2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# https://docs-python.ru/packages/telegram-klient-telethon-python/ <-info
2024-12-18 01:31:30 +02:00
from src import avocmine , victimsbackup
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime , timedelta
# from telethon.sync import TelegramClient
from telethon import TelegramClient , events , utils
2024-12-09 13:36:48 +02:00
from telethon import functions , types
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
import sys
2024-12-13 15:33:09 +02:00
import os
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
import json
import re
import random
import time
import pymysql
import pymysql . cursors
import sqlite3
from loguru import logger
2024-12-09 20:47:56 +02:00
from collections import Counter
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
logger . remove ( )
logger . level ( " DEBUG " , color = ' <magenta> ' )
logger . add ( sys . stderr , level = " DEBUG " )
2024-12-15 23:49:03 +02:00
is_termux = os . environ . get ( ' TERMUX_APP__PACKAGE_NAME ' ) or os . environ . get ( ' TERMUX_APK_RELEASE ' )
2024-12-13 15:33:09 +02:00
if is_termux :
logger . info ( ' Termux detected, checking permissions... ' )
2024-12-13 16:34:46 +02:00
logger . info ( ' If you want prevent killing termux by android, get wake lock: check your notifications, find termux app and press " ACQUIRE WAKELOCK " ' )
logger . warning ( ' This can cause battery drain! ' )
2024-12-15 23:49:03 +02:00
if ( os . environ . get ( ' TERMUX_APP__APK_RELEASE ' ) or os . environ . get ( ' TERMUX_APK_RELEASE ' ) ) not in ( ' F_DROID ' , ' GITHUB ' ) :
2024-12-13 15:33:09 +02:00
logger . warning ( ' You use not f-droid/github apk release, it may have problems... ' )
logger . warning ( ' F-droid termux release here: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.termux/ ' )
logger . warning ( ' Github termux release here: https://github.com/termux/termux-app/releases ' )
2024-12-16 08:59:54 +02:00
if float ( os . environ . get ( ' TERMUX_VERSION ' ) [ : 5 ] ) < 0.118 :
2024-12-13 15:33:09 +02:00
logger . warning ( ' You use old version of termux, highly recommended that you update to v0.118.0 or higher ASAP for various bug fixes, including a critical world-readable vulnerability ' )
if os . access ( ' /sdcard ' , os . W_OK ) :
logger . success ( ' permission to write on internal storage allowed ' )
else :
logger . warning ( ' permission denied to write on internal storage ' )
logger . info ( ' trying get permission... ' )
os . system ( ' termux-setup-storage ' )
logger . info ( ' Restart termux [Press CTRL+D or command " exit " ] ' )
sys . exit ( 0 )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
# Название сессии
sessdb = ' tl-ub '
2024-12-13 21:13:09 +02:00
default_directory = ' '
2024-12-13 16:34:46 +02:00
default_config_file_path = ' config.json '
2024-12-13 16:50:03 +02:00
treat_as_true = ( ' true ' , ' 1 ' , ' t ' , ' y ' , ' yes ' , ' yeah ' , ' yup ' , ' certainly ' , ' uh-huh ' )
2024-12-13 16:34:46 +02:00
if is_termux :
2024-12-18 00:15:40 +02:00
# TODO: make notifications about update for termux
2024-12-13 16:34:46 +02:00
default_directory = ' /sdcard/ub4tg '
os . system ( f ' mkdir -p { default_directory } ' )
default_config_file_path = f ' { default_directory } /config.json '
if not os . path . exists ( default_config_file_path ) :
logger . info ( ' config not found, first launch setup... ' )
2024-12-13 16:50:03 +02:00
api_id = int ( input ( ' enter api_id from https://my.telegram.org/ : ' ) )
2024-12-13 16:34:46 +02:00
api_hash = input ( ' enter api_hash from https://my.telegram.org/ : ' )
timezone = input ( ' enter timezone, format is Country/City: ' )
db_pymysql = False
db_sqlite3 = True
2024-12-13 16:50:03 +02:00
a_h = input ( ' enable automatic use medkit? [y/n]: ' ) . lower ( ) in treat_as_true
a_404_patient = input ( ' enable automatic bioeb if victim not found or expired? It will be trigger on " Жертва не найдена " [y/n]: ' ) . lower ( ) in treat_as_true
2024-12-18 00:15:40 +02:00
automine = input ( ' enable automatic mining of gems? [y/n]: ' ) . lower ( ) in treat_as_true
2024-12-13 16:34:46 +02:00
new_config = { ' api_id ' : api_id ,
' api_hash ' : api_hash ,
' timezone ' : timezone ,
' db_pymysql ' : db_pymysql ,
' db_sqlite3 ' : db_sqlite3 ,
' a_h ' : a_h ,
2024-12-18 00:15:40 +02:00
' a_404_patient ' : a_404_patient ,
' automine ' : automine }
2024-12-13 16:34:46 +02:00
with open ( default_config_file_path , " w " ) as configfile :
json . dump ( new_config , configfile , indent = 4 )
with open ( default_config_file_path , " r " ) as configfile :
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
