yuhan6665 85a1c33709
API: Add new Get Inbound User (#3644)
* Add GetInboundUser in proto

* Add get user logic for all existing inbounds

* Add inbounduser command

* Add option to get all users

* Fix shadowsocks2022 config

* Fix init users in shadowsocks2022

* Fix copy

* Add inbound user count command

This api costs much less than get inbound user, could be useful in some case

* Update from latest main
2024-11-03 00:25:23 -04:00

54 lines
1.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package xray.proxy.shadowsocks_2022;
option csharp_namespace = "Xray.Proxy.Shadowsocks2022";
option go_package = "github.com/xtls/xray-core/proxy/shadowsocks_2022";
option java_package = "com.xray.proxy.shadowsocks_2022";
option java_multiple_files = true;
import "common/net/network.proto";
import "common/net/address.proto";
import "common/protocol/user.proto";
message ServerConfig {
string method = 1;
string key = 2;
string email = 3;
int32 level = 4;
repeated xray.common.net.Network network = 5;
message MultiUserServerConfig {
string method = 1;
string key = 2;
repeated xray.common.protocol.User users = 3;
repeated xray.common.net.Network network = 4;
message RelayDestination {
string key = 1;
xray.common.net.IPOrDomain address = 2;
uint32 port = 3;
string email = 4;
int32 level = 5;
message RelayServerConfig {
string method = 1;
string key = 2;
repeated RelayDestination destinations = 3;
repeated xray.common.net.Network network = 4;
message Account {
string key = 1;
message ClientConfig {
xray.common.net.IPOrDomain address = 1;
uint32 port = 2;
string method = 3;
string key = 4;
bool udp_over_tcp = 5;
uint32 udp_over_tcp_version = 6;