.Reference) case ScheduleType_Storytelling: if x.Reference != -1 { if e, ok := c.World.HistoricalEvents[x.Reference]; ok { return "the story of " + e.Details.Html(&Context{World: c.World, Story: true}) + " in " + Time(e.Year, e.Seconds72) } } return "a story recital" default: return strcase.ToDelimited(x.Type_.String(), ' ') } } func (c *Context) pronoun(id int) string { if x, ok := c.World.HistoricalFigures[id]; ok { return x.Pronoun() } return "he" } func (c *Context) posessivePronoun(id int) string { if x, ok := c.World.HistoricalFigures[id]; ok { return x.PossesivePronoun() } return "his" }