from types import SimpleNamespace
cnf_dict = json . load ( configfile )
config = SimpleNamespace ( * * cnf_dict )
logger . debug ( ' config loaded ' )
# Api ID и Api Hash полученные на my.telegram.org
api_id = config . api_id
api_hash = config . api_hash
timezone = config . timezone
db_pymysql = config . db_pymysql # set True or False
db_sqlite3 = config . db_sqlite3 # set True or False
a_h = config . a_h
2024-12-09 13:36:48 +02:00
a_404_patient = config . a_404_patient
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
2024-12-09 08:53:35 +02:00
class states :
auto_bioeb_sleep_interval = ( 6 , 66 ) # the default on (re)start
auto_bioeb_pathogen_threshold = 5 # these pathogens will be saved +- 1
auto_bioeb_min_interval = ( 0.666 , 3.666 ) # for fast leak pathogen
auto_bioeb_max_interval = ( 71 , 121 ) # waiting for more pathogen
# Default strategy mean: you have 4-5 pathogens when auto bioeb is enabled, pathogen overflow reduced
2024-12-14 17:23:54 +02:00
auto_bioeb_stop = True
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
where_send_check_avocado = None
2024-12-09 11:14:49 +02:00
last_sent_bioeb = 0 # for measure time between reply avocado and bioeb
last_reply_bioeb_avocado = 0 # same as above
2024-12-09 15:18:28 +02:00
avocado_reply_timeout = 3 # increase interval if lag more than this timeout in secs
2024-12-18 00:15:40 +02:00
automine_enabled = config . automine or True
latest_successfull_mine = None
wait_before_next_mine = None
2024-12-09 08:53:35 +02:00
stats_medkit = 0
2024-12-09 20:47:56 +02:00
stats_most_infect_spam_chats = Counter ( )
2024-12-09 08:53:35 +02:00
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
async def main ( ) :
2024-12-14 22:53:39 +02:00
async with TelegramClient ( sessdb , api_id , api_hash , connection_retries = 300 , request_retries = 10 , ) as client :
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
client . parse_mode = " HTML "
logger . success ( ' User-Bot started ' )
me = await client . get_me ( )
my_id = int ( me . id )
my_fn = me . first_name
logger . info ( f ' your id: { my_id } ' )
if db_pymysql :
con = pymysql . connect ( host = ' localhost ' ,
user = ' root ' ,
password = ' V3rY$tR0NgPaS$Sw0Rd ' ,
db = ' db ' ,
charset = ' utf8mb4 ' ,
cursorclass = pymysql . cursors . DictCursor )
d = con . cursor ( )
d . execute ( ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tg_iris_zarazy` (
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
` when_int ` int ( 11 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
` who_id ` bigint ( 20 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
` user_id ` bigint ( 20 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
` u_link ` varchar ( 500 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ' ,
` bio_str ` varchar ( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 1 ' ,
` bio_int ` int ( 11 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 1 ' ,
` expr_int ` int ( 11 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
` expr_str ` varchar ( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
UNIQUE KEY ` UNIQUE ` ( ` who_id ` , ` user_id ` )
) ; ''' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
con . commit ( )
d . execute ( ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tg_bio_attack` (
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
` from_infect ` int ( 11 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
` who_id ` bigint ( 20 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
` user_id ` bigint ( 20 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
` profit ` int ( 11 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 1 ' ,
` until_infect ` int ( 11 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
` until_str ` varchar ( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
UNIQUE KEY ` UNIQUE ` ( ` who_id ` , ` user_id ` )
) ; ''' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
con . commit ( )
d . execute ( ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tg_bio_users` (
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
` user_id ` bigint ( 20 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
` when_int ` int ( 11 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
` profit ` int ( 11 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 1 ' ,
UNIQUE KEY ` user_id ` ( ` user_id ` )
) ; ''' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
con . commit ( )
d . execute ( ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tg_users_url` (
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
` user_id ` bigint ( 20 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
