# ameliabot A chatbot for owncast, inspiration from [hatbot][] by [hatniX][]. Code attributions can be found in `ATTRIBUTIONS.md` ## Requirements * [Owncast][] server * Python 3 * Flask ## Setup * Install Flask and (optionally for the quote system) psycopg2 * `pip --user install Flask` * Create an Owncast webhook url pointing to your bot's location * http://localhost:5000/webhook/owncast if bot and owncast are on the same machine * Copy `config-example.json` to `config.json` and fill out the information required Ameliabot can be run by executing `start.sh` or: ``` FLASK_APP=bot.py python3 -m flask run ``` Please use a proper uWSGI proxy if the bot is not on the same machine as owncast. [Owncast]:https://owncast.online [hatbot]:https://github.com/hatniX/hatbot [hatniX]:https://hatnix.net