Darius Kazemi 34b46ed9fc Require OAuth 2.0 verification to create feeds
As of the `v2.0.0` release of this project, only users who are authenticated with a particular OAuth server can _create_ feeds. Any federated user can still read the feeds. I implemented this because running this service in the open invited thousands of spammers to create feeds and overwhelm the service. With this new model, you can run this as an added bonus for people in a community like a Mastodon server, and as the person running it you are taking on only the moderation burden of the users you are already responsible for on your federated server.
2021-10-12 09:12:03 -07:00

183 lines
5.9 KiB

'use strict';
const express = require('express'),
router = express.Router(),
cors = require('cors'),
crypto = require('crypto'),
request = require('request'),
Parser = require('rss-parser'),
parseFavicon = require('parse-favicon').parseFavicon,
generateRSAKeypair = require('generate-rsa-keypair'),
oauth = require('../config.json').OAUTH;
router.get('/request-token', cors(), (req, res) => {
if (!oauth) {
return res.status(501).json({message: `OAuth is not enabled on this server.`});
else if (!oauth.client_id || !oauth.client_secret || !oauth.redirect_uri) {
return res.status(501).json({message: `OAuth is misconfigured on this server. Please contact the admin at ${contactEmail} and let them know.`});
else if (!req.query.code) {
return res.status(400).json({message: `Request is missing the required 'code' parameter.`});
let params = req.query;
params.client_id = oauth.client_id;
params.client_secret = oauth.client_secret;
params.redirect_uri = oauth.redirect_uri;
params.grant_type = 'authorization_code';`https://${oauth.domain}${oauth.token_path}`, {form: params}, (err,httpResponse,body) => {
body = JSON.parse(body);
if (body.access_token) {
return res.json({ access_token: body.access_token, domain: oauth.domain});
else {
return res.status(401).json(body);
// if oauth is enabled, this function checks to see if we've been sent an access token and validates it with the server
// otherwise we simply skip verification
function isAuthenticated(req, res, next) {
if (oauth) {
url: `https://${oauth.domain}${oauth.token_verification_path}`,
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${req.query.token}`
}, (err, resp, body) => {
if (resp.statusCode === 200) {
return next();
else {
else {
return next();
router.get('/convert', isAuthenticated, function (req, res) {
let db ='db');
let username = req.query.username;
let feed = req.query.feed;
// reject if username is invalid
if (username.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/) === null) {
return res.status(400).json('Invalid username! Only alphanumerics and underscore (_) allowed.');
// check to see if feed exists
let result = db.prepare('select * from feeds where feed = ? or username = ?').get(feed, username);
// see if we already have an entry for this feed
if (result) {
// return feed
else if(feed && username) {
// validate the RSS
let parser = new Parser();
parser.parseURL(feed, function(err, feedData) {
if (err) {
if (err.message === 'Status code 400') {
err.message = `That doesn't look like a valid RSS feed. Check <a href="${feed}">the URL you provided</a> in a feed validator. You can <a href="${feed}" target="_blank">click here</a> to pop up a test immediately.`
res.status(400).json({err: err.message});
else {
let displayName = feedData.title;
let description = feedData.description;
let account = username;
// create new user
let db ='db');
let domain ='domain');
// create keypair
var pair = generateRSAKeypair();
getImage(feed, feedData, imageUrl => {
let actorRecord = createActor(account, domain, pair.public, displayName, imageUrl, description);
let webfingerRecord = createWebfinger(account, domain);
const apikey = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex');
db.prepare('insert or replace into accounts(name, actor, apikey, pubkey, privkey, webfinger) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)').run( `${account}@${domain}`, JSON.stringify(actorRecord), apikey, pair.public, pair.private, JSON.stringify(webfingerRecord));
let content = JSON.stringify(feedData);
db.prepare('insert or replace into feeds(feed, username, content) values(?, ?, ?)').run( feed, username, content);
else {
res.status(404).json({msg: 'unknown error'});
function getImage(feed, feedData, cb) {
let imageUrl = null;
// if image exists set image
if (feedData.image && feedData.image.url) {
imageUrl = feedData.image.url;
return cb(imageUrl);
// otherwise parse the HTML for the favicon
else {
let favUrl = new URL(feed);
request(favUrl.origin, (err, resp, body) => {
parseFavicon(body, {baseURI: favUrl.origin}).then(result => {
if (result && result.length) {
return cb(result[0].url);
else {
return cb(null);
function createActor(name, domain, pubkey, displayName, imageUrl, description) {
displayName = displayName || name;
let actor = {
'@context': [
'id': `https://${domain}/u/${name}`,
'type': 'Service',
'preferredUsername': `${name}`,
'inbox': `https://${domain}/api/inbox`,
'followers': `https://${domain}/u/${name}/followers`,
'name': displayName,
'publicKey': {
'id': `https://${domain}/u/${name}#main-key`,
'owner': `https://${domain}/u/${name}`,
'publicKeyPem': pubkey
if (imageUrl) {
actor.icon = {
'type': 'Image',
'mediaType': 'image/png',
'url': imageUrl,
if (description) {
actor.summary = `<p>${description}</p>`;
return actor;
function createWebfinger(name, domain) {
return {
'subject': `acct:${name}@${domain}`,
'links': [
'rel': 'self',
'type': 'application/activity+json',
'href': `https://${domain}/u/${name}`
module.exports = router;