` when_int ` int ( 11 ) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
` u_link ` varchar ( 64 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ' ,
` f_name ` text NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( ` user_id ` ) ,
UNIQUE KEY ( ` u_link ` )
) ; ''' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
con . commit ( )
if db_sqlite3 :
2024-12-13 16:50:03 +02:00
logger . debug ( ' sqlite3 database connecting... ' )
2024-12-13 16:34:46 +02:00
if is_termux :
conn = sqlite3 . connect ( f " { default_directory } / { my_id } .sqlite " )
else :
2024-12-14 18:32:12 +02:00
conn = sqlite3 . connect ( f " { my_id } .sqlite " ) # покласти базу рядом
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
c = conn . cursor ( )
c . execute ( ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS avocado (
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
) ''' )
2024-12-18 02:49:33 +02:00
try :
c . execute ( ' ALTER TABLE avocado DROP COLUMN bio_str ' )
logger . warning ( ' bio_str in database no more used, deleted! ' )
except :
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
conn . commit ( )
2024-12-13 00:00:16 +02:00
c . execute ( ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS avocado_exclude (
reason VARCHAR
) ''' )
conn . commit ( )
2024-12-13 16:50:03 +02:00
logger . debug ( ' sqlite3 database initialized ' )
2024-12-13 00:00:16 +02:00
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
async def get_id ( url ) :
user_id = 0
if " tg://openmessage?user_id= " in url :
user_id = int ( re . findall ( r ' user_id=([0-9]+) ' , url ) [ 0 ] )
logger . debug ( user_id )
return user_id
if " t.me/ " in url :
if db_pymysql :
try :
d . execute (
" SELECT * FROM `tg_users_url` WHERE `u_link` = ' %s ' ORDER BY `when_int` DESC " % str ( url ) )
user = d . fetchone ( )
if user is None :
else :
user_id = int ( user [ ' user_id ' ] )
print ( f ' { url } in db: @ { user_id } ' )
2024-12-14 18:32:12 +02:00
except :
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
if user_id == 0 :
try :
user_entity = await client . get_entity ( url )
if user_entity . id :
user_id = int ( user_entity . id )
user_fn = user_entity . first_name or ' '
print ( f ' ok: { url } /@ { user_id } ' )
if db_pymysql :
try :
d . execute ( " INSERT INTO `tg_users_url` (`when_int`,`user_id`,`u_link`,`f_name`) VALUES ( %s , %s , %s , %s ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE user_id = VALUES (user_id),u_link = VALUES (u_link),f_name = VALUES (f_name),when_int = VALUES (when_int); " , ( int (
time . time ( ) ) , int ( user_id ) , str ( url ) , str ( user_fn ) ) )
con . commit ( )
except Exception as Err :
print ( f ' E: { Err } ' )
except Exception as Err :
print ( f ' E: { Err } ' )
# pass
return user_id
async def message_q ( # спизжено
text : str ,
user_id : int ,
mark_read : bool = False ,
delete : bool = False ,
) :
""" Отправляет сообщение и возращает ответ """
async with client . conversation ( user_id , exclusive = False ) as conv :
msg = await conv . send_message ( text )
response = await conv . get_response ( )
if mark_read :
await conv . mark_read ( )
return response
2024-12-18 01:31:30 +02:00
await victimsbackup . bio_backup_stealing ( client , c , conn , default_directory )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
2024-12-14 17:06:41 +02:00
@client.on ( events . NewMessage ( pattern = ' .*йобнув.*|.*подверг(ла)?.*|.*infected.*|.*сикди.*|.*насрал.*|.*выебал.*|.*за допомогою довіреності.*|.*by authorization infected.*|.*при помощи анонимуса атаковала.* ' ) )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
async def podverg_a ( event ) :
2024-12-09 19:43:59 +02:00
logger . debug ( ' bio attack detected ' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
# хто там кого йобнув(ла)
m = event . message
2024-12-09 20:34:08 +02:00
cinfo = await m . get_chat ( )
chat_name = cinfo . title
logger . debug ( f " in chat ' { chat_name } ' " )
2024-12-09 20:47:56 +02:00
states . stats_most_infect_spam_chats [ chat_name ] + = 1
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
t = m . raw_text
2024-12-09 09:34:51 +02:00
# NOTE: theme hell... any ideas for improvment required
# but not use huge regular expression like|that|fuckin|way|a|aaaa|aaaaaaaa
# because it makes re.findall like mess...
default_bioexpr_theme = r " Прибыль: ([0-9 \ . \ ,k]+) "
default_infected_days_theme = r ' на ([0-9 \ ]+) д.* '
default_pathogen_remaining_theme = r ' Осталось: ([0-9 \ ]+) '
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
bio_attack_themes = ( # I guess if too many themes it will be slow, but acceptable, because python slow as is.
