package base import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" "sort" "strings" ) // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // copied from "" // Execute excute the commands func Execute() { buildCommandsText(RootCommand) flag.Parse() args := flag.Args() if len(args) < 1 { PrintUsage(os.Stderr, RootCommand) return } cmdName := args[0] // for error messages if args[0] == "help" { Help(os.Stdout, args[1:]) return } BigCmdLoop: for bigCmd := RootCommand; ; { for _, cmd := range bigCmd.Commands { if cmd.Name() != args[0] { continue } if len(cmd.Commands) > 0 { // test sub commands bigCmd = cmd args = args[1:] if len(args) == 0 { PrintUsage(os.Stderr, bigCmd) SetExitStatus(2) Exit() } if args[0] == "help" { // Accept 'go mod help' and 'go mod help foo' for 'go help mod' and 'go help mod foo'. Help(os.Stdout, append(strings.Split(cmdName, " "), args[1:]...)) return } cmdName += " " + args[0] continue BigCmdLoop } if !cmd.Runnable() { continue } cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.Usage() } if cmd.CustomFlags { args = args[1:] } else { cmd.Flag.Parse(args[1:]) args = cmd.Flag.Args() } cmd.Run(cmd, args) Exit() return } helpArg := "" if i := strings.LastIndex(cmdName, " "); i >= 0 { helpArg = " " + cmdName[:i] } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s %s: unknown command\nRun '%s help%s' for usage.\n", CommandEnv.Exec, cmdName, CommandEnv.Exec, helpArg) SetExitStatus(2) Exit() } } // Sort sorts the commands func Sort() { sort.Slice(RootCommand.Commands, func(i, j int) bool { return SortLessFunc(RootCommand.Commands[i], RootCommand.Commands[j]) }) } // SortLessFunc used for sort commands list, can be override from outside var SortLessFunc = func(i, j *Command) bool { return i.Name() < j.Name() }