package server import ( "embed" "fmt" "io/fs" "net/http" "os" "sort" "strconv" "" "" "" "" ) type DfServerContext struct { world *model.DfWorld isLoading bool progress *model.LoadProgress } type DfServer struct { router *mux.Router loader *loadHandler templates *templates.Template context *DfServerContext } func StartServer(world *model.DfWorld, static embed.FS) { srv := &DfServer{ router: mux.NewRouter().StrictSlash(true), context: &DfServerContext{ world: world, isLoading: false, progress: &model.LoadProgress{}, }, } srv.loader = &loadHandler{server: srv} srv.LoadTemplates() srv.RegisterWorldPage("/entities", "entities.html", func(p Parms) any { return grouped( }) srv.RegisterWorldResourcePage("/entity/{id}", "entity.html", func(id int) any { return[id] }) srv.RegisterWorldResourcePage("/popover/entity/{id}", "popoverEntity.html", func(id int) any { return[id] }) srv.RegisterWorldPage("/regions", "regions.html", func(p Parms) any { return grouped( }) srv.RegisterWorldResourcePage("/region/{id}", "region.html", func(id int) any { return[id] }) srv.RegisterWorldResourcePage("/popover/region/{id}", "popoverRegion.html", func(id int) any { return[id] }) srv.RegisterWorldPage("/sites", "sites.html", func(p Parms) any { return grouped( }) srv.RegisterWorldResourcePage("/site/{id}", "site.html", func(id int) any { return[id] }) srv.RegisterWorldResourcePage("/popover/site/{id}", "popoverSite.html", func(id int) any { return[id] }) srv.RegisterWorldPage("/structures", "structures.html", func(p Parms) any { return flatGrouped(, func(s *model.Site) []*model.Structure { return util.Values(s.Structures) }) }) srv.RegisterWorldPage("/site/{siteId}/structure/{id}", "structure.html", srv.findStructure) srv.RegisterWorldPage("/popover/site/{siteId}/structure/{id}", "popoverStructure.html", srv.findStructure) srv.RegisterWorldPage("/worldconstructions", "worldconstructions.html", func(p Parms) any { return grouped( }) srv.RegisterWorldResourcePage("/worldconstruction/{id}", "worldconstruction.html", func(id int) any { return[id] }) srv.RegisterWorldResourcePage("/popover/worldconstruction/{id}", "popoverWorldconstruction.html", func(id int) any { return[id] }) srv.RegisterWorldPage("/artifacts", "artifacts.html", func(p Parms) any { return grouped( }) srv.RegisterWorldResourcePage("/artifact/{id}", "artifact.html", func(id int) any { return[id] }) srv.RegisterWorldResourcePage("/popover/artifact/{id}", "popoverArtifact.html", func(id int) any { return[id] }) srv.RegisterWorldPage("/artforms", "artforms.html", func(p Parms) any { return &struct { DanceForms map[string][]*model.DanceForm MusicalForms map[string][]*model.MusicalForm PoeticForms map[string][]*model.PoeticForm }{ DanceForms: grouped(, MusicalForms: grouped(, PoeticForms: grouped(, } }) srv.RegisterWorldPage("/writtencontents", "writtencontents.html", func(p Parms) any { return grouped( }) srv.RegisterWorldResourcePage("/writtencontent/{id}", "writtencontent.html", func(id int) any { return[id] }) srv.RegisterWorldResourcePage("/popover/writtencontent/{id}", "popoverWrittencontent.html", func(id int) any { return[id] }) srv.RegisterWorldResourcePage("/hf/{id}", "hf.html", func(id int) any { return[id] }) srv.RegisterWorldResourcePage("/popover/hf/{id}", "popoverHf.html", func(id int) any { return[id] }) srv.RegisterWorldPage("/", "eventTypes.html", func(p Parms) any { return }) srv.RegisterWorldPage("/events", "eventTypes.html", func(p Parms) any { return }) srv.RegisterWorldPage("/events/{type}", "eventType.html", func(p Parms) any { return["type"]) }) srv.router.PathPrefix("/search").Handler(searchHandler{server: srv}) srv.router.PathPrefix("/load").Handler(srv.loader) spa := spaHandler{server: srv, staticFS: static, staticPath: "static", indexPath: "index.html"} srv.router.PathPrefix("/").Handler(spa) OpenBrowser("http://localhost:8080") fmt.Println("Serving at :8080") http.ListenAndServe(":8080", srv.router) } func (srv *DfServer) findStructure(p Parms) any { siteId, err := strconv.Atoi(p["siteId"]) if err != nil { return nil } structureId, err := strconv.Atoi(p["id"]) if err != nil { return nil } if site, ok :=[siteId]; ok { return site.Structures[structureId] } return nil } type spaHandler struct { server *DfServer staticFS embed.FS staticPath string indexPath string } func (h spaHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // get the absolute path to prevent directory traversal path := r.URL.Path // if err != nil { // // if we failed to get the absolute path respond with a 400 bad request and stop // http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) // return // } // prepend the path with the path to the static directory path = h.staticPath + path _, err := h.staticFS.Open(path) if os.IsNotExist(err) { // file does not exist, serve index.html fmt.Println(path) index, err := h.staticFS.ReadFile(h.staticPath + "/" + h.indexPath) if err != nil { h.server.notFound(w) return } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusAccepted) w.Write(index) return } else if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } // get the subdirectory of the static dir statics, err := fs.Sub(h.staticFS, h.staticPath) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } // otherwise, use http.FileServer to serve the static dir http.FileServer(http.FS(statics)).ServeHTTP(w, r) } func (srv *DfServer) notFound(w http.ResponseWriter) { err := srv.templates.Render(w, "notFound.html", nil) if err != nil { httpError(w, err) } } func httpError(w http.ResponseWriter, err error) { fmt.Fprintln(w, err) fmt.Println(err) } type namedTyped interface { model.Named model.Typed } func flatGrouped[K comparable, U any, V namedTyped](input map[K]U, mapper func(U) []V) map[string][]V { output := make(map[string][]V) for _, x := range input { for _, v := range mapper(x) { k := v.Type() if v.Name() != "" { output[k] = append(output[k], v) } } } for _, v := range output { sort.Slice(v, func(i, j int) bool { return v[i].Name() < v[j].Name() }) } return output } func grouped[K comparable, T namedTyped](input map[K]T) map[string][]T { output := make(map[string][]T) for _, v := range input { k := v.Type() if v.Name() != "" { output[k] = append(output[k], v) } } for _, v := range output { sort.Slice(v, func(i, j int) bool { return v[i].Name() < v[j].Name() }) } return output }