package conf_test import ( "encoding/json" "testing" "" "" . "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestSocketConfig(t *testing.T) { createParser := func() func(string) (proto.Message, error) { return func(s string) (proto.Message, error) { config := new(SocketConfig) if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), config); err != nil { return nil, err } return config.Build() } } // test "tcpFastOpen": true, queue length 256 is expected. other parameters are tested here too expectedOutput := &internet.SocketConfig{ Mark: 1, Tfo: 256, DomainStrategy: internet.DomainStrategy_USE_IP, DialerProxy: "tag", } runMultiTestCase(t, []TestCase{ { Input: `{ "mark": 1, "tcpFastOpen": true, "domainStrategy": "UseIP", "dialerProxy": "tag" }`, Parser: createParser(), Output: expectedOutput, }, }) if expectedOutput.ParseTFOValue() != 256 { t.Fatalf("unexpected parsed TFO value, which should be 256") } // test "tcpFastOpen": false, disabled TFO is expected expectedOutput = &internet.SocketConfig{ Mark: 0, Tfo: -1, } runMultiTestCase(t, []TestCase{ { Input: `{ "tcpFastOpen": false }`, Parser: createParser(), Output: expectedOutput, }, }) if expectedOutput.ParseTFOValue() != 0 { t.Fatalf("unexpected parsed TFO value, which should be 0") } // test "tcpFastOpen": 65535, queue length 65535 is expected expectedOutput = &internet.SocketConfig{ Mark: 0, Tfo: 65535, } runMultiTestCase(t, []TestCase{ { Input: `{ "tcpFastOpen": 65535 }`, Parser: createParser(), Output: expectedOutput, }, }) if expectedOutput.ParseTFOValue() != 65535 { t.Fatalf("unexpected parsed TFO value, which should be 65535") } // test "tcpFastOpen": -65535, disable TFO is expected expectedOutput = &internet.SocketConfig{ Mark: 0, Tfo: -65535, } runMultiTestCase(t, []TestCase{ { Input: `{ "tcpFastOpen": -65535 }`, Parser: createParser(), Output: expectedOutput, }, }) if expectedOutput.ParseTFOValue() != 0 { t.Fatalf("unexpected parsed TFO value, which should be 0") } // test "tcpFastOpen": 0, no operation is expected expectedOutput = &internet.SocketConfig{ Mark: 0, Tfo: 0, } runMultiTestCase(t, []TestCase{ { Input: `{ "tcpFastOpen": 0 }`, Parser: createParser(), Output: expectedOutput, }, }) if expectedOutput.ParseTFOValue() != -1 { t.Fatalf("unexpected parsed TFO value, which should be -1") } // test omit "tcpFastOpen", no operation is expected expectedOutput = &internet.SocketConfig{ Mark: 0, Tfo: 0, } runMultiTestCase(t, []TestCase{ { Input: `{}`, Parser: createParser(), Output: expectedOutput, }, }) if expectedOutput.ParseTFOValue() != -1 { t.Fatalf("unexpected parsed TFO value, which should be -1") } // test "tcpFastOpen": null, no operation is expected expectedOutput = &internet.SocketConfig{ Mark: 0, Tfo: 0, } runMultiTestCase(t, []TestCase{ { Input: `{ "tcpFastOpen": null }`, Parser: createParser(), Output: expectedOutput, }, }) if expectedOutput.ParseTFOValue() != -1 { t.Fatalf("unexpected parsed TFO value, which should be -1") } } func TestTransportConfig(t *testing.T) { createParser := func() func(string) (proto.Message, error) { return func(s string) (proto.Message, error) { config := new(TransportConfig) if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), config); err != nil { return nil, err } return config.Build() } } runMultiTestCase(t, []TestCase{ { Input: `{ "tcpSettings": { "header": { "type": "http", "request": { "version": "1.1", "method": "GET", "path": "/b", "headers": { "a": "b", "c": "d" } }, "response": { "version": "1.0", "status": "404", "reason": "Not Found" } } }, "kcpSettings": { "mtu": 1200, "header": { "type": "none" } }, "wsSettings": { "path": "/t" }, "quicSettings": { "key": "abcd", "header": { "type": "dtls" } }, "grpcSettings": { "serviceName": "name", "multiMode": true } }`, Parser: createParser(), Output: &global.Config{ TransportSettings: []*internet.TransportConfig{ { ProtocolName: "tcp", Settings: serial.ToTypedMessage(&tcp.Config{ HeaderSettings: serial.ToTypedMessage(&http.Config{ Request: &http.RequestConfig{ Version: &http.Version{Value: "1.1"}, Method: &http.Method{Value: "GET"}, Uri: []string{"/b"}, Header: []*http.Header{ {Name: "a", Value: []string{"b"}}, {Name: "c", Value: []string{"d"}}, }, }, Response: &http.ResponseConfig{ Version: &http.Version{Value: "1.0"}, Status: &http.Status{Code: "404", Reason: "Not Found"}, Header: []*http.Header{ { Name: "Content-Type", Value: []string{"application/octet-stream", "video/mpeg"}, }, { Name: "Transfer-Encoding", Value: []string{"chunked"}, }, { Name: "Connection", Value: []string{"keep-alive"}, }, { Name: "Pragma", Value: []string{"no-cache"}, }, { Name: "Cache-Control", Value: []string{"private", "no-cache"}, }, }, }, }), }), }, { ProtocolName: "mkcp", Settings: serial.ToTypedMessage(&kcp.Config{ Mtu: &kcp.MTU{Value: 1200}, HeaderConfig: serial.ToTypedMessage(&noop.Config{}), }), }, { ProtocolName: "websocket", Settings: serial.ToTypedMessage(&websocket.Config{ Path: "/t", }), }, { ProtocolName: "quic", Settings: serial.ToTypedMessage(&quic.Config{ Key: "abcd", Security: &protocol.SecurityConfig{ Type: protocol.SecurityType_NONE, }, Header: serial.ToTypedMessage(&tls.PacketConfig{}), }), }, { ProtocolName: "grpc", Settings: serial.ToTypedMessage(&grpc.Config{ ServiceName: "name", MultiMode: true, }), }, }, }, }, { Input: `{ "gunSettings": { "serviceName": "name" } }`, Parser: createParser(), Output: &global.Config{ TransportSettings: []*internet.TransportConfig{ { ProtocolName: "grpc", Settings: serial.ToTypedMessage(&grpc.Config{ ServiceName: "name", }), }, }, }, }, }) }