# Tor hidden service peers Note that connecting to tor nodes isn't natively supported by yggdrasil-go (as of writing), so some trickery with nc/ncat/socat may be required. This will be documented later, but for now it's left as an exercise for the reader. ## Nodes SHHS2 (TCP-only, Single Hop Hidden Service v2), operated by [BAN AI Systems](https://ban.ai/) `"bfq6x5pv5ifedihl.onion:44478"` SHHS3 (TCP-only, Single Hop Hidden Service v3), operated by [BAN AI Systems](https://ban.ai/) `"dbedawgprm7uot4fbfmmvoowpyshdsic7hhbcyxtkyblcuyr3eaiixid.onion:44478"` HS2 (TCP-only, Hidden Service, v2), operated by [BAN AI Systems](https://ban.ai/) `"trnszzzcbyt3c2sv.onion:44478"` HS3 (TCP-only, Hidden Service, v3), operated by [BAN AI Systems](https://ban.ai/) `"flnncw6fyuqqdnwv7m6grf4o4yw5afrcml6g5eyoucldi2oh34vlfzyd.onion:44478"` HS2 (TCP-only, Hidden Service, v2), operated by [Jeff](https://i2p.rocks/contact.txt) `"syr3orvfo5nxmao3.onion:40329"`