2024-12-09 09:34:51 +02:00
# current order in theme:
# ('infected', 'bio_expr', 'infected days', 'pathogen remaining')
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
# UA theme
2024-12-09 09:34:51 +02:00
( r ' <a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " >.*</a> йобнув.+<a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " > ' ,
r " ([0-9 \ . \ ,k]+) б і о -р е с у р с а " ,
default_infected_days_theme ,
default_pathogen_remaining_theme ) ,
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
# RU theme
2024-12-09 09:34:51 +02:00
( r ' <a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " >.*</a> подверг.+<a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " > ' ,
default_bioexpr_theme ,
default_infected_days_theme ,
default_pathogen_remaining_theme ) ,
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
# EN theme
2024-12-09 09:34:51 +02:00
( r ' <a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " >.*</a> infected.+<a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " > ' ,
r " ([0-9 \ . \ ,k]+) pcs \ . " ,
r ' for ([0-9 \ ]+) d.* ' ,
r ' Remaining: ([0-9 \ ]+) ' ) ,
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
# AZ theme
2024-12-09 09:34:51 +02:00
( r ' <a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " >.*</a> сикди.+<a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " > ' ,
r " верир: ([0-9 \ . \ ,k]+) " ,
default_infected_days_theme ,
default_pathogen_remaining_theme ) ,
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
# "ПК гик" theme
2024-12-09 09:34:51 +02:00
( r ' <a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " >.*</a> насрал.+<a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " > ' ,
r " потеряет: ([0-9 \ . \ ,k]+) " ,
default_infected_days_theme ,
default_pathogen_remaining_theme ) ,
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
# "Новогодняя" theme
2024-12-09 09:34:51 +02:00
( r ' <a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " >.*</a> подверг заморозке.+<a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " > ' ,
default_bioexpr_theme ,
default_infected_days_theme ,
default_pathogen_remaining_theme ) ,
2024-12-14 17:06:41 +02:00
# "Сексуальная индустрия" theme
( r ' <a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " >.*</a> выебал.+<a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " > ' ,
r " кончила ([0-9 \ . \ ,k]+) " ,
r ' ещё ([0-9 \ ]+) д.* ' ,
default_pathogen_remaining_theme ) ,
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
# UA theme [via trust]
2024-12-09 09:34:51 +02:00
( r ' <a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " >.*</a> за допомогою довіреності зазнала зараження.+<a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " > ' ,
r " ([0-9 \ . \ ,k]+) б і о -р е с у р с а " ,
default_infected_days_theme ,
default_pathogen_remaining_theme ) ,
2024-12-08 16:49:34 +02:00
# RU theme [via trust]
2024-12-09 09:34:51 +02:00
( r ' <a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " >.*</a> при помощи доверенности подвергла заражению.+<a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " > ' ,
default_bioexpr_theme ,
default_infected_days_theme ,
default_pathogen_remaining_theme ) ,
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
# EN theme [via trust]
2024-12-09 09:34:51 +02:00
( r ' <a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " >.*</a> by authorization infected.+<a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " > ' ,
r " ([0-9 \ . \ ,k]+) pcs \ . " ,
r ' for ([0-9 \ ]+) d.* ' ,
r ' Remaining: ([0-9 \ ]+) ' ) ,
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
# idk what is theme [via trust]
2024-12-09 09:34:51 +02:00
( r ' <a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " >.*</a> при помощи анонимуса атаковала.+<a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " > ' ,
r ' приносит: ([0-9 \ . \ ,k]+) ' ,
default_infected_days_theme ,
default_pathogen_remaining_theme ) ,
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
if m . sender_id != 6333102398 :
2024-12-13 00:00:16 +02:00
logger . debug ( ' not avocado infection, skipping ' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
elif len ( m . entities ) > 1 :
h = utils . sanitize_parse_mode (
' html ' ) . unparse ( t , m . entities ) # HTML
for theme in bio_attack_themes :
trying_theme_index = bio_attack_themes . index ( theme )
logger . debug ( f ' trying theme { trying_theme_index } ... ' )
