package model import ( "fmt" "html/template" "sort" "strings" "" ) func (w *DfWorld) AllEventTypes() []string { types := make(map[string]bool) for _, e := range w.HistoricalEvents { types[e.Details.Type()] = true } var list = util.Keys(types) sort.Strings(list) return list } func (w *DfWorld) EventsOfType(t string) any { var list []*HistoricalEvent for _, e := range w.HistoricalEvents { if e.Details.Type() == t { list = append(list, e) } } sort.Slice(list, func(i, j int) bool { return list[i].Id_ < list[j].Id_ }) return struct { Type string Events []*HistoricalEvent }{ Type: t, Events: list, } } func (w *DfWorld) EventsMatching(f func(HistoricalEventDetails) bool) []*HistoricalEvent { var list []*HistoricalEvent for _, e := range w.HistoricalEvents { if f(e.Details) { list = append(list, e) } } sort.Slice(list, func(a, b int) bool { return list[a].Id_ < list[b].Id_ }) return list } func (w *DfWorld) SiteHistory(siteId int) []*HistoricalEvent { var list []*HistoricalEvent for _, e := range w.HistoricalEvents { if e.Details.RelatedToSite(siteId) { switch e.Details.(type) { case *HistoricalEventCreatedSite, *HistoricalEventDestroyedSite, *HistoricalEventSiteTakenOver, *HistoricalEventHfDestroyedSite, *HistoricalEventReclaimSite: list = append(list, e) } } } sort.Slice(list, func(a, b int) bool { return list[a].Id_ < list[b].Id_ }) return list } func (c *HistoricalEventCollection) Type() string { if c.Details == nil { return "unk" } return c.Details.Type() } func (e *HistoricalEventCollection) Html(c *Context) string { if e.Details == nil { return "unk" } return e.Details.Html(e, c) } func (e *Artifact) Type() string { switch e.ItemSubtype { case "scroll": return "scroll" } switch e.ItemType { case "weapon", "tool", "book", "slab": return e.ItemType case "armor", "shoe", "gloves", "helm", "pants": return "armor" default: return "item" } } func (e *Entity) Type() string { return e.Type_.String() } func (e *Entity) Position(id int) *EntityPosition { for _, p := range e.EntityPosition { if p.Id_ == id { return p } } return &EntityPosition{Name_: "UNKNOWN POSITION"} } func (e *Entity) PositionByIndex(index int) *EntityPosition { return e.EntityPosition[len(e.EntityPosition)-1-index] } func (p *EntityPosition) GenderName(hf *HistoricalFigure) string { if hf.Female() && p.NameFemale != "" { return p.NameFemale } else if hf.Male() && p.NameMale != "" { return p.NameMale } else { return p.Name_ } } func (hf *HistoricalFigure) Female() bool { return hf.Sex == 0 || hf.Caste == "FEMALE" } func (hf *HistoricalFigure) Male() bool { return hf.Sex == 1 || hf.Caste == "MALE" } func (hf *HistoricalFigure) Pronoun() string { if hf.Female() { return "she" } return "he" } func (hf *HistoricalFigure) PossesivePronoun() string { if hf.Female() { return "her" } return "his" } func (hf *HistoricalFigure) FirstName() string { return strings.Split(hf.Name_, " ")[0] } func (x *Honor) Requirement() string { var list []string if x.RequiresAnyMeleeOrRangedSkill { list = append(list, "attaining sufficent skill with a weapon or technique") } if x.RequiredSkill != HonorRequiredSkill_Unknown { list = append(list, "attaining enough skill with the "+x.RequiredSkill.String()) } if x.RequiredBattles == 1 { list = append(list, "serving in combat") } if x.RequiredBattles > 1 { list = append(list, fmt.Sprintf("participating in %d battles", x.RequiredBattles)) } if x.RequiredYears >= 1 { list = append(list, fmt.Sprintf("%d years of membership", x.RequiredYears)) } if x.RequiredKills >= 1 { list = append(list, fmt.Sprintf("slaying %d enemies", x.RequiredKills)) } return " after " + andList(list) } func (r *Region) Type() string { return r.Type_.String() } func (s *Site) Type() string { return s.Type_.String() } func (s *Structure) Type() string { return s.Type_.String() } func (w *WorldConstruction) Type() string { return w.Type_.String() } func (w *WrittenContent) Name() string { return w.Title } func (w *WrittenContent) Type() string { return w.Type_.String() } func (w *DanceForm) Type() string { return "dance form" } func (w *MusicalForm) Type() string { return "musical form" } func (w *PoeticForm) Type() string { return "poetic form" } func (r *Reference) Html(c *Context) template.HTML { switch r.Type_ { case ReferenceType_ABSTRACTBUILDING: return template.HTML("a building") case ReferenceType_ARTIFACT: return template.HTML(c.artifact(r.Id_)) case ReferenceType_DANCEFORM: return template.HTML(c.danceForm(r.Id_)) case ReferenceType_ENTITY: return template.HTML(c.entity(r.Id_)) case ReferenceType_HISTORICALEVENT: if e, ok := c.World.HistoricalEvents[r.Id_]; ok { return template.HTML("how in " + Time(e.Year, e.Seconds72) + " " + e.Details.Html(c)) } case ReferenceType_HISTORICALFIGURE: return template.HTML(c.hf(r.Id_)) case ReferenceType_INTERACTION: return template.HTML("an interaction") case ReferenceType_KNOWLEDGESCHOLARFLAG: return template.HTML("specific knowledge") case ReferenceType_LANGUAGE: return template.HTML("a language") case ReferenceType_MUSICALFORM: return template.HTML(c.musicalForm(r.Id_)) case ReferenceType_POETICFORM: return template.HTML(c.poeticForm(r.Id_)) case ReferenceType_SITE: return template.HTML(, "")) case ReferenceType_SUBREGION: return template.HTML(c.region(r.Id_)) case ReferenceType_VALUELEVEL: return template.HTML("a value") case ReferenceType_WRITTENCONTENT: return template.HTML(c.writtenContent(r.Id_)) } return template.HTML(r.Type_.String()) }