A Minimal, SQLite-Backed URL Shortener
| Examples:
| 1. Create a short link to https://duckduckgo.com
|   $ curl -d https://duckduckgo.com {{.URL}}
|   {{.URL}}/502fb5543c36014f
| 2. Create a short link with a custom path
|  $ curl -d https://duckduckgo.com {{.URL}}/ddg
|   {{.URL}}/ddg
| 3. Create a short link to https://duckduckgo.com using a query string
|   $ curl {{.URL}}?https://duckduckgo.com
|   {{.URL}}/1acd382417199d7e
| 4. Create a short link with a custom path using a query string
|   $ curl {{.URL}}/ddg?https://duckduckgo.com
|   {{.URL}}/ddg
| 5. You can also pass an encoded URL:
|   $ curl {{.URL}}?https%3A%2F%2Fduckduckgo.com
|   {{.URL}}/1dc4cb37e81de396
| 6. Deleting a short link
|   $ TMP=$(mktemp)
|   $ # temp file will store header
|   $ LINK=$(curl -sS {{.URL}} -d https://duckduckgo.com -D $TMP)
|   $ # the link has been successfully created
|   $ DEL=$(cat $TMP | grep -i delete-with | awk '{print$2}'| tr -d '\r')
|   $ # deletion key is stored in 'X-Delete-With' header.
|   $ curl $LINK
|   <a href="https://duckduckgo.com">Permanent Redirect</a>.
|   $ # the link is working as expected
|   $ curl $LINK -X DELETE -d $DEL
|   $ curl $LINK
|   record not found
|   $ # the link has been successfully deleted.
{{if .Demo}}

Please note: this is an example deployment. If you attempt to create a short link here you will receive a 401 Unauthorized. If you like the examples above and want to use this URL shortener you should self-host an instance. It's easy to do (one of the design goals). Below are instructions detailing how.


| How to self-host:
| 1. Install dependencies
|   a. The Go programming language
|     https://golang.org/doc/install
|   b. Git version control
|     https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git
|   * Most distributions should have Go and Git in their repositories,
|     simply as go and git.
|     Install these through your package manager, e.g.:
|       # pacman -S go git
|       # emerge --ask dev-lang/go dev-vcs/git
|       # apt install go git
| 2. Fetch and compile the source code
|   # env GO111MODULE=off go get git.swurl.xyz/swirl/link
| 3. Copy the binary to your binary directory
|   # cp $GOPATH/bin/link /usr/local/bin/linkserv
|   # # Named linkserv to prevent conflicts with GNU link
| 4. Create a directory to store your database:
|  # mkdir -p /srv/link
| 5. (optional) Create a systemd service:
|   # vim /etc/systemd/system/link.service
Description=link shortener

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/linkserv -url http://your.doma.in -db /srv/link/link.db -seed "secret"

|   * You can also create an equivalent for openrc, runit, etc.
| 6. (optional) Enable and start
| 7. Or, run it manually:
|   # linkserv -url http://your.doma.in -db /srv/link/link.db -seed "secret"
| * The server is now running on localhost at port 8080.
| * If the SQLite database does not exist, it will be created.
| * All logging will be printed to standard error and standard output.

| Set up an NGINX reverse proxy:
| 1. Install dependencies
|    * nginx
|    * certbot
|    * certbot nginx plugin
|    * Most distributions should have these in their repositories:
|      # pacman -S nginx certbot-nginx
|      # emerge --ask www-servers/nginx app-crypt/certbot-nginx
|      # apt install nginx python-certbot-nginx
| 2. Create the site file
|   # vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/link
server {
    rewrite_log on;
    server_name your.doma.in;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; # or whatever port you're running link on

    listen 80;
| 3. Enable the site
|   # ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-{available,enabled}/link
| 4. Enable https for the site
|   # certbot --nginx -d your.doma.in
| 4. Enable and start nginx
|   # systemctl enable --now nginx
|   # # Or, if you already have nginx running, reload it:
|   # systemctl reload nginx
| * Your site should now be running on https://your.doma.in.
| * To run in a subdirectory, simply put the proxy_pass in the subdirectory, e.g.:
location /shortener {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
| * If you want to use another HTTP server, then create the equivalent for that HTTP server.