2024-12-09 09:34:51 +02:00
r = re . findall ( theme [ 0 ] , h )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
if r :
logger . debug ( f ' found theme { trying_theme_index } ' )
2024-12-08 16:32:57 +02:00
if r == [ ] :
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
logger . warning (
' theme not found, showing original message: ' + m . text )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
logger . debug ( str ( r ) )
if r :
u1url = r [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
u2url = r [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
u1id = await get_id ( u1url )
u2id = await get_id ( u2url )
2024-12-13 00:00:16 +02:00
bio_excludes = [ x [ 0 ] for x in c . execute ( ' select user_id from avocado_exclude ' ) . fetchall ( ) ]
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
# print(f'{u1url} [@{u1id}] подверг(ла) {u2url} [@{u2id}]')#показать
when = int ( datetime . timestamp ( m . date ) )
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
days = int ( re . findall ( bio_attack_themes [ trying_theme_index ] [ 2 ] , t ) [
0 ] . replace ( ' ' , ' ' ) )
experience = re . findall (
bio_attack_themes [ trying_theme_index ] [ 1 ] , t ) [ 0 ] . strip ( )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
if ' , ' in experience :
experience = re . sub ( r ' , ' , r ' . ' , experience )
if ' k ' in experience :
exp_int = int (
float ( re . sub ( ' k ' , ' ' , experience ) ) * 1000 )
else :
exp_int = int ( experience )
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
pathogen_remaining = int ( re . findall (
bio_attack_themes [ trying_theme_index ] [ 3 ] , t ) [ 0 ] )
2024-12-09 08:53:35 +02:00
if pathogen_remaining < = states . auto_bioeb_pathogen_threshold and u1id == my_id :
states . auto_bioeb_sleep_interval = states . auto_bioeb_max_interval
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
logger . warning (
f ' Interval bioeb changed (slow down): { states . auto_bioeb_sleep_interval } ' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
elif u1id == my_id :
2024-12-09 08:53:35 +02:00
states . auto_bioeb_sleep_interval = states . auto_bioeb_min_interval
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
logger . debug (
f ' Interval bioeb changed (more fast): { states . auto_bioeb_sleep_interval } ' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
a = datetime . utcfromtimestamp (
when ) + timedelta ( days = int ( days ) , hours = 3 )
do_int = datetime . timestamp ( a )
do_txt = str ( a . strftime ( " %d . % m. % y " ) )
if u1id > 0 and u2id > 0 :
if db_sqlite3 and u1id == my_id :
try :
2024-12-18 02:49:33 +02:00
c . execute ( " INSERT INTO avocado(user_id,when_int,bio_int,expr_int,expr_str) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " , (
int ( u2id ) , int ( when ) , int ( exp_int ) , int ( datetime . timestamp ( a ) ) , str ( a . strftime ( " %d . % m. % y " ) ) ) )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
conn . commit ( )
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
logger . debug (
' [new] success writen my bio attack ' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
except :
try :
2024-12-18 02:49:33 +02:00
c . execute ( " UPDATE avocado SET when_int = :wh, bio_int = :xpi, expr_int = :end, expr_str = :do WHERE user_id = :z AND when_int <= :wh; " , {
" wh " : int ( when ) , " xpi " : int ( exp_int ) , " end " : int ( datetime . timestamp ( a ) ) , " do " : str ( a . strftime ( " %d . % m. % y " ) ) , " z " : int ( u2id ) } )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
conn . commit ( )
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
logger . debug (
' [upd] success updated my bio attack ' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
except Exception as Err :
logger . exception ( f ' err: { Err } avocado ' )
2024-12-09 11:14:49 +02:00
states . last_reply_bioeb_avocado = time . time ( )
2024-12-13 00:00:16 +02:00
if db_sqlite3 and u1id != my_id and u2id not in bio_excludes :
2024-12-08 16:11:45 +02:00
try :
2024-12-18 02:49:33 +02:00
c . execute ( " INSERT INTO avocado(user_id,when_int,bio_int,expr_int) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) " , (
int ( u2id ) , int ( when ) , int ( exp_int ) , 0 ) )
2024-12-08 16:11:45 +02:00
conn . commit ( )
2024-12-09 19:38:14 +02:00
logger . debug ( ' [new] success writen bio attack ' )
2024-12-08 16:11:45 +02:00
except :
2024-12-09 07:25:16 +02:00
# NOTE: this maybe useful if you want sort database by bio-experience, but as S1S13AF7 said this
# can be like: in database you have +10k today, tomorrow it changed to +1...
# so... idk what next...
2024-12-18 02:49:33 +02:00
c . execute ( " UPDATE avocado SET when_int = :wh, bio_int = :xpi WHERE user_id = :z AND when_int < :wh AND expr_int < :wh " , {
" wh " : int ( when ) , " xpi " : int ( exp_int ) , " z " : int ( u2id ) } )
2024-12-08 16:11:45 +02:00
conn . commit ( )
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
logger . debug (
' [upd] success updated bio attack ' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
if db_pymysql :
try :
# from_infect who_id user_id profit until_infect until_str
d . execute ( " INSERT INTO `tg_bio_attack` (`who_id`, `user_id`, `from_infect`, `profit`, `until_infect`, `until_str`) VALUES ( %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE from_infect=VALUES (from_infect),profit=VALUES (profit),until_infect=VALUES (until_infect),until_str = VALUES (until_str); " , ( int (
u1id ) , int ( u2id ) , int ( when ) , str ( experience ) , int ( datetime . timestamp ( a ) ) , str ( a . strftime ( " %d . % m. % y " ) ) ) )
con . commit ( )
print (
f " \n INSERT INTO .... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE # [@ { u1id } ] => [@ { u2id } ] \n " )
except Exception as Err :
logger . exception ( f ' err: { Err } (tg_bio_attack) ' )
# pass
try :
# user_id when profit
d . execute ( " INSERT INTO `tg_bio_users` (`user_id`, `when_int`, `profit`) VALUES ( %s , %s , %s ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE when_int=VALUES (when_int),profit=VALUES (profit); " , ( int (
u2id ) , int ( when ) , str ( experience ) ) )
con . commit ( )
except Exception as Err :
logger . exception ( f ' err: { Err } (tg_bio_users) ' )
# pass
if u1id == my_id :
logger . success (
2024-12-09 19:38:14 +02:00
f ''' me подверг(ла) { u2url } [@ { u2id } ] + { experience } , d: { days } ''' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
else :
logger . info (
f ''' { u1url } [@ { u1id } ] подверг(ла) { u2url } [@ { u2id } ] + { experience } , d: { days } ''' )
2024-12-13 00:00:16 +02:00
if u2id in bio_excludes :
logger . debug ( f ' { u2id } not added: excluded ' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
@client.on ( events . NewMessage ( outgoing = True , pattern = r ' \ .biofuck$ ' ) )
async def cmd_bf ( event ) : # крч акуратно з цим,вдруг шо я нічо
2024-12-14 17:23:54 +02:00
if states . auto_bioeb_stop is False :
await event . edit ( ' biofucking already runned! ' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
m = event . message
when = int ( datetime . timestamp ( m . date ) )
msg = ' 🤷 ' # якщо нема кого то жри рандом.
2024-12-09 12:13:23 +02:00
def get_some_patients ( limit = 1000 ) :
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
count = int ( c . execute (
f " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `avocado` WHERE expr_int <= { when } ORDER BY expr_int,when_int ASC LIMIT { limit } " ) . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ] )
2024-12-13 00:00:16 +02:00
patients = list ( c . execute (
f " SELECT * FROM `avocado` WHERE expr_int <= { when } ORDER BY expr_int,when_int ASC LIMIT { limit } " ) . fetchall ( ) )
bio_excludes = [ x [ 0 ] for x in c . execute ( ' select user_id from avocado_exclude ' ) . fetchall ( ) ]
for p in patients :
if p [ 0 ] in bio_excludes :
logger . warning ( f ' skipping patient { p [ 0 ] } , excluded from bioebinng ' )
patients . remove ( p )
return count , patients
2024-12-09 12:13:23 +02:00
count , e_info = get_some_patients ( )
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
# more random for random and reduce risk get very immun target after restart
random . shuffle ( e_info )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
if count < 2 :
nema = ' 🤷 рандом хавай. '
await event . edit ( nema ) # ред
logger . warning ( nema )
else :
pong = ' ✅ погнали... '
2024-12-09 08:53:35 +02:00
states . auto_bioeb_stop = False
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
await event . edit ( pong ) # ред
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
logger . info (
f ' є { count } потенційних пацієнтів. спробуєм їх сожрать ' )
2024-12-09 12:13:23 +02:00
while states . auto_bioeb_stop is False :
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
# скільки спим: random
rs = float ( random . uniform (
states . auto_bioeb_sleep_interval [ 0 ] , states . auto_bioeb_sleep_interval [ 1 ] ) )
2024-12-09 12:13:23 +02:00
eb = f ' Биоеб { e_info [ 0 ] [ 0 ] } ' # повідомлення.
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
m = await event . reply ( eb )
2024-12-09 12:13:23 +02:00
e_info . pop ( 0 )
remaining_in_stack = len ( e_info )
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
logger . info (
f ' remaining patiences in current stack: { remaining_in_stack } ' )
2024-12-09 12:13:23 +02:00
random . shuffle ( e_info )
2024-12-09 15:18:28 +02:00
states . last_sent_bioeb = int ( datetime . timestamp ( m . date ) )
if states . last_reply_bioeb_avocado == 0 : # reduce negative ping
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
states . last_reply_bioeb_avocado = int (
datetime . timestamp ( m . date ) )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
await asyncio . sleep ( 3.3 )
await client . delete_messages ( event . chat_id , m . id )
2024-12-09 15:18:28 +02:00
delta_avocado = states . last_reply_bioeb_avocado - states . last_sent_bioeb
if delta_avocado < 0 :
delta_avocado = delta_avocado * - 1
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
logger . debug (
f ' latency avocado reply: { delta_avocado } secs ' )
2024-12-09 12:13:23 +02:00
if delta_avocado > states . avocado_reply_timeout :
2024-12-10 23:35:49 +02:00
interval_with_lag = rs + random . uniform ( 9.18299148 , 40.9201412499 )
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
logger . debug (
2024-12-10 23:35:49 +02:00
f ' bioeb sleep [increased, because avocado have lag]: { interval_with_lag } s ' )
await asyncio . sleep ( interval_with_lag )
2024-12-09 11:14:49 +02:00
else :
logger . debug ( f ' bioeb sleep: { rs } s ' )
await asyncio . sleep ( rs )
2024-12-09 12:13:23 +02:00
if len ( e_info ) < = 0 :
count , e_info = get_some_patients ( )
if count < 2 :
event . reply ( ' Закончились, рандом хавай ' )
logger . warning ( ' you are eaten all ' )
random . shuffle ( e_info )
2024-12-09 19:32:14 +02:00
e_count = len ( e_info )
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
logger . success (
f ' db refresh: { count } patiences; in stack: { e_count } ' )
2024-12-09 19:41:18 +02:00
states . auto_bioeb_stop = True
2024-12-09 12:13:23 +02:00
logger . warning ( ' auto bioeb stopped ' )
await event . reply ( ' stopped ' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
@client.on ( events . NewMessage ( outgoing = True , pattern = r ' \ .biofuck stop$ ' ) )
async def stop_bioeb ( event ) :
2024-12-09 08:53:35 +02:00
states . auto_bioeb_stop = True
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
await event . edit ( ' Trying stop... ' ) # ред
2024-12-13 00:00:16 +02:00
@client.on ( events . NewMessage ( outgoing = True , pattern = r ' \ .bioexclude ' ) )
async def add_bioeb_exclude ( event ) :
reason = event . text . split ( ' ' , 1 ) [ 1 ] or None
reply = await client . get_messages ( event . peer_id , ids = event . reply_to . reply_to_msg_id )
if not reply . entities :
await event . edit ( ' ids not found ' )
t = reply . raw_text
h = utils . sanitize_parse_mode (
' html ' ) . unparse ( t , reply . entities ) # HTML
r = re . findall ( r ' <a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " > ' , h )
insertion_status = [ ]
for link in r :
user_id = await get_id ( link )
try :
c . execute ( " INSERT INTO avocado_exclude(user_id, reason) VALUES (?, ?) " , ( user_id , reason ) )
insertion_status . append ( f ' { user_id } : ok ' )
except :
insertion_status . append ( f ' { user_id } : exists ' )
conn . commit ( )
insertion_status = ' \n ' . join ( insertion_status )
await event . edit ( f ' { insertion_status } \n reason: { reason } ' )
2024-12-13 02:59:54 +02:00
@client.on ( events . NewMessage ( outgoing = True , pattern = r ' \ .bioebmass$ ' ) )
async def bioeb_mass ( event ) :
reply = await client . get_messages ( event . peer_id , ids = event . reply_to . reply_to_msg_id )
when = int ( datetime . timestamp ( event . date ) )
t = reply . raw_text
h = utils . sanitize_parse_mode (
' html ' ) . unparse ( t , reply . entities ) # HTML
r_as_list = [ ]
r = re . findall ( r ' <a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " >|(@ \ d+) ' , h )
for x in r :
r_as_list . extend ( x )
r = r_as_list
if r == [ ] :
await event . edit ( ' nothing to do: ids not found ' )
def filter_bioeb ( victims_ids ) :
bio_excludes = [ x [ 0 ] for x in c . execute ( ' SELECT user_id FROM avocado_exclude ' ) . fetchall ( ) ]
filted_victims = [ ]
for v in victims_ids :
if v in bio_excludes :
logger . warning ( f ' skipping patient { v } , excluded from bioebinng ' )
elif c . execute ( f ' SELECT user_id FROM avocado WHERE expr_int >= { when } and user_id == { v } ' ) . fetchone ( ) :
logger . warning ( f ' skipping patient { v } , already eaten ' )
else :
filted_victims . append ( v )
return list ( set ( filted_victims ) )
bioebbing_ids = [ ]
for i in r :
if i == ' ' :
if i . startswith ( ' @ ' ) :
bioebbing_ids . append ( int ( i . replace ( ' @ ' , ' ' ) ) )
else :
bioebbing_ids . append ( await get_id ( i ) )
bioebbing_ids = filter_bioeb ( bioebbing_ids )
bioebbing_len = len ( bioebbing_ids )
if bioebbing_len == 0 :
await event . edit ( ' already eaten or excluded ' )
await event . edit ( f ' trying eat { bioebbing_len } patients... ' )
for patient in bioebbing_ids :
await asyncio . sleep ( random . uniform ( 1.234 , 4.222 ) )
await event . respond ( f ' биоеб { patient } ' )
2024-12-13 00:00:16 +02:00
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
@client.on ( events . NewMessage ( outgoing = True , pattern = r ' \ .biocheck$ ' ) )
async def set_default_check_chat ( event ) :
states . where_send_check_avocado = event . peer_id
await event . edit ( ' Checks will be send here ' )
@client.on ( events . NewMessage ( pattern = ' .+Служба безопасности лаборатории ' ) )
# Организатор заражения: нада биоебнуть?
async def iris_sb ( event ) :
# iris off bio 31.12.24
m = event . message
t = m . raw_text
irises = [ 707693258 , 5137994780 ,
5226378684 , 5443619563 , 5434504334 ]
if m . sender_id not in irises :
elif a_404_patient and len ( m . entities ) > 1 and states . where_send_check_avocado :
h = utils . sanitize_parse_mode (
' html ' ) . unparse ( t , m . entities ) # HTML
r = re . findall (
r ' Организатор заражения: <a href= " (tg://openmessage \ ?user_id= \ d+|https://t \ .me/ \ w+) " > ' , h )
user_url = r [ 0 ]
# user_id = await get_id(user_url)
if r :
await asyncio . sleep ( random . uniform ( 1 , 2 ) )
logger . info ( f ' auto checking iris -> avocado: { user_url } ' )
m = await client . send_message ( states . where_send_check_avocado , f ' .ч { user_url } ' )
await asyncio . sleep ( random . uniform ( 1 , 5 ) )
await client . delete_messages ( m . chat_id , m . id )
2024-12-13 15:39:48 +02:00
@client.on ( events . NewMessage ( pattern = ' ⏱?🚫 Жертва ' ) )
2024-12-09 13:36:48 +02:00
async def infection_not_found ( event ) :
m = event . message
if m . sender_id != 6333102398 :
elif a_404_patient and m . mentioned :
await asyncio . sleep ( random . uniform ( 1.0001 , 2.22394 ) )
result = await client ( functions . messages . GetBotCallbackAnswerRequest ( # src https://tl.telethon.dev/methods/messages/get_bot_callback_answer.html
peer = m . peer_id ,
msg_id = m . id ,
game = False , # idk why it works only when it false... 0_o
data = m . reply_markup . rows [ 0 ] . buttons [ 0 ] . data
) )
logger . info ( ' trying eat patient ' )
if result . message :
logger . info ( f ' avocado says: { result . message } ' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
@client.on ( events . NewMessage ( pattern = ' 🌡 У вас горячка вызванная ' ) )
async def need_h ( event ) :
m = event . message
# reply = await client.get_messages(m.peer_id, ids=m.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id)
# logger.debug(reply)
2024-12-08 19:36:25 +02:00
if m . sender_id != 6333102398 :
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
elif a_h and m . mentioned :
# нада хил
ah = await message_q ( # отправляет сообщение боту
" Хил " ,
6333102398 ,
mark_read = True ,
delete = False ,
2024-12-09 08:53:35 +02:00
states . stats_medkit + = 1
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
states . last_reply_bioeb_avocado = int (
datetime . timestamp ( event . date ) )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
logger . debug ( ah . text )
logger . warning ( ' Used medkit ' )
elif m . mentioned :
# alternative method: just waiting, this reduce bio-res usage
2024-12-09 08:53:35 +02:00
states . auto_bioeb_sleep_interval = ( 3600 , 3600 )
2024-12-10 14:31:20 +02:00
states . last_reply_bioeb_avocado = int (
datetime . timestamp ( event . date ) )
logger . warning (
' Waiting for infection release... [For skip just bioeb somebody] ' )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
2024-12-09 07:14:32 +02:00
@client.on ( events . NewMessage ( outgoing = True , pattern = r ' \ .bstat$ ' ) )
async def bio_stat ( event ) :
2024-12-09 20:47:56 +02:00
stats_most_chats = states . stats_most_infect_spam_chats . most_common ( )
2024-12-09 07:14:32 +02:00
msg = " Session stats: \n " \
2024-12-09 20:47:56 +02:00
f " Medkit usage: { states . stats_medkit } \n " \
f " Most common chats: \n " \
f " { stats_most_chats } " . replace ( ' , ' , ' \n ' )
2024-12-09 08:05:41 +02:00
await event . edit ( msg )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
@client.on ( events . NewMessage ( outgoing = True , pattern = ' .ping ' ) )
async def cmd_ping ( event ) :
# Say "pong!" whenever you send "!ping", then delete both messages
time_start = time . time ( )
m = await event . reply ( ' pong! ' )
time_end = time . time ( )
delta = int ( round ( ( time_end - time_start ) * 1000 , 0 ) )
await m . edit ( f ' pong message sending time: { delta } ms ' )
await asyncio . sleep ( 10 )
await client . delete_messages ( event . chat_id , [ event . id , m . id ] )
2024-12-18 00:15:40 +02:00
asyncio . ensure_future ( avocmine . automine_avocado_task ( client ) )
2024-12-08 15:03:27 +02:00
await client . run_until_disconnected ( )
2024-12-18 00:15:40 +02:00
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
asyncio . run ( main ( ) )